Ayurvedic Treatment For PCOS | PCOS Treatment


What is PCOS?

What is PCOS

PCOS stands for Polycystic Ovary Syndrome. The syndrome affects 6 to 12% (as many as 5 million) of US women who are in their conception age. The medical condition refers to the situation when the ovaries start to form cysts all over. In some cases, the syndrome stays for a long time and the doctors cannot treat it with any medicines. That is where people refer to the ayurvedic treatment for PCOS. It affects their functioning significantly. According to the analysis of the female reproductive system, ovaries are the production house of reproductive eggs. They are responsible for the transportation of ova (the reproductive eggs) in the fallopian tube. There, they meet the male reproductive sperms and initiate the process of reproduction. 

PCOS Treatment

PCOS is a syndrome that is quite uncertain to treat. Women with PCOS find it challenging to figure out the best method to get rid of PCOS. There are several modes in which you can take the treatment of the syndrome. But, you must consult your doctor before taking any medication. Even if it is something from your home and nature itself, you must get it prescribed by the doctor. The treatment of PCOS has a lot to do with what you eat, and how you eat. So, you must be very cautious about the intake of food items.

There are four basic modes of treatment for PCOS, which are as follows:

  1. Ayurvedic treatment
  2. Surgical method
  3. Yoga and exercise
  4. Home remedies

These are the methods to treat Polycystic Ovary Syndrome. Let us learn about the Ayurvedic treatment of PCOS in detail.

Ayurvedic Treatment


Ayurvedic treatment involves herbs, therapies, diet, and lifestyle changes. There are certain herbs that you can use in your treatment of the syndrome. Researchers say that these herbs are effective in many cases:




The other name of Ashwagandha is Indian ginseng or winter cherry. It is effective in balancing cortisol levels in the body. It also facilitates the treatment of insulin resistance. Therefore, it can be used as an aid to improve the symptoms of PCOS.



Harvested from a cinnamon tree, the spice has proven itself to be effective in treating the syndrome to a great extent. A study done in 2007 states that cinnamon has been proven to be effective in the treatment of insulin resistance. If we leave it untreated, then it can come out to be a factor of the syndrome. The results of the same can be fatal heart diseases. Some of those conditions are cardiac arrest, heart attacks, stroke. Another study done in 2014 states that cinnamon has been effectively used to regulate the menstrual cycle in people with PCOS.



Some studies show that turmeric is one of the most effective herbs. People can use it to treat various problems. One such problem is PCOS. Turmeric takes its yellow color from curcumin. It is an anti-inflammatory agent. An experiment was done in the year 2017 in which PCOS was induced in certain rats. The infected rats were given Ayurvedic treatment by using turmeric. The study shows that the herb is effective in decreasing insulin resistance in the body. It is also responsible for reducing the chances of fatalities in people.

These are a few herbs that people can use if they are suffering from the syndrome. Make sure that you keep your doctor notified about everything that comes up after taking any of the above three things.

Ayurvedic Therapies For PCOS

The patients can facilitate their treatment by practicing some physical exercises and yoga regularly. An Ayurvedic practitioner may recommend yoga poses, also called asanas, such as:

yoga asanas

  • Reclining Butterfly Pose (Supta Baddha Konasana)
  • Bharadvaja’s Twist (Bharadvajasana)
  • Mill Churning Pose (Chakki Chalanasana)
  • Corpse Pose (Shavasana)

Your practitioner may also recommend meditation and breathing exercises, known as pranayamas. The main objective of these asanas is to help relieve stress.

Ayurvedic Dietary Changes For Treating PCOS

Along with all of these exercises and herbs, the most important thing that you must follow is a healthy diet. According to do a study of Ayurveda, there are certain things that you must add and subtract from your diet.

dietary changes for ayurvedic pcos treatment

  1. You must reduce the number of saturated fats, like red meat, and deep-fried food items.
  2. Reducing the intake of salt can also help you to some extent to lessen the impact of the symptoms.
  3. You must eat healthy fruits, green vegetables, and whole grains to maintain a balanced diet.
  4. Avoiding refined sugar, sugary foods, beverages with added sugar, and artificial sweeteners may also facilitate your treatment of PCOS. 
  5. You can eat bitter gourd as a vegetable or drink its juice. This will help control blood sugar levels. Amla or Indian gooseberry also has a similar effect.
  6. Fenugreek leaves and tulsi or basil will help maintain insulin levels. PCOS patients have high levels of insulin. It remains unused in the body, increasing blood sugar levels.
  7. A tablespoon of honey, mixed with lemon and water is good for your sweet craving and weight control.

These are all the dietary changes to be made when you have PCOS. These changes are highly effective when you want to treat the syndrome with the help of ayurvedic methods.

A Word From Mantra Care

Contact Mantra Care for assistance on PCOS-related problems and their solutions. Their team of experts will be more than happy to help you develop a personalized Women Wellness ProgramOnline PCOS program that addresses your specific needs.

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