What Is The Sprained Ankle Recovery Time: Things You Need To Know

What Is The Sprained Ankle Recovery Time: Things You Need To Know

If you have recently sprained your ankle, you may be wondering how long it will take to recover. This is a common injury, and the recovery time can vary depending on the severity of the sprain. In this blog post, we will discuss the different types of ankle sprains, as well as the various factors that can affect sprained ankle recovery time. We will also provide some tips for speeding up the healing process.

What Is Sprained Ankle?

What Is Sprained Ankle?A sprained ankle is one of the most common injuries. It occurs when you roll, twist, or turn your ankle in an awkward way, causing the ligaments to stretch or tear. The most common symptom of a sprained ankle is pain and swelling. However, depending on the severity of the injury, you may also experience bruising, instability, and difficulty walking.

It is often believed that the best way to treat a sprained ankle is with the RICE method: rest, ice, compression, and elevation. However, recent research has shown that this may not be the most effective treatment. Instead, it is recommended that you keep moving and weight-bearing as tolerated to promote healing.

Many people might wonder about the sprained ankle recovery time. Hence, here we will further discuss it.

How Long Does It Take For A Sprained Ankle To Heal?

The healing time for a sprained ankle depends on the severity of the injury. In most cases, the ligaments will heal within 6-8 weeks. However, it may take longer if the injury is severe. Once the ligaments have healed, you may need to do physical therapy to regain the full range of motion and strength in your ankle.

There are several studies that tell about the sprained ankle recovery time. In one study, it was found that 97% of patients who had surgery for a sprained ankle had full recovery within one year. However, those who did not have surgery had only a 50-80% chance of fully recovering.

Another study followed patients for five years after they had surgery for a sprained ankle. They found that 85% of patients had good or excellent results. This means that their ankle was as strong as it was before they sprained it or even stronger.

If you have a sprained ankle, it is important to see a doctor so that you can get the proper treatment. Depending on the severity of your injury, your doctor may recommend surgery, physical therapy, or a combination of both. With the proper treatment, you can expect to make a full recovery and get back to your normal activities.

What Factors Affect The Recovery Time?

What Factors Affect The Recovery Time?There are many factors that can affect the recovery time for a sprained ankle. Let’s discuss some of the most common ones:

  • The severity of the sprain: A mild sprain will usually heal within a few weeks, while a more severe sprain may take several months.
  • Type of ankle injury: There are three grades of ankle sprains, with grade one being the mildest and grade three being the most severe. Grade one and two sprains usually heal within a few weeks, while grade three sprains can take several months.
  • Location of the injury: A sprain that occurs on the outside of the ankle is usually more severe than one that occurs on the inside. This is because there is more ligament tissue on the outside of the ankle.
  • Age of the patient: Younger patients tend to heal more quickly than older patients. This is because younger patients have more collagen in their ligaments, which helps to speed up the healing process.
  • The overall health of the patient: Patients who are generally healthy and have no other underlying medical conditions tend to heal more quickly than those who are not as healthy.
  • Treatment: Patients who receive treatment for their ankle sprain, such as physical therapy, tend to have a shorter recovery time than those who do not receive treatment.

These factors are considered when doctors are trying to determine the sprained ankle recovery time for their patients. Because there are so many factors that can affect recovery time, it is difficult to give a definitive answer for how long it will take to recover from a sprained ankle. However, most patients will usually heal within a few weeks to a few months.

If you have recently sprained your ankle, be sure to see your doctor so they can determine the severity of your injury and create a treatment plan that is right for you. With proper treatment, you will be on your way to recovery in no time!

What Helps A Sprained Ankle Heal Faster?

What Helps A Sprained Ankle Heal Faster?If you’re looking for ways to speed up the healing process of your sprained ankle, there are a few things you can do. Some of the tips are listed below:

Follow the doctor’s instructions

It is one of the most important things you can do to help your sprained ankle heal faster. The doctor will give you specific instructions on how to treat your injury and what you should do to speed up the healing process. Make sure you follow these instructions carefully.

Elevate your ankle

Elevating your ankle above the level of your heart will help reduce swelling. prop your ankle up on a pillow or cushions. Try to keep your foot at or above the level of your hip. Put ice on your ankle

Applying ice to your ankle can help reduce swelling and pain. Put ice in a plastic bag, then wrap it in a towel. Apply it to your ankle for 15-20 minutes every 3-4 hours. You can also use a bag of frozen vegetables. Do not put ice directly on your skin.

Take pain relievers

You can take over-the-counter pain relievers, such as ibuprofen (Advil) or naproxen (Aleve) to help reduce pain and swelling. Do not take these for more than 3 days in a row. It is, however, prescribed to people with severe pain. Medicines are always taken as per the doctor’s prescription.

Consider massage

Sometimes, a good massage can help with the pain and swelling of a sprained ankle. For example, you could try:

  • Applying ice to the area for 10-15 minutes at a time
  • Gently rubbing the area with your hands
  • Using a rolling pin or tennis ball to massage the area
  • Taking a warm bath or using a heating pad on low settings

If you’re not sure how to give yourself a massage, you can always see a professional. Just make sure to let them know about your injury beforehand.

Maintain healthy lifestyle

A healthy lifestyle is always the best way to maintain a fast recovery time, as well as prevent injuries in the first place. This means eating a balanced diet, staying hydrated, and getting enough sleep. It also means avoiding harmful habits like smoking and excessive drinking.

Additionally, regular exercise is important for both maintaining a healthy weight and strengthening the muscles and ligaments around the ankle. This will help to prevent injuries in the future and promote a faster recovery if an injury does occur.

All in all, these are a few tips that can help you in a faster recovery from a sprained ankle. In fact, this can prevent further injuries as well. So, make sure to follow them and have a speedy recovery!

Is It OK Walk On A Sprained Ankle?

Is It OK Walk On A Sprained Ankle?While it is possible to walk on a sprained ankle, it is not recommended. Walking on a sprained ankle can delay the healing process and may lead to further injury. In simple words, it is not OKAY to walk on a sprained ankle.


For example, if you have a low-grade sprain, it is estimated that you will need to rest for two to three weeks. This means no walking or running during this time. However, you may be able to put weight on your ankle as long as it is not painful to do so.

If you have a moderate or severe sprain, the recovery time is usually longer. For instance, a moderate sprain may take four to six weeks to heal, while a severe sprain can take several months. In some cases, surgery may be required to repair torn ligaments.

In general, the recovery time for a sprained ankle will depend on the severity of the injury. And walking should be avoided until the ankle has healed completely.


In a nutshell, sprained ankle recovery time is often determined by the severity of the sprain. Grade I and II sprain typically heal within a few weeks, while grade III sprains may take several months. However, depending on the individual, some may experience lingering effects even after the ankle has healed.

If you are still struggling with pain, swelling, or instability after several weeks, it is important to consult with a doctor or physical therapist to ensure that you are on the right track to recovery. They may recommend additional exercises, treatments, or therapies to help you finally get back to your normal self.

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