The Importance of Physical Therapy in Treating Spina Bifida

The Importance of Physical Therapy in Treating Spina Bifida

Did you know that physical therapy can play a critical role in the treatment of spina bifida? In this blog post, we will discuss the importance of physical therapy in helping people with spina bifida live healthy, active lives. We will also explore some of the common problems that people with spina bifida experience and how physical therapy can help address them. If you have a loved one who has been diagnosed with spina bifida, be sure to read this post!

What Is Spina Bifida?

What Is Spina Bifida?

Spina bifida is a birth defect in which the spinal cord fails to develop properly. This can lead to problems with movement and sensation in the lower body.

Physical therapy can help improve movement and sensation in people with spina bifida. It can also help reduce pain and improve quality of life.

There are many ways to get regular physical activity. Some people with spina bifida may need to use adaptive equipment, such as a wheelchair, to help them exercise. Others may be able to do more traditional types of exercise, such as walking, running, or swimming.

Can physical therapy Help Spina Bifida?

Yes. Physical therapy can help people with spina bifida by improving their strength, flexibility, and range of motion. PT can also help reduce pain and improve mobility. For instance, people with spina bifida often have difficulty walking. Physical therapy can help them learn how to walk correctly and improve their balance.

Physical therapy can also help people with spina bifida who have problems with bowel or bladder control. PT can teach them exercises to strengthen the muscles around the pelvis, which can help improve control.

In addition, people with spina bifida often have trouble sleeping. Physical therapy can help them by teaching them exercises to improve their sleep quality.

Overall, physical therapy can help people with spina bifida live healthier and more independent lives. If you or someone you know has spina bifida, talk to a doctor about whether PT could help.

What Are The Equipment Used?

The equipment used in Spina Bifida is as follows:

  • Braces: These are often used to support the spine and help with alignment.
  • Exercise equipment: This can be used to help improve strength, flexibility, and range of motion.
  • Adaptive equipment: This can be used to help with activities of daily living and mobility.
  • Orthotics: These are devices that can be used to support the feet or legs.
  • Wheelchairs: These may be necessary for people with Spina Bifida who have difficulty walking.

What Kind Of Physical Therapy Is Important for Spina Bifida?

What Kind Of Physical Therapy Is Important for Spina Bifida?

There is various physical therapy which is important for Spina Bifida. They are as follows:

Aqua Therapy

It is defined as the use of water for therapeutic purposes. The water temperature and depth are carefully monitored to help patients relax their muscles and work on their range of motion. Patients with Spina Bifida can also work on their balance, coordination, and strength in the water without putting any stress on their joints.

Occupational Therapy

It is defined as a type of therapy that helps people with physical, mental, or developmental disabilities to participate in everyday activities. Occupational therapists work with patients to help them improve their ability to perform tasks in their daily life. For patients with Spina Bifida, occupational therapy can help improve their fine motor skills, gross motor skills, and sensory processing.

Physical Therapy

It is defined as a type of therapy that uses exercises and other methods to improve a person’s physical condition. Physical therapists work with patients to help them improve their strength, range of motion, and endurance. For patients with Spina Bifida, physical therapy can help improve their ability to ambulate (walk) and participate in other activities.

Recreational Therapy

It is defined as a type of therapy that uses recreational activities to improve a person’s physical, mental, and emotional well-being. Recreational therapists work with patients to help them participate in activities that they enjoy. For patients with Spina Bifida, recreational therapy can help improve their social skills, self-esteem, and sense of accomplishment.

Speech Therapy

It is defined as a type of therapy that helps people with communication disorders. Speech therapists work with patients to help them improve their ability to produce and understand speech. For patients with Spina Bifida, speech therapy can help improve their ability to communicate their needs and wants.

Therapeutic Exercise

It is defined as a type of therapy that uses exercises to improve a person’s physical condition. Therapeutic exercises are designed to target specific muscles or groups of muscles. For patients with Spina Bifida, therapeutic exercise can help improve their strength, range of motion, and endurance.


It is defined as a type of exercise that uses controlled movements and breathing to improve a person’s physical and mental well-being. Yoga can help improve a person’s flexibility, strength, and balance. For patients with Spina Bifida, yoga can help improve their range of motion and muscle control.

Each type of physical therapy is important for spina bifida in its way. Aqua therapy helps patients relax their muscles while occupational therapy helps improve their ability to perform everyday tasks.

How Can Physical Therapy Help In Spina Bifida?

Physical therapy can help spina bifida patients in many ways. They are as follows:

Improve or maintain mobility

Physical therapy can help improve a patient’s range of motion and ability to walk. It can also help prevent or delay the need for surgery.

Reduce pain

Physical therapy can help reduce pain caused by spina bifida, pressure sores, and other complications.

Improve bladder and bowel function

Physical therapy can help improve bladder and bowel function. This can help reduce the risk of urinary tract infections and other problems.

Prevent or treat contractures

Physical therapy can help prevent or treat contractures, which are permanent deformities of the joints caused by muscle imbalance.

Enhance strength and endurance

Most people with spina bifida require some type of surgery to close the defect in their spine. This helps to prevent further damage to the spinal cord and nerves. After surgery, many people with spina bifida need physical therapy to help them regain strength and mobility.

Regular physical activity can help people with spina bifida to improve their strength and endurance. This can make everyday activities, such as walking and climbing stairs, easier. Physical activity can also help reduce fatigue.

Promote independent living skills

Physical therapy can help people with spina bifida to develop or regain skills that are important for independent living. These skills may include activities such as dressing, grooming, and using the restroom.

Prevent or slow the progression of secondary conditions

such as scoliosis: Secondary conditions are common in people with spina bifida. They can include problems such as weak bones (osteoporosis), joint pain, and scoliosis (a curvature of the spine). Physical therapy can help to prevent or slow the progression of these conditions.

Improve mental health

People with spina bifida often face many challenges in their lives. This can lead to feelings of depression, anxiety, and low self-esteem. Physical therapy can help to improve mental health by providing a sense of accomplishment and increasing social interaction.

Improve the quality of life overall

Physical therapy can help people with spina bifida to improve their quality of life by increasing their independence, reducing pain, and improving their overall fitness.

Physical therapists will work with patients to develop an individualized treatment plan that addresses their specific needs and goals. Treatment may include exercises to improve strength, flexibility, and range of motion; techniques to reduce pain; and instruction in the use of adaptive equipment.

It’s important to talk with a doctor or physical therapist before starting an exercise program. They can help create a plan that is safe and effective for each person.


It may be concluded that spina bifida physical therapy can help improve the quality of life for those with the condition. It can help to reduce pain, increase mobility, and improve function. There are a variety of treatment options available, and it is important to work with a qualified physical therapist to find the best plan for each individual.

In addition, physical therapists can guide energy conservation techniques and advice on how to pace activity levels to prevent fatigue. They can also recommend adaptive equipment to help people with spina bifida participate in physical activity and exercise.

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