Suicidal OCD Treatment – How To Stop Suicidal Thinking?

Suicidal OCD Treatment

If you are struggling with suicidal thoughts, know that you are not alone. OCD can be a very isolating disorder, and it can feel like you are the only one who is experiencing these thoughts. However, there are many people who struggle with suicidal thoughts as a result of their OCD. This blog post will discuss the best suicidal OCD treatment, and how to get help if you need it.

What Is Suicidal OCD?

Suicidal OCD is a type of OCD that involves intrusive thoughts, compulsions, and/or behaviors related to suicide or harming oneself. People with suicidal OCD may have recurrent thoughts of wanting to die, engaging in self-harming behaviors, or even having vivid fantasies about killing themselves. These thoughts can be extremely distressing, causing feelings of fear and helplessness.

The Best Suicidal OCD Treatment?

There is a range of available treatments for suicidal OCD:

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

CBT is the most commonly used form of therapy for treating suicidal OCD. It involves identifying and challenging irrational thoughts or beliefs, as well as learning to recognize patterns of thinking that lead to distress or fear. By working with a qualified therapist, you can learn how to cope with intrusive thoughts related to suicide in a healthy way.

The mindfulness-based cognitive therapy (MBCT) is another form of CBT that can be helpful for those with suicidal OCD. This type of therapy involves learning to observe and accept your thoughts without judgment, as well as developing a greater awareness of the present moment.

Exposure And Response Prevention

(ERP) therapy is a form of CBT that can be very effective in treating suicidal OCD. It involves gradually exposing yourself to situations that trigger your obsessive thoughts, but then resisting the urge to engage in any type of compulsive behavior. This can help reduce distress and eventually break the cycle of obsessions and compulsions related to suicide. Techniques used in ERP therapy include thought-stopping, relaxation techniques, journaling, and progressive desensitization.

The imaginal exposure technique is another form of ERP that can be used to help those with suicidal OCD. This involves writing down a detailed narrative about the intrusive thoughts related to suicide, and then reading the narrative out loud in order to confront and cope with these thoughts.


In some cases, medication may be necessary to reduce symptoms of suicidal OCD. Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) are a type of antidepressant that can help reduce the intensity and frequency of intrusive thoughts. However, it is important to note that medication should only be used in combination with therapy, as it cannot replace psychotherapy.

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) is a type of psychotherapy that focuses on helping people increase their awareness and acceptance of difficult thoughts and feelings related to suicide. ACT encourages individuals to learn how to better tolerate distress, become more aware of the present moment, and make choices in accordance with their values rather than succumb to compulsions or avoidance strategies.

Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction

Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) is an approach to mental health that involves learning how to become more aware and accepting of your thoughts, feelings, and bodily sensations. By practicing mindfulness techniques such as meditation, mindful breathing, and body scans, people can learn to be less reactive to difficult emotions or intrusive thoughts related to suicide.

Self-Help Strategy

In addition to professional help, there are some self-help strategies that can be effective in managing suicidal OCD. It is important to remember to be gentle with yourself; rather than trying to push away or suppress your thoughts, aim to accept them without judgment. Avoiding situations that trigger obsessive thoughts can also be helpful in managing distress associated with suicidal OCD. Lastly, it is important to seek support from friends and family members, as well as consult with a mental health professional if needed. A healthy lifestyle, including regular exercise and a balanced diet, can also help.

Family Therapy

In some cases, family therapy may be helpful as a suicidal OCD treatment. This form of therapy can help family members better understand the disorder, as well as provide support and guidance to the individual struggling with suicidal OCD. Family therapy can also assist in learning how to set healthy boundaries and manage emotions more effectively.

Join Support Group

In Suicidal OCD Treatment, support groups are an excellent way to connect with other people who understand what you are going through. There are a number of online and in-person support groups available for those dealing with suicidal OCD, so you can find a group that is right for you. This can be a great way to get support and learn from others who have been through similar experiences.

Meditation, Yoga, And Exercise

Meditation and exercise can be helpful in managing suicidal OCD. Research has shown that regular mindfulness meditation can help reduce intrusive thoughts and improve mental health overall. Regular physical activity can also help to decrease stress levels and provide an outlet for difficult emotions. It is important to find activities that you enjoy so that it becomes easier to engage in them on a regular basis.

These are just some of the strategies that can help with suicidal OCD. It is important to remember that everyone’s experience is unique, so it is essential to find a treatment plan that works best for you.

How To Overcome Suicidal OCD?

Here are the key steps to overcoming suicidal OCD:

  • Learn to recognize and accept intrusive thoughts related to suicide.
  • Practice exposure and response prevention therapy.
  • Consider medication as an adjunct to therapy.
  • Practice mindfulness and acceptance strategies.
  • Connect with a supportive community of others dealing with suicidal OCD.
  • Engage in regular physical activity and meditation.
  • Seek professional help from a mental health specialist if needed.

By making these changes, you can learn to manage the intrusive thoughts and compulsions related to suicidal OCD. When done in combination with professional help, these steps can help you to break free from the cycle of obsessions and compulsions related to suicidal ideation.


Suicidal OCD can be a very frightening and distressing condition, but it is important to remember that there is help available. Through therapy, medication, support groups, and lifestyle changes such as meditation and exercise, you can make meaningful progress in managing your suicidal thoughts. It is also important to reach out for help if you are feeling overwhelmed or have thoughts of hurting yourself. With the right tools and support, you can find healthier ways to cope with your suicidal thoughts.

For more information and guidance, please contact MantraCare. OCD is a mental health disorder characterized by obsessions and compulsions. If you have any queries regarding Online OCD Counseling experienced therapists at MantraCare can help: Book a trial OCD therapy session

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