Employee Health: Why Taking Care of It Matters

Employee Health Why Taking Care of It Matters

What Is Employee Health?

It’s no secret that employee health is a huge factor in determining the productivity and success of a company. The people who work for you are your greatest asset, and taking care of them will make sure they can do their job to the best of their ability! In this blog post, we’ll be talking about its benefits as well as how to take care of those employees by providing healthy food options, ensuring they get enough sleep (and know how important it is) and encouraging physical activity during the day.

There are so many health benefits. One of the most significant benefits is to provide them with a place to go if they need medical treatment or have an emergency. For example, you could offer your employees access to urgent care facilities through your employer-sponsored healthcare plan. This way, even if they don’t have a primary care doctor or insurance, they can get treatment for an illness and be back to work in no time.

Importance of Employee Health

Taking care of your workers’ health at work helps not just them, but it also promotes a productive and efficient working atmosphere for the company. There is an inextricable link between workers’ health and productivity. An individual who is emotionally and physically well is more cheerful, creative, and driven. Taking care of your employees’ well-being also include the following:

  • Staff who feel cared for and appreciated.
  • Boost employee morale and job satisfaction 
  • Absenteeism is reduced.
  • Improved employee retention.
  • Positive connections between employees and managers, as well as a decent work culture.

What Is HR’s Role In Employee Health?

The Human Resources department is responsible for employee health and wellness. With the growing concerns about the mental, physical and social financial well-being of employees, HR leaders are taking an active role in employee health initiatives to help ensure that their companies have a sustainable workforce.

Employee Health Factors

Employee health encompasses a lot of factors. Some of the most common ones are discussed below:

Financial Security

Financial Security

Employee health involves more than just a daily workout and consuming healthy foods. It can impact employee financial security as well.

In India, where job prospects are few, people’s worry of losing their jobs is understandable, and this anxiety is linked to workers’ mental health. Employees who are always worried about their employment or who work in organizations where there is no long-term job security begin to exhibit signs of worry, stress, hypertension, or any other mental disease.

The employer’s primary obligation is to provide their employees’ financial stability in order to keep them psychologically fit so they don’t lose focus on their essential tasks. Employers should have a policy in place that allows them to assess their workers’ financial soundness on a regular basis.

Workplace Elements

Workplace Elementsv

Employee health and well-being are influenced by the employment environment. Workplace components can be arranged in a way that promotes or detracts from employee well-being and productivity. Natural lighting, ventilation, seating layouts, air, and water quality, and cafeteria food are all examples of these factors. It has been found that if natural light and air are not available in the workplace, the employees would suffer from a variety of health problems. Employers should ensure that workplace aspect are properly arranged so that employee productivity is not harmed by health and well-being concerns.

Fun Activities

Fun Activities

Employees benefit greatly from fun and ice-breaking activities in terms of their physical and emotional well-being, especially when they spend long periods of time at their desks. It guards employees against mental illnesses like stress, depression, and anxiety, as well as physical ailments like obesity, cardiovascular disease, and digestive disease. 

Work-life Balance

Work-life Balance

Long working hours, tight project deadlines, and financial problems make it difficult for corporate employees to achieve a balance between work and personal life. Employees need to be able to strike a balance between work and personal obligations, therefore the workplace must provide a supportive environment.

Working Hours

Working Hours

Employees experience physical or mental restlessness and burnout as a result of improper or lengthy working hours without regular breaks, which has a negative influence on their health and performance, which is detrimental to the organization’s success. Employees must be able to rest properly throughout working hours, according to their team leaders and firm owners.

Corporate Health Checkup

Corporate Health Checkup

One of the most popular pay and benefits packages given by the firm is health checkups, which are something that every employee searches for before joining the company. Employees like on-site health checks since it saves them time from traveling to a location where they need to perform exams. Overall, the company health check is a must-have advantage for attracting new talent and retaining current employees. It also assists businesses in identifying prevalent health risk concerns among employees. So that suitable wellness measures may be implemented to reduce presenteeism and absenteeism.

Employee Health Schemes

Employee health is something we all take for granted. But what if it can cost companies to not invest in employee health? Employees may complain about the lack of available time to exercise or eat healthy due to long work hours. When employees feel like their employer does not care for their employee health, the employee turnover rate will be higher.

Employee Health Schemes are a great way to show employees that you care about them and their lives outside of work. Employee health schemes keep employee morale up, which in turn keeps employee productivity high. When employee productivity is high it means companies make more money!

Tips For Low-cost Employee Health Scheme

Here are some suggestions for low or no-cost employee health schemes:

– Keep a fridge stocked with water and healthy snacks. A lot of companies have one, but what about your employees who work outside? Make sure there’s bottled water available for those people as well!

– Provide an onsite gym or fitness center. Some gyms will even give discounts on company memberships!

– On-site employee health clinics. Having a nurse on site who can monitor employees’ physical and mental well-being is great for employee morale!

Employee Health Insurance

Employee health insurance is important for any employee. Often, employees are not aware of the benefits that come with employee health plans or how to use them properly.

These days it has become increasingly apparent that time and money spent on employee wellness pays off in productivity and retention rates as compared to those who do not take employee health insurance or utilize it to its full potential.

Employee wellness has many benefits for both employees and employers, including:

-extra sick days used due to illness are reduced by about 50% when an employee gets regular physicals at least twice a year;

-employees who work out regularly have lower rates of absenteeism, higher employee retention rates, and are overall more productive;

-employees who have access to employee health insurance take less time off work for illness or injury. They typically only miss about two days per year while employees without employee health plans average around eight sick days.

With all these benefits in mind, it is important that employers consider employee health insurance for their employees.

Many employee wellness programs include health plans that offer coverage to the employee and his or her family. The employer typically pays about 50% of the premiums, while employees pay the rest through deductions from each paycheck.

Employee health benefits come in many forms. This might include dental services, vision care, prescriptions drugs, life insurance, employee assistance programs (EAP), and health insurance.

Employee wellness is important to the overall success of a company. Because it leads to higher employee morale, productivity rates, and retention. All of these lead to more money in the bank for employers.

The benefits aren’t just financial though; employees who live healthy lifestyles also feel healthier and more successful than those who don’t take employee health insurance. Or those who participate in employee wellness programs.

A Word From Mantra Care

The bottom line is that taking care of your mental health and physical well-being benefits. It benefits both, you and those around you. As a business owner, it’s easier than ever to take the time for yourself without feeling guilty or unproductive. With just a few minutes out of each day dedicated to self-care, we can all be happier individuals. This translates into more productive professionals who are better able to serve their clients’ needs. If this sounds appealing, then let us know how we can help! Our experts have years of experience creating strategies tailored specifically for businesses like yours so don’t hesitate to ask questions about what kind of plan would work best for you.”

Do you want to keep your employees happy, healthy, and productive? Join our employee assistance program and get a healthier workplace.

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