How Physical Therapy Can Help Relieve Rotator Cuff Tendinitis

How Physical Therapy Can Help Relieve Rotator Cuff Tendinitis

Rotator cuff tendinitis is a condition that can cause a great deal of pain and discomfort. If you are suffering from this condition, you may be wondering if physical therapy can help. In this blog post, we will discuss the benefits of physical therapy for rotator cuff tendinitis. We will also provide tips on how to find the best physical therapist for your needs.

What Is Rotator Cuff Tendinitis?

What Is Rotator Cuff Tendinitis?

A rotator cuff is a group of four muscles and tendons that attach your shoulder blade to your upper arm. These muscles and tendons help lift your arm. They also stabilize your shoulder joint.

Tendinitis is the inflammation of these tendons. The condition can cause pain and weakness in your shoulder. There are many things that can lead to the development of rotator cuff tendinitis. These include overuse, injury, and degeneration of the tendons. The symptoms of rotator cuff tendinitis include pain, weakness, and stiffness in the shoulder. The pain may be worse when you try to lift your arm or when you sleep on your affected side.The symptoms may also get worse over time. It is often recommended as a treatment for rotator cuff tendinitis. Physical therapy can help improve the range of motion and reduce pain.

How Is Rotator Cuff Tendinitis Treated?

How Is Rotator Cuff Tendinitis Treated?

There are various treatment options for rotator cuff tendinitis. They are as follows:


This is the most important treatment for rotator cuff tendinitis. The shoulder should be rested as much as possible to allow the inflammation to subside. For instance, avoid overhead activities and lifting objects above shoulder level. You may need to wear a sling for a week or two.


Applying ice to the affected shoulder several times a day can help reduce the pain and inflammation associated with rotator cuff tendinitis. For instance, you can place an ice pack on the shoulder for 15-20 minutes at a time.


Applying heat to the affected shoulder several times a day can also help reduce the pain and inflammation associated with rotator cuff tendinitis. For example, you could use a heating pad set on low or take a warm shower.

Anti-inflammatory medications

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), such as ibuprofen or naproxen, can be effective in reducing the pain and inflammation associated with rotator cuff tendinitis. For example, you could take over-the-counter ibuprofen or naproxen.

Strengthening exercises

Once the pain and inflammation associated with rotator cuff tendinitis have decreased, your physical therapist may prescribe exercises to help strengthen the muscles and tendons around the shoulder.For example, you might do some arm raises or other exercises with dumbbells.

Stretching exercises

Stretching the muscles and tendons around the shoulder can also help reduce the pain and inflammation associated with rotator cuff tendinitis. For example, you might do some shoulder stretches or neck stretches.


Massaging the muscles and tendons around the shoulder can also help reduce the pain and inflammation associated with rotator cuff tendinitis. For example, you could have a professional massage or use a massager at home.


Applying ultrasound to the affected shoulder can also help reduce the pain and inflammation associated with rotator cuff tendinitis. For example, your physical therapist may use a handheld ultrasound device to massage the affected area.

Electrical stimulation

Applying electrical stimulation to the affected shoulder can also help reduce the pain and inflammation associated with rotator cuff tendinitis. For example, your physical therapist may use a TENS unit to deliver electrical impulses to the affected area.

Physical therapy

A physical therapist can design a specific exercise program to stretch and strengthen the muscles and tendons around the shoulder. This can help reduce the chances of recurrence of rotator cuff tendinitis.


In some cases, surgery may be necessary to repair the damaged tendon.

If you think you may have rotator cuff tendinitis, it is important to see your doctor so that an accurate diagnosis can be made and appropriate treatment can be started.

Can Physical Therapy Help Rotator Cuff tendonitis?

Yes, physical therapy can help relieve pain and improve function in patients with rotator cuff tendinitis. A rotator cuff is a group of four muscles and tendons that attach the shoulder blade to the upper arm bone. These muscles and tendons help lift the arm. The rotator cuff tendons can become irritated and inflamed from overuse or injury. This condition is called rotator cuff tendinitis.

Physical therapy for rotator cuff tendinitis usually includes a combination of exercises and hands-on treatments. The goal of physical therapy is to reduce pain and inflammation, improve range of motion, and strengthen the muscles and tendons around the shoulder.

What kind of physical therapy is good for shoulder tendonitis?

There are various physical therapy exercises that are good for rotator cuff tendinitis. They are as follows:

 Shoulder shrugs: This is a very simple exercise that can be done anywhere, anytime. Just raise your shoulders up to your ears and then release. Repeat this 10-15 times.

Pendulum swing: Hang your arm down from a door frame or any other support and let it swing in a circular motion. Do this for 2-3 minutes.

Arm circles: Stand straight and raise your arms out to the sides. Now, start making small circles with your arms. After 30 seconds, increase the size of the circles. Repeat this 10 times in each direction.

Wall press: Stand with your back against a wall and your feet shoulder-width apart. Place your palms on the wall at chest level and slowly start pushing yourself away from the wall. Hold this position for 5 seconds and then return to the starting position. Repeat this 10 times.

External rotation: Sit on a chair with a towel rolled up and placed under your armpit. Now, holding a lightweight in your hand, rotate your arm outwards. Return to the starting position and repeat 10 times.

You can do these exercises at home or at the gym. However, it is always advisable to consult a physical therapist before starting any kind of exercise program.

What Are The Benefits of Physical Therapy In Rotator Cuff Tendinitis?

There are various benefits of physical Therapy In Rotator Cuff Tendinitis. They are as follows:

Improves the range of motion

Physical therapy can help to improve the range of motion in the shoulder. This is essential for people suffering from rotator cuff tendinitis as it helps them to regain movement and prevents the condition from getting worse.

Reduces pain and inflammation

Physical therapy can also help to reduce pain and inflammation in the shoulder. This is important for people suffering from rotator cuff tendinitis as it helps them to recover quickly and prevent the condition from getting worse.

Strengthens the muscles

Physical therapy can also help to strengthen the muscles around the shoulder. This is important for people suffering from rotator cuff tendinitis as it helps them to support the joint and prevent the condition from getting worse.

Improves circulation

Physical therapy can also help to improve circulation in the shoulder. This is important for people suffering from rotator cuff tendinitis as it helps to reduce inflammation and pain.

Reduces stress

Physical therapy can also help to reduce stress in the shoulder. This is important for people suffering from rotator cuff tendinitis as it helps them to recover quickly and prevent the condition from getting worse.

Physical therapy can help to improve the range of motion, reduce pain and inflammation, strengthen the muscles, improve circulation, and reduce stress in the shoulder. This is important for people suffering from rotator cuff tendinitis as it helps them to recover quickly and prevent the condition from getting worse.


The limitations of physical therapy for rotator cuff tendinitis are as follows:

  • Cannot completely cure the condition;
  • May not be able to prevent the condition from recurring;
  • Not be suitable for everyone, especially those with severe cases of rotator cuff tendinitis.

Nonetheless, physical therapy is still considered an effective treatment option for rotator cuff tendinitis and can help to relieve the symptoms and improve the function of the affected shoulder.


It may be concluded that rotator cuff tendinitis physical therapy is an effective treatment for the condition. The therapist may use a variety of techniques to help relieve the pain and inflammation associated with the condition. These techniques may include massage, stretching, and exercises. Physical therapy can help to improve the range of motion and function of the shoulder. It is important to follow the therapist’s instructions carefully to avoid further injury.

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