Is It Normal to Gain Weight During Your Period? Everything You Need to Know

Is It Normal to Gain Weight During Your Period

Is it normal to gain weight during your period? This is a question that many women ask themselves, and the answer is…it depends. While most women do not experience significant weight gain during their periods, some do. In this blog post, we will discuss the causes of weight gain during menstruation and provide tips for preventing it. We will also dispel some myths about period-related weight gain!

Is Weight Gain During Period Is Normal?

Is Weight Gain During Period Is Normal?There are a lot of changes that occur in a woman’s body during her menstrual cycle, and weight gain is one of them. So, YES it is true that you may gain a few pounds during your period.

Most of the weight gain is due to water retention and not actual fat. The good news is that it’s only temporary and you will probably lose the weight as soon as your period is over.

It is also considered normal because many women experience an increase in appetite and cravings around the time of their period. This can lead to weight gain, bloating, and water retention. Moreover, it is also known as a PMS symptom that can be accompanied by fatigue, irritability, and mood swings.

If you are concerned about the weight gain during your period, then there are a few things that you can do to manage it. But you should not worry because it is actually quite normal.

Other Symptoms During Periods

Weight gain is one of the most common symptoms during periods, but it is not the only symptom. Some other symptoms can be physical and emotional changes, for example:

  • Abdominal bloating
  • Constipation
  • Diarrhea
  • Headaches, backaches
  • Mood swings
  • PMS (premenstrual syndrome)
  • Tender breasts
  • Fatigue and difficulty sleeping
  • Acne
  • Crying spells

All of these symptoms are normal and usually go away after a few days. However, if you are concerned about any of these symptoms, please consult with your doctor.

It is also said that the symptoms and mood swings change each month. Because women tend to have different hormonal levels each month, the severity of symptoms may change from month to month.

Causes Of Weight Gain During Period

There are many reasons why you might gain weight during your period. Some of these include:

Hormonal changes

Hormonal changesThe hormones that control your period can also affect your appetite and how your body stores fat. It is believed to cause water retention which can lead to weight gain.

Before periods, estrogen and progesterone levels in your body rise. This can lead to fluid retention and bloating, which can make you feel heavier.

During your period, estrogen and progesterone levels fall sharply. This can cause cravings for high-sugar or high-fat foods. It can also lead to water retention and bloating. Due to this, you might feel weight increases but not fat.

And water retention causes swelling and puffiness in your breasts. In this way, your body can store more fat than usual, which can lead to weight gain.

Your period can also cause you to retain water. This is because when you have your period, your body releases chemicals called prostaglandins. These chemicals make your uterus contract and shed its lining. They also cause inflammation, which can lead to fluid retention.

Craving certain foods

You may find yourself craving high-fat or sugary foods just before your period starts. These cravings can contribute to overeating and weight gain. Some research suggests that this may be due to changes in hormones during the menstrual cycle.

However, it’s not clear why these hormonal changes lead to cravings for specific foods. But progesterone is a type of hormone that is known as an appetite stimulant. And as this rise and fall in progesterone levels occur during the menstrual cycle, it may explain why some women have cravings just before their period.

Also, serotonin is a type of neurotransmitter that can affect mood. And levels of serotonin are known to decline just before the start of your period. This dip in serotonin may also contribute to cravings and overeating.

Gastrointestinal issues

The fluctuations of hormones during the menstrual week can also lead to issues like bloating, gas, constipation, diarrhea, and pain. This is because the levels of progesterone increase, which can cause slow bowel movements. This can then lead to water retention and bloat.

For some women, this may even be a week-long struggle. The hormones that are responsible for causing these issues are the same ones that can lead to weight gain. So, if you’re feeling particularly bloated or gassy, it might be due to your period.

Lack of magnesium

Lack of magnesiumDuring periods, it is normal to experience a decrease in magnesium. This occurs because magnesium is used by the body to make new cells, and during periods, the body is shedding old uterine lining. A magnesium deficiency can lead to weight gain, water retention, and fatigue.

It is actually a mineral that regulates over 300 biochemical reactions in the body, so it’s pretty important. It helps with blood sugar control, lowers blood pressure, and keeps your heart healthy.

A lot of women experience a decrease in magnesium during their period, which can lead to weight gain and water retention. For example, when a woman feels dehydrated, her body will hold onto water weight.

Skipping workouts

It is very common to want to skip workouts during your period. You may feel tired and crampy, and the last thing you want to do is get sweaty. But exercise can actually help alleviate some of the symptoms of PMS, like cramps and fatigue.

Also, it feels uncomfortable to do a workout during the menstrual cycle. Thus many women actually skip their workouts during this time. In this way, it becomes more obvious to weight gain during the period.

More often than not, you are not actually gaining fat during your period. Also, workouts can make you feel better and help ease period symptoms.

So, these are some causes that lead to weight gain during the period. Although it is normal to experience some weight gain if you feel like your weight gain is out of control. It may be time to talk to your doctor. They can help you get to the root of the problem and find a solution that works for you.

Tips To Treatment

Tips To TreatmentThere are several things that you can do in order to ease the symptoms of weight gain during your period. Some of these include:

Increase water intake

It may sound counterintuitive, but one of the best things that you can do when you are feeling bloated is to increase your water intake. This will help to flush out any excess salt and water that your body is retaining. For example, during a period, many women retain water due to the hormone progesterone. so, increased water intake can help to reduce the amount of water retention.

Choose the right foods

While you may be craving comfort foods during your period, it is important to try and eat healthy meals. This means avoiding processed foods and choosing instead to eat whole, unprocessed foods. Eating healthy will help to reduce bloating and ease some of the other symptoms of your period.

Cut back on sodium

Another way to reduce bloating is to cut back on your sodium intake. This means avoiding processed foods and choosing instead to cook your meals from scratch. When cooking, use fresh herbs and spices instead of salt to flavor your food. Moreover, this can help to reduce water retention.

Consider magnesium supplements

Weight gain during the period is actually caused by water retention. So, if you are looking for a way to reduce the amount of water your body is retaining, consider taking magnesium supplements. Magnesium can help to reduce bloating and ease some of the other symptoms of your period. There are several ways you can take magnesium, including through your diet and supplements.

Keep moving

During periods, it is very common for women to feel lethargic and want to lounge around in their trousers all day. While there is nothing wrong with taking it easy once in a while, periods are not the time to turn into a couch potato. This is why it is important to get moving, only walking for half an hour each day can help alleviate period symptoms and make you feel better all around.

So, these are some tips that can help you deal with weight gain during your period. As long as you keep moving, stay hydrated and eat healthily, you should be able to manage any extra weight gain without too much trouble. Just remember that everybody is different and what works for one person might not work for another. If you are really struggling, talk to a professional.

Prevention Tips

Obviously, there is some prevention because the period or menstrual is about a whole month. And, during the month you can actually gain up to five pounds. So, there are some things that you can do in order to prevent weight gain or even lose weight during your period.

Exercise regularly

Exercise regularlyThis is often an important factor in order to prevent weight gain during your period. And, it can also help with cramps and bloating. When you are on your period, you tend to have less energy. So, it is important to get moving and get some exercise in order to help with that fatigue. Moreover, when you are regular on something, it becomes a habit. So, if you make exercise a habit, then it will be easier to do when you have your period and are feeling tired or sluggish.

Watch what you eat

This is another important factor. You want to make sure that you are eating healthy and not overeating. And it is necessary for a whole month and not just only during your period. When you are on your period, you might have cravings for unhealthy foods. So, it is important to be aware of what you are eating and make sure that you are getting the nutrients that your body needs.

Limit caffeine intake

Caffeine and sugar are two major contributors to weight gain. If you’re trying to limit your calorie intake, it’s important to be aware of how much caffeine and sugar you’re consuming. Caffeine is a natural diuretic, which means it helps to flush water out of your system. This can lead to dehydration and water retention, both of which can cause weight gain. Sugar is also a major contributor to weight gain. When you consume sugar, your body releases insulin, which tells your cells to store fat.

Give yourself time

It is important to self-care and gives yourself time to relax. During your period and even an entire month, you have to give your body the time to recover and heal. This will help you balance your hormones and reduce stress levels, which can lead to weight gain. If you take care and give yourself time to relax, you will feel good and your body will function better.

Stay hydrated

Stay hydratedMany problems originate because of dehydration. Whenever you have your period, make sure to drink a lot of water and eat healthy foods. This will help you balance out your hormones and reduce inflammation. In fact, in order to prevent weight gain during the period, you should make sure to drink at least eight glasses of water every day.

So, these are some ways through which you can prevent weight gain during your period. Just make sure to follow these tips and you’ll be fine. Stay healthy!


To conclude, weight gain during the period is quite normal. However, if you are gaining a lot of weight, then it is time to speak to your doctor. But also remember, there is a difference between weight gain and fat gain. So, don’t freak out if you see the number on the scale going up!

But of course, to reduce the overall symptoms and to stay happy during the period, a balanced diet and light exercise is always recommended by doctors. So, make sure to take care of yourself!

However, if you are struggling with your weight, then you can talk to a professional at Mantra Care for help! Talking to them and help from a therapist and dietician can make a world of difference.

We can help you develop a healthy weight loss plan that is tailored to your specific needs and goals. As always, consult with a dietitian or nutritionist if you have any questions or concerns about starting a new diet or management of your weight!

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