Ketamine For Anxiety – An Effective Therapy Treatment

Ketamine For Anxiety

eancnstAnxiety disorders are the most common mental illness in the United States, affecting 40 million adults in the United States age 18 and older.1 Unfortunately, many people do not receive adequate treatment for their anxiety disorders. Ketamine for anxiety therapy has been shown to be an effective treatment for anxiety disorders. This may offer new hope to those who have not found relief from traditional therapies.

What Is Ketamine Therapy?

Ketamine is a medication that has been used as an anesthetic for decades. It was developed in the 1950s and is currently approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Ketamine therapy is when ketamine is administered in low doses as a form of treatment for mental health disorders, including anxiety disorder.

Since 2006, ketamine has also played a role in the treatment of depression and anxiety disorders. Ketamine therapy involves administering low doses of the medication either intravenously or intranasally (through the nose) to help reduce symptoms of anxiety.

How Does Ketamine Therapy Work?

Ketamine works by blocking the NMDA receptor, which helps regulate glutamate, an important neurotransmitter responsible for regulating moods. Blocking this receptor allows glutamate to bind to receptors in the brain and create new connections. This can help reduce symptoms associated with anxiety such as fear, worry, restlessness, physical tension, and avoidance behaviors. It can also help to improve mood, energy levels, and overall quality of life.

This allows for more positive thoughts and behaviors to take their place. In addition, ketamine therapy may also work by reducing inflammation in the brain, which is thought to play a role in mental health disorders such as anxiety disorder.

What Are The Benefits Of Ketamine For Anxiety?

The potential benefits of using ketamine for the treatment of anxiety include:

  • Quick relief of anxiety symptoms: Ketamine produces much faster symptom relief compared to traditional antidepressants which can take weeks or even months to have an effect.
  • Treat CRPS: Complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) is a type of chronic pain that is difficult to treat and can be very debilitating. Ketamine has been shown to be effective in providing relief for those who suffer from CRPS.
  • Psychological Healing: By helping to reduce inflammation and create new connections in the brain, it can help to restore balance and aid with psychological healing.
  • Improved mood and quality of life: Many people report improved mood and an overall improvement in their quality of life after being treated with ketamine.
  • Minimal side effects: Ketamine produces fewer side effects than many traditional medications used for anxiety, making it a safer option.
  • Long-term effects: Studies have shown that ketamine can have long-lasting benefits, helping to reduce symptoms of anxiety even after treatment has been stopped.

Types Of Ketamine Treatment For Anxiety

Now, ketamine therapy is offered in different forms such as:

IV Ketamine Infusions Therapy

This involves an intravenous infusion of a low dose of ketamine, which is slowly administered over a set period of time. It is typically administered in a doctor’s office or hospital setting. This type of treatment is usually recommended for individuals who have not found relief from traditional treatments.

IM Intramuscular Injection

This type of ketamine treatment involves an intramuscular injection, which is administered by a healthcare practitioner. This type of treatment is usually recommended for those who need more immediate relief from their anxiety symptoms.

Sublingual Ketamine Therapy

Sublingual ketamine is taken under the tongue and has been found to be effective in treating anxiety disorders. It is the FDA-approved version of ketamine therapy. It is a short-acting medication, meaning the effects are felt quickly and dissipate rapidly.

Nasal Spray

This is a newer form of ketamine treatment that involves applying a low dose of ketamine as a nasal spray. This type of therapy is typically used for individuals who are unable to tolerate traditional treatments, such as IV infusions. This type of treatment is non-invasive and typically has fewer side effects than other forms of ketamine therapy.

Side Effect Of Ketamine Therapy

Although ketamine therapy for anxiety is generally considered safe and side effects are minimal. However, there are some potential risks associated with the use of this medication.

For example, common side effects may include:

  • Nausea and vomiting
  • A feeling of dissociation or detachment from reality
  • Temporary confusion or difficulty in thinking clearly
  • Tiredness or drowsiness
  • High blood pressure and heart rate.
  • Changes in blood pressure (hypertension) and heart rate (tachycardia)
  • Increased agitation or restlessness.

While these side effects typically do not last long, they can be uncomfortable or even frightening. It is important to speak with a doctor or healthcare provider if any of these symptoms occur. Additionally, it is important to note that ketamine should not be used in place of traditional treatments. After that, It is important to speak with a doctor or healthcare provider before starting any new form of treatment.

Alternative Therapies Of Ketamine For Anxiety

There are a few alternative therapies that have been found to be helpful in treating anxiety. For instance, it include:

Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR): MBSR is a technique that focuses on using mindfulness and relaxation techniques as a way to manage stress and reduce symptoms of anxiety.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT): CBT is a form of psychotherapy that helps individuals identify, challenge, and modify negative thoughts and behaviors associated with the disorder.

Exposure Therapy: Exposure therapy is a form of cognitive behavioral therapy in which individual slowly and gradually exposes themselves to situations or triggers that cause anxiety.

Exercise: Exercise has been found to be an effective treatment for reducing symptoms of anxiety. Regular physical activity can help reduce stress levels and improve overall mental health.

Acupuncture And Aromatherapy: Above all acupuncture and aromatherapy have been found to be useful in reducing symptoms of anxiety. These work by stimulating the body’s natural relaxation response.


In short, Ketamine therapy is becoming increasingly popular as a treatment option for those suffering from anxiety. It has been found to be effective in providing relief and can have long-lasting effects. However, it is important to speak with a doctor or healthcare provider before beginning any new form of treatment, including ketamine therapy. Additionally, potential side effects should be considered when making the decision to begin ketamine therapy. With careful consideration and supervision from a certified medical professional, ketamine could potentially provide much-needed relief for individuals who have not found success with traditional treatments for anxiety.

For more information, please contact MantraCare. Anxiety is a feeling of fear, worry, and unease often related to an upcoming event or uncertain outcome. If you have any queries regarding Online Anxiety Counseling experienced therapists at MantraCare can help: Book a trial Anxiety therapy session

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