Physical Therapy for Hip Pain

Physical Therapy for Hip Pain

Hip pain is a common problem, and it can be debilitating. If you’re suffering from hip pain, there are a few things you can do to try and relieve the pain. One of those things is physical therapy. Physical therapy can help you regain strength and mobility in your hips, which can reduce hip pain and help you get back to your normal routine more quickly. In this blog post, we’ll discuss the basics of physical therapy for hip pain and some of the benefits it has to offer.

What Is Hip Pain?

What Is Hip Pain?

Hip pain is a common complaint and can be caused by a variety of factors. Also, Hip pain may be the result of arthritis, trauma, or tumors. Hip pain can also be caused by a problem with the hip joint itself, such as improper alignment or damage to the cartilage.

Signs and causes of hip pain may include:

-Aching, stiffness, or pain in the hip area
-Sudden onset of pain that is greater than usual
-Reduced range of motion in the hip joint
-Difficulty climbing stairs or walking long distances

Reasons for hip pain may include:

-Trauma, such as a fall or a car accident
-Tumors, such as a breast cancer tumor
-Infection, such as infection of the hip joint from a bladder infection

Treating hip pain will depend on the underlying cause. Treatment may include medications, surgery, or a combination of both.

Physical Therapy for Hip Pain

Using physical therapy can be one way to treat hip pain. Physical therapy can help you regain strength and mobility in your hips, which can reduce hip pain and help you get back to your normal routine more quickly.

Physical therapy may include exercises that focus on the hip joint itself, as well as exercises that work muscles throughout the body. A physical therapist may also use devices, such as a treadmill or a stationary bike, to help you improve your mobility.

Physical therapy for hip pain can be an effective way to treat the underlying cause of your hip pain and improve your overall quality of life.

Different Types of Physical Therapy for Hip Pain

Different Types of Physical Therapy for Hip Pain

If you are experiencing hip pain, there are a few different types of physical therapy that may be effective for treating it. Tissue mobilization is a type of physical therapy that can help to relieve pressure and inflammation in the hip joint. This type of therapy can be done using various techniques, such as using your body weight or using a manual or electronic device.

Another type of physical therapy that can be used to treat hip pain is ultrasound therapy. This treatment uses high-frequency sound waves to break up scar tissue and cause the tissues surrounding the hip joint to heal. Ultrasound therapy is often used in conjunction with other physical therapies, such as massage and heat treatments.

Some other types of therapies are:


One type of massage that is often used to treat hip pain is Swedish massage. This massage technique uses pressure and finger strokes to help to release tension in the muscles around the hip joint. These massages also promote circulation and can help to relieve pain and inflammation.

Hot/Cold Therapy

Hot/cold therapy is another type of physical therapy that can be used to treat hip pain. This therapy uses heat or cold to cause the muscles around the hip joint to relax. This can help to relieve pain and improve mobility in the hip joint.

Percutaneous Elevation Devices (PEDs)

PEDs are devices that are used to raise the hip joint off the floor. PEDs can be used in combination with other physical therapies, such as massage, hot/cold therapy, and ultrasound therapy, to provide the best treatment for hip pain.

Needle Therapy

An injection of corticosteroids or other medications into the hip joint can help to reduce pain and inflammation. This type of therapy is often used in combination with other physical therapies, such as massage and hot/cold therapy.

Manual Therapy

One type of manual therapy that is used to treat hip pain is mobilization. This type of therapy can help to remove pressure and inflammation from the hip joint. Manual therapies can be done using your body weight, a manual or electronic device, or a combination of these techniques.

A physical therapist can help to determine the best type of physical therapy for you. They will also provide instructions on how to complete the therapy sessions.

Why Do People Use Physical Therapy for Hip Pain?

Why Do People Use Physical Therapy for Hip Pain?

Hip pain is a common problem, and there are many possible causes. Hip pain can be caused by arthritis, a hernia, or a fracture. Physical therapy may help relieve hip pain if the cause is known and treatment is directed at the specific issue.

Some of the reasons why people may prefer using physical therapy for hip pain include:

Improves Flexibility

One of the main reasons why physical therapy can help relieve hip pain is by improving flexibility. When joints are flexible, they can move more easily and pain can be reduced.

Reduces Stress on the Joints
Physical therapy also helps reduce stress on the joints. When the body is under less pressure, it’s easier for the body to heal and relieve hip pain.

Helps Improve Movement
Physical therapy also helps improve movement. This can help reduce the chances of developing further hip pain or injury. Movement makes it a  lot easier for the body to heal itself.

Improves Range of Motion
Physical therapy also helps improve the range of motion. This means that the joint can move in all directions without pain. Range of motion makes it a lot easier for the body to heal and relieve hip pain.

Improves Strength and Mobility
Physical therapy also helps improve strength and mobility. This can help reduce the chances of developing further hip pain or injury. Also, increased strength and mobility can help people to move around more easily, which can also help to reduce hip pain.

Physical therapy is not always covered by insurance and may have a cost associated with it. However, many people find that the benefits of physical therapy are worth the price. Sometimes, the cost of physical therapy can be covered by a health insurance plan.


Sometimes, the effectiveness of physical therapy can be determined by a person’s pain level. If the pain is not reduced by physical therapy, there may be other causes for the pain that needs to be investigated. In this case, it may be necessary to see a doctor. Also, some people find that physical therapy is more effective than other forms of treatment for hip pain.

Steps To Take Physical Therapy for Hip Pain

Steps To Take Physical Therapy for Hip Pain

Taking therapy for hip pain can help to improve your ability to move and function correctly. Here are some steps you can take to begin treatment:

Know Your Goals

One of the main goals of physical therapy for hip pain is to help you regain functionality and improve your range of motion. You will need to discuss your goals with your therapist to achieve the best results. Also, be sure to keep a record of your progress so that you can review it regularly.

Identify the Cause of Your Hip Pain

Your therapist will help you to identify the cause of your hip pain. This may include identifying any muscles or joints that are contributing to the problem. Once you have determined the cause, your therapist can provide targeted exercises and stretches to help improve your condition.

Assess Your Condition Regularly

Physical therapy for hip pain is not a quick fix. It takes time and effort to see significant improvements. Therefore, it is important to make regular visits with your therapist to maintain your progress. This will help to avoid any setbacks and ensure that you receive the most benefit from the therapy.

Schedule a Consultation

If you would like more information about physical therapy for hip pain, please schedule a consultation with one of our therapists. We can provide you with a detailed evaluation and recommend the best course of action for your situation. Convenient online appointments are available on our website.

Make a Plan

Physical therapy for hip pain often includes exercises and stretches. Before starting any treatments, it is important to create a plan that outlines what you want to accomplish. This will help you stay on track and make sure you are working as hard as possible.

Ask For Help

If you find that physical therapy for hip pain is not providing the relief you are looking for, it is important to ask for help. Your therapist may be able to recommend other treatments or resources that can help you get back to your normal lifestyle. This help may also be available through our clinic.


Hip pain is a common problem, and unfortunately, there isn’t always a simple answer when it comes to alleviating the pain. However, if you are suffering from hip pain that is causing significant discomfort or has become resistant to treatment with other methods such as medications or physical therapy, surgical intervention might be your best bet. If you are considering surgery for your hip pain, be sure to speak with a qualified medical professional about all of your options so that you can make an informed decision. We provide effective Hip Pain Treatment.

Physical Therapy help patients recover from pain. If you’re experiencing Back painShoulder painKnee painNeck painElbow painHip pain, or Arthritis pain, a physical therapist at MantraCare can help: Book a physiotherapy session.

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