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Online Therapy in Angola

Angola has a population of around 28 million people, and the capital city is Luanda. The official language is Portuguese, but there are many other languages spoken in Angola, including English. The country has a long history of conflict and violence, which has resulted in a high level of mental health problems among the population. In recent years, there has been an increase in the number of people seeking help from mental health services. However, access to mental health care in Angola is very limited. There are only a few psychiatrists in the country and they are based in the capital city. This means that many people who need help do not have access to it. There are also few psychological services available in Angola. This is partly due to the lack of trained psychologists in the country. This situation is beginning to change, however, as more and more Angolans are seeking help from online therapy services. Online therapy offers a convenient and affordable way for people to get the help they need. It is important to note that online therapy is not a substitute for face-to-face therapy. However, it can be an effective way for people to get started on their journey to recovery.

Therapy Mantra

Choose from 500+ therapists at MantraCare, Angola

How it works ?

Signup for online counseling

Signup for online counseling

Just complete a simple 5-minute online assessment form and enroll in the therapy program in Angola


Meet your therapist

We’ll match you with a Mantra psychologist in Angola available 24/7 to you via call or chat.


Start Therapy

Video call or chat with your therapist in Angola to bring back happiness in your life.

Why Online Therapy in Angola from MantraCare?

Mantra care therapy treatment


MantraCare’s online therapy in 90% less expensive than face-to-face therapy in Angola. Online counseling starts at just $10.

Mantra care Therapy Telemedicine app

Multiple communication modes

You get the freedom to choose a mode of therapy: Text-based, Voice messages, or Video Calls, based on your preference

Therapy Patient Community

Your Therapy, Your Terms

Choose your therapist. We also allow you to set the time, location, and initial direction of therapy.

Therapy Medical Care

Expert care anywhere, anytime

MantraCare is 100% online—no waiting rooms, just on-demand care

10,000+ Happy Customers From Angola & the world


“I was looking for a way to find some help with my depression. I didn’t want to go to therapy, and then I found MantraCare! It is the perfect solution for me because it allowed me to get the help I needed from a therapist online. I realized how much easier it was than trying to talk on the phone or go into a doctor’s office.”

1 year on MantraCare, Angola

Top Therapists in Angola

  • Dr. Sarah Allen is a Licensed Clinical Psychologist who has been working in the mental health field for over 20 years. She specializes in helping people who are struggling with stress, workplace issues, and anger management. Sarah is also trained in hypnosis and EMDR.
  • Dr. Maria Garcia is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker who has been working in the mental health field for over 15 years. She specializes in helping people who are struggling with PTSD, OCD, and anxiety disorders. Maria is also trained in CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy) and EMDR.
  • Dr. Maria da Silva is a highly respected psychiatrist who has helped many people overcome their mental health problems. She has a deep understanding of the human mind and is very skilled at helping people to find the root cause of their problems.
  • Dr. Joana Moreira is another excellent therapist in Angola who specializes in helping people to deal with stress and anxiety. She has a calm and reassuring manner that helps her clients to feel safe and comfortable talking about their challenges.
  • Dr. Sofia Nunes is a highly experienced psychologist who has worked with many different types of patients. She is particularly skilled at helping people who have suffered from trauma or PTSD to recover and heal.

Frequently Asked Questions

Online therapy is live, video or chat based counselling using your laptop or mobile phone. Online therapy is the same as face to face therapy, the only difference is that you get to have your consultation from the comfort of your own private space. All you need is a computer or mobile, a decent internet connection and a quiet private space to begin.

Online therapy in Angola can be an effective treatment for many different mental health issues. This includes treatment for Depression, Stress, Anxiety disorders, Relationship problems, trauma, grief, loss, work or office issues, School or Teen issues, Mental health issues, Couples issues, Marriage Issues, LGBTQ issues, Anger issues, Dementia/ Alzheimer’s & Panic Attacks

The average cost of online therapy in Angola is $50 per session. However, costs can vary depending on the type of therapy, the therapist’s experience, and the length of the session.

We offer certain services such as self-care tools, app-based tracking and online self help blogs for free. But to cover the costs, we charge a nominal price for face-to-face therapy sessions. In any case, our sessions are 90% less expensive than in-person therapy in Angola. We are the most affordable ways in Angola to get online therapy.

Take a Free Emotional Assessment to know how you feel.

Do you think you might be suffering from depression, anxiety, stress, or any other issue? Take our free emotional assessment today and find out! This quick and easy test will help you to understand more about how you’re feeling, and give you some insight into what might be going on.

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