Can Diabetes Be Reversed- If Yes, How?

Can Dabetes Be Reversed- If Yes, How

“Can diabetes be reversed?” is a question on every tongue these days. The reason behind this is that every other person is affected by diabetes that is making lives no less than hell on this earth. God forbid but if it happens to you or your near ones, you would come to know how difficult it is to lead your life with so many restrictions. It is always to take advisable for you to take precautions rather than to wait for the disease to occur and then go for the cure.

What Is Diabetes?

It is always said to eat healthily and properly to stay fit because it is the food that provides energy. Yes, food does indeed provide energy to your body. But there is a very important process that enables the food to provide you with energy. It’s not the food you eat that provides energy directly to your body, rather the glucose or sugar that turns out as a result of the process provides you energy. The food you eat is converted to glucose and sugar. The insulin that is secreted by the pancreas carries glucose and sugar to all the body cells, hence, resulting in energy-giving. This is the functioning of a normal body.

Now, coming to a body suffering from diabetes. The condition in diabetes turns bad so much so, that the pancreas stops producing insulin, as a result of which the glucose and sugar remain in the bloodstreams. This results in high blood sugar levels (also called “hyperglycemia”) causing diabetes in the person.


Types of Diabetes

Type 1 Diabetes

Also called “juvenile diabetes” this is the first type of diabetes wherein the immune system of your body unknowingly attacks the cells in the pancreas that helps in the production of insulin. The cause for it is still unsettled.

Type 2 Diabetes

Type 2 Diabetes is insulin resistance diabetes where the body becomes immune to insulin only. The insulin your body is producing is not being efficient. Being overweight and lack of exercise can stimulate the process even faster.

Gestational Diabetes

Gestational Diabetes occurs only during pregnancy. During, pregnancy it happens so that the body produces hormones that block the insulin, resulting in high blood sugar levels. This can even cause complications and trouble in your pregnancy.

Symptoms of Diabetes

There can be a few early signs and symptoms of diabetes that can help you find out if you are under threat of the disease. If you are undergoing or experiencing these symptoms, it’s a signal for you to rush to your doctor and don’t delay even for a day. These are some alarming signs:

  • Hunger and fatigue: Since the body is unable to produce or use the insulin that carries energy-giving glucose to every part of the body, there is almost no energy being produced. And you start feeling tired and fatigued.
  • Frequent pee: In diabetes, the blood sugar level goes high, and the kidney is unable to level it down because the glucose is used properly and frequently. As a result, you often need to pee if suffering from diabetes.
  • Dry mouth & itchy skin: Because of frequent urination, your body starts suffering from dehydration. Your skin becomes moisture less causing itchiness. You can also feel that your mouth is becoming dry, making you drink water now and then.
  • Blurred vision: Eye swells up and they are unable to focus and change shapes accordingly. This happens because there is a change in fluid levels in the body taking place quite frequently.

Symptoms of Type 1 may include unplanned weight loss, nausea, and vomiting. Yeast infections, slow-healing sores, and pain or numbness in your feet and legs including others can be the other indications of Type 2 diabetes.


How Diabetes Progresses?

As you take high-calorie food, insulin levels react actively to cope up with the increased amount and fast-acting carbs in the body. If you are taking such high-calorie foods consistently, then the regular acting or high-level insulins is going to harm you. Ultimately what happens is that in such cases the body cells become resistant to insulin that further leads to weight gain. Now the body is not utilizing the insulin efficiently leading to hyperglycemia (high blood sugar level). This, at the end of the day, makes your body lethargic and tired.

And the high insulin level that is being unused makes you eat more. Hunger compels you to overeat. The process goes on and the high demand for insulin secretion leads to the damage of beta cells that produces insulin. Here arises the situation where you start noticing the symptoms of diabetes.


How To Reverse Type 2 Diabetes? 

No person on this earth would be happy if their lives go hula hooping around medicines and tablets. And diabetes is the disease that goes on to grow, leading to several other life-risking diseases.

However, completely curing type 2 diabetes is impossible. But there have occurred a few ways, availing which you might reverse your diabetes to an extent. The only way to do that is to control your glucose and keep a count of the sugar and carbs you consume all through the day. Here are a few healthy steps that will contribute to your effort in maintaining the blood sugar level in your body:

1) Taking A Very Low-Calorie Diet (VLCD)

Studies have proved that taking a low-calorie diet has helped people reversing their diabetes. Consume no more than about 625-850 calories a day, and feel the change. However, counting on calories can be extremely tough and irritating sometimes, but the motivation that might lead you to remission inspires and gives you the strength to carry the task forward. This helps in losing weight.

What happens when your body starts taking low-calorie food? Of course, after you start consuming low-calorie diets, you start losing some weight. As a result, the fat stored in your liver and pancreas decreases to some level. This further helps the cells in the pancreas to release insulin and hence control the blood sugar level.

2) Exercising Regularly

As mentioned above, losing weight is the name of the game here. Exercising regularly can be one of the steps involved in the purpose. But mind it, the only exercise won’t result in any good unless you keep control of your diet.

Keep a target of 10,000 steps per day. There are different gadgets and body censors in the market these days that help keep track of your footsteps, and the number of calories you intake. You might use them for your convenience. In addition to all that, keep exercising regularly. At least 2 ½ hours of exercise per weak is advisable.

3) Bariatric Surgery

If your body is loaded with fats, and suffering from obesity, you are risking your life. Obesity is the root cause of many diseases including type 2 diabetes, heart issues, high blood pressure (hypertension), arthritis, sleep apnea, and stroke.

This surgery helps in the reversal of diabetes but it can only be done in the early stages of the disease. That is, if the person has been suffering from diabetes for five years or less, and doesn’t take insulin, only then Bariatric surgery will be helpful.

However, the surgery is a bit risky. But you can talk to your doctor if you are obese and have been diagnosed with diabetes recently. Because it has been noticed in several cases that people have reversed their diabetes after the surgery is done successfully.


Diet Plan To Reverse Type2 Diabetes

You should follow the following diet plan so that you help yourself in reversing your diabetes.




  • Protein: There are a variety of products that provides you with protein naturally. You may include some like tofu, cottage cheese, fish, lean chicken, legumes, and some other dairy products. Whereas, you must be aware of some other
  • Carbohydrates: These are the main source of energy for the body. But it’s important to keep an eye while choosing them. You need to intake good carbs and exclude the bad ones. The good carbohydrates include red rice, oats, millet, wholegrain bread, fruits, and vegetables.
  • Fats: As carbohydrates are important for energy in the body, likewise foods including fats are also important. And similar is the case with foods containing fats, some are healthy too while some are not. The healthy ones include unsaturated oil (like olive oil, sunflower oil, canola oil, soyabean oil), trans-fat free margarine, fatty fish (salmon, tuna, and mackerel), nuts and seeds, and a slice of cheese. Avoid butter and regular cheese.
  • Vegetables: The list of vegetables is just never-ending as there is a huge number of them that are beneficial for our health. Some pdf them are tomato, spinach, mushrooms, cauliflower, capsicum, brinjal, bitter guard, etc, They are a rich source of fibers for our body.
  • Fruits: These too provide fibers and essential elements to the body. Pineapple, cranberries, mangoes, raisins, figs, tangerines, cherries, lychees are some of the fruits that contain a high amount of sugar. Avoid eating them if you are diabetic.
  • Drinks: Sugary drinks won’t help you in reversing your diabetes. Rather, they would lead you to more harm. Instead, replace them with a low-calorie diet soda.


What Are The Diabetes Complications?

When diabetes makes a knock on your body, it does not come alone. Rather, it carries a whole lot of other complications that are quite life-risking and threatening. They might include these:

1) Diabeteic Ketiacidosis

This is a condition that occurs when as a result of the pancreas producing little or no insulin. Because of which the body starts utilizing alternate hormones to transform the fat intake into energy which then leads to increased levels of toxic chemicals. These include acids or ketone bodies.


Diabeteic Ketiacidosis


Extreme thirst, excessive urination, and fatigue are some of the symptoms. High levels of chemicals in the body can make you unconscious or even lead to your death.

2) Diabetic Hyperglycemic Hyperosmolar Syndrome (HHS)

This is noticed in commonly occurring in people who do not know that they are suffering from diabetes, or are not able to control their high blood sugar level for that matter. HHS might cause you dehydration because of which may also fall unconscious. Other risks also include heart attack, stroke, and infection.

3) Kidney Damage

The kidney in your body functions to clear out the waste products from your blood. This ability is ruined by diabetes. A urine test can tell your doctors if you are going through any difficulty. If the amount of protein is high in urine, it could be an indication that your kidneys are not working properly.

The disease associated with diabetes is called “diabetic nephropathy”. They are more dangerous as the symptoms do not appear at the surface even at the later stages of the disease. And therefore, it becomes impossible for your doctors to reverse the disease.


diabetic nephropathy


4) Circulation System Problems

The high blood sugar level in the body also increases high blood pressure. This puts stress on the heart causing hardening of blood vessels and the formation of fatty deposits in the blood. This further doubles the risk of heart diseases and stroke.


Circulation System problems


After all of these, you need to keep in mind that once your diabetes is reversed, it is not the time for you to go into leniency because there is no certainty of its reversal forever. That is, even reversed diabetes can reoccur and hit you badly. All your efforts will go in vain. Make sure to maintain a balanced diet, go for exercise, and walk regularly. This will help you maintain the blood sugar level of your body. Hence the body will function properly.

A Word From MantraCare

Do you want to get rid of diabetes? Join our online diabetes consultation program and reverse your Diabetes naturally through lifestyle changes such as a Personalized Diet plan, Exercise, dieticians, and health coaches.

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