Relapse Prevention Therapy – How It Can Help You?

Relapse Prevention Therapy

If you are struggling with addiction, you know that relapse is always a possibility. In fact, it is estimated that 40 to 60 percent of people who try to overcome addiction will relapse at some point. This is why it is so important to seek out treatment and support during recovery. One type of treatment that can be very helpful in preventing relapse is relapse prevention therapy. Let’s take a closer look at what this therapy entails and how it can help you stay sober for the long haul.

What Is Relapse Prevention Therapy?

Relapse prevention therapy is a type of cognitive-behavioral therapy that helps individuals recognize the warning signs of relapse and develop effective coping strategies to prevent it. This form of therapy focuses on identifying potential triggers for relapse and developing a plan with specific steps to take when triggers arise. It also encourages problem-solving skills and teaches clients how to cope better with stress, anxiety, depression, and other factors that can lead to relapse.

How Does Relapse Prevention Therapy Work?

During relapse prevention therapy, a therapist will work with you to identify your substance use triggers. This may include situations like spending time with certain people or being in certain places. Once these triggers are identified, you and the therapist can come up with strategies for avoiding them or dealing with them should they arise. You may also be asked to create an action plan that includes activities like support groups, exercise, healthy eating habits, and other sober-minded activities that can help keep you away from drugs and alcohol.

In addition to identifying triggers and creating an action plan, relapse prevention therapy also helps individuals develop better coping skills. By learning how to regulate emotions without resorting to drugs or alcohol, individuals can more effectively manage cravings when they arise.

How To Start The Relapse Prevention?

There are many different approaches to relapse prevention and recovery. If you are considering this type of therapy, it is important to find a therapist who specializes in addiction treatment. This will ensure that you receive the best care possible. Additionally, it is important, to be honest with your therapist about your substance use and any triggers for relapse that you’ve identified.

Your therapist may also recommend other forms of therapy or support programs, such as 12-step meetings, which can help further protect against relapse. It takes dedication and effort but with the right resources and support, you can stay sober for the long haul.

At the end of the day, relapse prevention therapy can be an invaluable tool for maintaining sobriety. By learning how to identify triggers and develop coping strategies, you will be better equipped to manage cravings and prevent relapse. Additionally, having a supportive therapist who understands addiction can make all the difference in your recovery journey.

Techniques Of Relapse Prevention Therapy

Here are some of the techniques used by relapse prevention therapists:

Know The Stages Of Relapse

Relapse is a process, not an event. Understanding the stages of relapse can help individuals identify triggers and warning signs that could lead to substance use. The stages of relapse include emotional, mental, physical, and behavioral.

  • Emotional Relapse: This stage is characterized by an increase in negative emotions such as stress, depression, and anxiety.
  • Mental Relapse: This is the stage where an individual starts to think about using substances.
  • Physical Relapse: This is when an individual begins to physically take action by buying or obtaining drugs or alcohol.

Acknowledge Triggers

Triggers are any external or internal stimuli that can lead to substance use. It is important to identify and acknowledge these triggers so they can be avoided or managed before they lead to relapse. Through this, individuals can learn to cope with difficult situations without resorting to substance use.

Mindfulness Meditation

Mindfulness meditation is a technique that helps individuals become aware of their thoughts, feelings, and emotions without judging them. This can help individuals gain insight into their triggers and better understand how to manage them. This work can be done in therapy sessions, or individuals can practice mindfulness meditation on their own. The Mindfulness-Based Relapse Prevention (MBRP) program is an evidence-based program that incorporates mindfulness meditation into relapse prevention therapy.

Grounding Techniques And Deep Breathing

Grounding techniques and deep breathing exercises can help individuals stay calm in moments of distress. These techniques can be used to manage emotions without resorting to substance use. This can be an effective way to cope with triggers and cravings.


Self-care is an important part of relapse prevention. Establishing healthy habits such as exercise, good nutrition, and adequate sleep can help individuals stay grounded and manage emotions more effectively. Additionally, it is important to establish social connections, find hobbies that bring joy, practice gratitude and positive self-talk, and build a support system. All of these can help individuals build resilience against relapse.

Benefits Of Relapse Prevention

Here are some of the benefits of relapse prevention therapy:

  • Improved coping mechanisms: Relapse prevention therapy helps individuals identify the triggers. It includes factors that can lead to relapse and develop effective strategies to manage them.
  • Increased awareness: Individuals learn to become more aware of their thoughts, feelings, and emotions without judging them.
  • Enhanced resilience: Relapse prevention helps individuals build resilience. It is useful to develop the skills necessary to handle difficult situations without resorting to substance use.
  • Improved quality of life: With the help of relapse prevention therapy, individuals can foster positive relationships, develop healthy habits and routines, and cultivate a sense of peace and joy in life.
  • Reduced risk of relapse: By building resilience and managing triggers, individuals can reduce their risk of relapse.

Relapse prevention therapy is an effective way to manage triggers and reduce the risk of relapse. With the help of a therapist, individuals can develop tools and techniques to better manage difficult situations and foster a healthier lifestyle.

What Are The Disadvantages Of Relapse Prevention?

There are some potential drawbacks to relapse prevention therapy:

  • Time investment: Relapse prevention requires a significant time investment. Individuals will need to be committed to their recovery and put in the necessary effort to make it work.
  • Cost: Relapse prevention therapy can be expensive, depending on the therapist and their treatment plans.
  • Complexity: Relapse prevention therapy is a complex process that may require multiple sessions with a therapist. It can be difficult to navigate these complexities without professional help.


Relapse prevention therapy can be an effective tool for preventing relapse and maintaining sobriety. Through understanding the stages of relapse, identifying triggers, practicing mindfulness meditation and deep breathing exercises, and engaging in self-care activities, individuals can develop coping strategies that will help keep them on track with their recovery journey. With the right support system and commitment to change, it is possible to stay sober for the long haul.

For more information, please contact MantraCare. Addiction is a chronic and often relapsing disorder characterized by compulsive drug-seeking and use despite harmful consequences. If you have any queries regarding Online Addiction Counseling experienced therapists at MantraCare can help: Book a trial Online therapy session

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