Postpartum Intrusive Thoughts Treatment – How To Overcome?

postpartum intrusive thoughts treatment

If you are experiencing intrusive thoughts following the birth of your child, know that you are not alone. Postpartum intrusive thoughts are extremely common and can be quite frightening. However, there are ways to overcome them. In this blog post, we will discuss some of the best postpartum intrusive thoughts treatment methods. We will also provide some tips for how to cope with these thoughts in the meantime.

What Are Postpartum Intrusive Thoughts?

Postpartum intrusive thoughts are unwanted, involuntary thoughts that occur during or after the birth of a child. They can range from mild worries to deeply disturbing and violent images or scenarios. The content of these thoughts is often related to fear for the safety or welfare of the baby, but can also include unrelated anxieties about life in general. It is severe enough to cause distress and can interfere with your ability to care for yourself or your baby.

What Are The Postpartum Intrusive Thoughts Treatment?

There are various treatments available to help you manage postpartum intrusive thoughts. Some of the most common treatments are:

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

CBT is a type of talk therapy that focuses on challenging negative thought patterns and replacing them with more positive ones. It is often used to treat anxiety-related issues, such as postpartum intrusive thoughts. It can help you become aware of how your thoughts influence your feelings and learn to manage them without becoming overwhelmed. This work gradually exposes you to your thoughts and teaches you techniques for managing them.

Exposure and Response Prevention

This is a type of therapy that involves gradually exposing yourself to thoughts or situations which trigger intrusive thoughts. You then learn how to respond differently, so that the thoughts become less upsetting. It can help you change your reactions and create new, healthier thought patterns. Some of the techniques are helpful in reducing the intensity and frequency of intrusive thoughts.

In Vivo exposure, a person is asked to confront the fear in a real-life situation. For postpartum intrusive thoughts, this may involve holding or interacting with your baby while experiencing the thoughts. The Imaginal exposure involves recalling the intrusive thought and then visualizing a different, more positive outcome. This helps to counter the negative belief that is associated with the thought.

Interoceptive exposure involves using body sensations to help you confront the thought. For example, you may take deep breaths or tense and relax your muscles while thinking about the thought.

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy

ACT is a type of therapy that focuses on developing acceptance of your experiences, rather than trying to control or avoid them. This approach can help you to become more aware of your thoughts and feelings, and learn how to respond in ways that are more helpful. ACT helps to develop a sense of commitment to values and goals, which can be useful in overcoming intrusive thoughts.

Self-Care Strategies

In addition to professional help, there are many self-care strategies that can be helpful in managing postpartum intrusive thoughts. Try to find activities that bring you joy and relaxation, such as reading, listening to music, or taking a walk. Spend time with friends and family who can offer support and understanding. Talk about your experiences with others who have had similar thoughts, so that you know you are not alone. Other helpful strategies include getting enough rest and exercise, eating nutritious meals, and talking to a therapist if needed.

Mindfulness involves being aware of the present moment and observing thoughts and emotions without judgment. It helps to reduce anxiety by focusing on the here and now instead of worrying about the future or ruminating on the past.


If the intrusive thoughts are severe and do not respond to other treatments, your doctor may recommend medication. There are several types of medications that can be used to help manage intrusive thoughts. These can include antidepressants, anti-anxiety medications, and antipsychotic drugs. Although these medications can be helpful, they should only be used under a doctor’s supervision.

Seek Professional Support

It is important to remember that postpartum intrusive thoughts are very common and can be managed with the right help. If you are struggling, it is important to seek professional support. Your doctor or midwife can refer you to a mental health specialist, who can provide advice and treatment. It is important to remember that intrusive thoughts should not be ignored or suppressed, as this can make them worse. It is important to talk openly and honestly about your thoughts and feelings, as this is the best way to manage them.

How Do I Deal With Postpartum Intrusive Thoughts?

Here are some tips for dealing with intrusive postpartum thoughts:

  • Acknowledge the thought: Remember that intrusive thoughts are normal and do not mean anything about you.
  • Challenge Thoughts: Question the accuracy of the thought and see if it is based on facts or your own perception.
  • Focus on What You Can Control: There are some things that you can control, such as how you think about them and how you respond to them.
  • Talk to someone: Talking to a friend or family member can help put your worries into perspective and provide emotional support.
  • Take time out for yourself: Make sure you get enough rest and take breaks during the day to relax and recharge.
  • Practice relaxation techniques: Meditation, yoga, deep breathing exercises, and mindfulness can all be helpful in managing stress and anxiety levels.

It is important to seek professional help from a mental health specialist. With the right support and Postpartum Intrusive Thoughts treatment, it is possible to reduce the intensity and frequency of signs.

Can Postpartum OCD Go Away On Its Own?

Postpartum OCD can go away on its own, but this is unlikely without professional help. Without treatment, symptoms may worsen over time and could lead to more serious mental health issues. If you are struggling with intrusive thoughts, it is important to seek professional support. A mental health specialist can provide advice and treatment that can help you manage your postpartum OCD symptoms.


In conclusion, Postpartum intrusive thoughts are very common and can cause distress for many new mothers. It is important to remember that these thoughts should not be ignored or suppressed, as this can make them worse. There are a number of treatments available which can help you manage intrusive thoughts and reduce their intensity and frequency. These include cognitive-behavioral therapy, exposure, and response prevention, acceptance and commitment therapy, and medication. If you are struggling with postpartum intrusive thoughts, it is important to seek professional support. With the right help, postpartum OCD symptoms can be managed more effectively.

For more information and guidance, please contact MantraCare. OCD is a mental health disorder characterized by obsessions and compulsions. If you have any queries regarding Online OCD Counseling experienced therapists at MantraCare can help: Book a trial OCD therapy session

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