15 Brain Exercises to Try at Work for Increasing Productivity

16 Brain Exercises At Work

We’re all brain-exercise experts at work, aren’t we? We spend time reading emails, scrolling through social media feeds, and answering phone calls. These are the brain exercises at work in and of themselves, but sometimes it’s hard to tell what is brain exercise and what isn’t. The 15 brain exercises below will help you increase your productivity while also giving you a mental break from the monotony of working. Give them a try!

Why Brain Exercises At Work are Important?

Brain Exercises are important

Exercise is a good way to have a healthy lifestyle. Exercise helps our physical and mental health. But, to have a healthier lifestyle, many of us ignore our mental wellness. To maintain this mental wellness, we need to do brain exercises at work.

Physical exercise is for physical fitness. Brain exercise is important for better mental health. This is very important in every environment, including the workplace.

Being mentally fit helps people to remember and do better in school. It also improves mood and reduces depression. This means that you need to do these exercises at work so that you can be more productive. Today, let’s look at some exercises for the brain. They will help you.

15 Brain Exercises At Work That You Can Try

brain exercises

Brain exercises play a vital role in increasing the work abilities of a person. It is very important to keep our physical health intact to ensure productivity. Here are some games that one can play among colleagues to ensure a good state of mind. Read the below:

1. Jigsaw Puzzle

Jigsaw Puzzle

One way to work out is to make your body sweat. This also works for your brain. Jigsaw puzzles are a good way to exercise your brain. You need to put it to work by looking at all the pieces and figuring out what they go together. Jigsaw puzzles help people to think. You can keep some in your area and it will be good for you.

2. Cards


Playing cards have long been recognized to improve memory, attention, and concentration. In fact, a study conducted in 2015 praises the benefits of playing card gaming on the brain. Playing cards have been shown in studies to create larger brain volume in several regions of the brain than other pastimes. It also improves memory and problem-solving skills.

Having these abilities is a fantastic tool for understanding delicate workplace situations. Because the workers’ break time is so short, they should spend some of it playing cards. Anyone may learn and play any card game, such as solitaire, bridge, gin rummy, poker, hearts, crazy eights, and so on.

3. Skill Development

Skill Development

Developing one’s abilities is also a good brain workout and an activity that may help you be more productive at work. Spending time on one’s skill development improves one’s memory function, as demonstrated in studies. One can study new software, practice their drawing skills, enhance their vocabulary, and so on here.

4. Meditation


Meditation at work is a fantastic method to relax one’s thoughts while working under pressure. As a result, it makes it an ideal brain game to do whenever you have the time. Different meditation methods may help to relax the body and reduce stress and anxiety. At their workstation, employees can practice such mental wellness activities, if accessible.

5. Using the Non-Dominant Hand

Using the Non-Dominant Hand

One of the fun things to try at work is using our other hand. Use it to write notes and conduct other tasks at the workplace. Using your non-dominant hand to help exercise your opposite brain hemisphere is beneficial. It might aid in the creation of the cortex, which manages and processes vital information.

6. 10 Things

10 Things

A fun and engaging brain exercise that challenges your thinking skills are the 10 Things game. In this game, employees are provided with a variety of office goods and asked to come up with ten more uses for them.

One might be given a laptop, for example. The person must come up with ten innovative uses for the notebook that isn’t immediately apparent. The product may be used as a laptop stand, fan, bat, and so on depending on the answers.

To think creatively, a person’s brain needs to do that. A creative brain will make a person smarter and improve their thinking abilities.

7. Upside Down

Upside Down: Brain Exercises at work

Another interesting brain exercise you might do at work is looking at items upside down. It might be while using your phone, iPad, or another device. This activity will help you strengthen both halves of your brain.

When we look at things from a normal standpoint, our left verbal brain may readily comprehend them. However, if we view things from a different perspective, the right side of our brain has to work harder to comprehend things. This mental exercise of the brain’s right side is critical in improving your brain’s operational capacity.

8. New Experiences

New Experiences

With each new experience, our brain grows. In this instance, whether it’s a minor incident or something more serious, you must always be receptive to learn and experience new things at the workplace.

You may move seats, work on a new project, and make new connections. It will keep things interesting and your mind active.

9. Find a Noun for Each Letter of the Alphabet

Find a Noun for Each Letter of the Alphabet

This easy exercise engages both sides of your brain and is a lot of fun. Gather a list of words that begin with each letter in the alphabet. Your left brain will assist you in coming up with the word, and your right brain will help you visualize what the noun looks like (color, size, form). This activity engages the entire brain and eliminates cognitive fog. If you aren’t interested in nouns, try naming characters from comic books or television shows!

10. Classical Music

Classical Music

Music (particularly classical music) has been shown to have a big influence on our brain function, mental state, and mood (it’s known as the Mozart Effect).

Classical music can lower blood pressure, decrease stress hormones, and reduce heart rate by relaxing you. Playing an instrument yourself may help you relax more quickly since it provides an outlet for releasing tension. This can be even more beneficial if you play the instrument yourself, as it allows you to have a clear mind.

11. Yoga

yoga: Brain Exercises at work

Yoga, on the other hand, is a far superior method to relax because it combines exercise with meditation to cleanse the mind. When a person is in a yoga posture, their attention is focused on their breathing and staying still to the point that other thoughts are forgotten.

Start your day with some excellent mind-clearing yoga postures like ‘Warrior I Pose’ or ‘Tree Pose,’ which really redirect your attention to breathing and balance.

12. Double Doodle

Double Doodle

Like the word challenge, double doodles stimulate both hemispheres of the brain by forcing you to use your dominant and non-dominant hands. Take a pen or pencil in each hand (if required, tape down the paper) and attempt to make a drawing. To get started, try drawing a heart or the outline of a house (pre-school style) in pencil. This simple exercise will help you eliminate unimportant thoughts from your mind and boost productivity.

13. Brain Dumping

Brain Dumping: Brain Exercises at work

It’s about transferring all of your ideas to paper, which is similar to journaling. All you need is a notebook for this activity (Wunderlist or Todoist might work as well, but it’s better to avoid technology while getting up so early). Start keeping track of any tasks you haven’t completed (large or modest) and anything else that has pushed you off your game.

You’ll have more clarity on priorities when you write down activities, making it much simpler to focus on the important tasks and forget about the insignificant ones. Brain dumping relieves you of the awful nervousness that comes with thinking about all of the things you need to accomplish, and not being able to do them.

14. Brain Games

Brain Games: Brain Exercises at work

Sudokus, crosswords, and maths quizzes are excellent methods to get rid of brain fog. A brain puzzle in the morning may stimulate your mind and enhance brain function, whether you enjoy arithmetic tasks or word games. Crosswords not only keep your brain active, but they also help to maintain your memory and decrease the chance of cognitive impairment in later years!

15. Gradually Learn a New Language

Gradually Learn a New Language

Another excellent technique to keep your mind young and sharp is to learn a new language. When you wake up in the morning, use new words to make your brain work. Because languages are so tough and demanding, frequent usage of new terms is a wonderful exercise for our brains. According to studies, individuals who speak a second language have greater attention levels and are better able to organize and conceal decisions as a result of their enhanced mental sharpness.

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