Low Cost or Free Employee Wellness Programs



Low Cost or Free Wellness Programs

Everyone knows that employees are the key to running a successful business. However, if you want your business to run like clockwork, then it’s important to take care of them. After all, they’re the ones who make sure everything gets done on time and without errors. Any business understands the importance of investing in its employees. That is why it is important to provide them with programs that will contribute to their overall wellbeing and productivity. Free employee wellness programs can help employees feel appreciated. If you focus on getting and keeping employees healthy, they will become more productive and enjoy their jobs even more. This article will discuss some ideas to implement low-cost or even free employee wellness programs.


Top Ideas for Low-Cost Employee Wellness Programs

Employers want to boost the health of their employees because it results in the following:

  • Less absenteeism
  • Better morale
  • Overall healthier workforce

These top ideas for free employee wellness programs will help give you a few more tools in your toolbox to achieve success:

On-site Wellness Services

on-site wellness services

In the past decade, health care has been slowly changing with the rise of new technologies and increasing costs. To keep up with these changes, businesses have been trying to find ways to provide better service at a cheaper price. In 2008, the company launched a new corporate health care program called “Onsite Wellness Services”. The main purpose of this program is to provide services for employees at their workplaces. In 2010, the company began to offer its employees a special discount on health care premiums. The company also began to pay half of the cost of any dependent coverage employees chose. 

Many companies are now providing health care to their employees. One of the most popular free employee wellness programs is onsite wellness programs. It offers medical examinations and other benefits to help workers improve their overall health. Organizations offering these programs must ensure that their employees are notified about how they can receive these free services:

  • Discounted screenings
  • Checkups
  • Immunizations, etc.

Walking and Biking Paths

walking and biking paths:Free employee wellness programs

In 2014, the company began building a walking and biking path as a way of improving employees’ health. The project collaborated with the regional government, which allocated an area right next to the office. A survey, conveyed that employees were more productive if they had access to walking and biking paths. Employees who exercised during their lunch break also reported high levels of energy and fewer sick days. Building and maintaining walking and biking paths are a great way to promote healthy lifestyles for employees.

To create a more enjoyable atmosphere for employees, the company provides this facility. employees use walking and biking paths during lunch break. This is an effort from the company to promote healthiness among employees. By this, employees can walk or bike from their homes to the office. This has been a great success as it has led to less traffic congestion in nearby areas.


Employee Assistance Programs

employee assistance programs

In the early 20th century, EAPs began as part of a general trend toward professionalizing human resources management. In the 1940s, they were promoted by large employers as a means of maintaining loyalty among employees during World War. Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs) are services that help employees develop skills to cope with problems. These programs can be offered through an employee’s employer or an outside company. An EAP is a service that helps people deal with personal issues such as 

It is a voluntary program that offers employees and their family members counseling services. Employers offer EAPs to help reduce costs associated with employee health care needs, absenteeism, accidents, and turnover. EAPs can be offered by an employer directly or through a third-party service provider.


Water Coolers

water cooler

Water coolers for employees debuted in the 1920s. Americans introduced bottled water at this time. it became a common beverage for people who worked outside or in factories. In the ’50s, the addition of carbonation, not only made water more appealing but also helped prevent bacteria growth. The first water cooler was an iced-water dispenser in a small shop in Dayton, Ohio. There is no definite start date for their widespread use, but they became popular by the 1920s. They were then used by businesses that required long hours of work from their employees’ donations. This led to the creation of water coolers for employees. Water coolers are a boon to employees. They can help prevent dehydration, improve productivity, and reduce employee absences due to illness.


Free Healthy Snacks

healthy snacks:Free employee wellness programs

On April 21, the convenience store chain 7-Eleven announced that it will provide free healthy snacks to employees. The company has been including a weekly snack option for its employees since 2009. This year, they went a step further and introduced “Simple Choice” healthy snack options that include fruit, nuts, and yogurt packets. Snacks are a very important part of the diet for all people. They help to keep the body energized during work and provide energy, which is necessary for everyday activity. In addition, they give a feeling of satiety after eating and thus help to prevent overeating. Employers are looking for ways to keep their employees happy and productive. Some businesses, such as Google, have been praised for going above and beyond with employee perks, offering everything from free meals at on-site cafeterias to high-end gym memberships. 


Exercise Clubs

Exercise club:Free employee wellness programs

In the mid-1960s, fitness clubs became popular among many Americans. These exercise facilities began to offer a wide range of services and programs such as aerobic exercise and weight training. However, in the 1980s, health club membership grew rapidly due to new fitness programs which attracted many people. Exercise clubs are a type of club that offer various forms of fitness activities to their members. Many people can enjoy the benefits that these gyms have to offer. But some may find them unaffordable or not convenient enough for them. Exercise clubs in the workplace have increased their benefits and popularity among all age groups. A study conveyed that employees who exercise at least three times a week had lower stress levels and strong immune systems. They also found that people who exercise at work or in the office tend to be healthier overall.


Health Libraries

health libraries

Some businesses offer health libraries that employees can use to improve their health. These libraries include books, videos, and the internet. Health information is given to employees at meetings about specific topics such as nutrition or exercise. Health libraries are beneficial to employees. When workers have immediate access to information, they can make informed decisions about their health and well-being. This can be especially important for workers who need to know how to handle specific workplace hazards or deal with personal issues affecting their performance at work. Health libraries help you achieve that by providing your employees with information on how to live better. We can partner up to provide you with the most effective health library possible.


Stair Challenges

stair challenges

Stair challenges are a great way to help your staff develop physical strength and balance in challenging environments. When done properly, stair training will improve employees’ leg, thigh, back, and abdominal muscles. Employees are challenged with the stairs when they have to deliver items to lower floors or stock merchandise. This is a safety hazard, which can lead to injury if workers do not take proper precautions. Steps are also challenging for older employees, who may have trouble climbing steps. Stair challenges can be a great way to build team building and camaraderie among employees.


Volunteer Days


Volunteering is a great way to contribute to your community and help those in need. It is a good way to give back to the community. It allows you to help people and organizations that need your support. Participating in volunteer days and activities also provides an opportunity for social networking, professional development, and career advancement.  It can also be a great networking opportunity as well as an enjoyable experience. Volunteer Days are often held on the first or last day of a business conference, usually lasting an hour to two hours. This is not only because it lets employees know what the company cares about but also allows them to get involved in community activities within their local area. This is one of the great ideas of free employee wellness programs.


Wellness Technology

wellness technology

Wellness technology is the new trend in employee motivation. It is an effective way of keeping employees healthy and happy at work, improving productivity and efficiency. Predictive analytics can help companies predict which employees are at risk for illnesses, enabling them to act before the problem escalates.

This technology is already used in the healthcare industry, and with its rising popularity in other businesses. It seems likely widely adopted by employers soon. Wellness technology for employees focuses on all aspects of employees’ lives including mental well-being, physical wellness, emotional well-being, and social wellbeing. 


Management Retreats

management retreats

Supermarket chains are increasingly turning to management retreats to help boost employee morale. In these retreats, employees are encouraged to express their feelings and opinions in a low-pressure environment. The goal of the retreat is to create a common vision for everyone within the organization. This helps the company understand what is important to its employees and how to improve relations with them. Employees can enjoy fun activities while also learning new skills. This improves employee satisfaction and retention, which in turn boosts productivity for the supermarket chain. These retreats can help an organization build trust among its employees, which leads to increased productivity, better communication between them. 


Employee Incentives

Employee incentives

Employee Incentive programs can be a useful tool to motivate employees. Implementing an incentive program, however, is difficult and it is important to consider the costs of such a program. Employee incentives are programs to encourage employees to work harder, stay longer, and perform better. There are several ways that employers can reward their employees for doing a good job, such as:

  • Salary increases for long-term employees are one way that employers can increase efficiency by rewarding their hard-working employees. 
  • Bonuses based on performance are another popular method of awarding employee incentives.

Companies can use employee incentives to increase sales and improve customer satisfaction. Some of the most common incentive plans include: 

  • Sales Incentive Plans – A plan that motivates employees by paying them a bonus based on their sales performance. The more they sell, the bigger their bonus is.
  •  Non-Selling Incentives –They include an invitation to a party, gifts, personal letters, prizes, and so on.

By creating a wellness program for employees, companies can encourage healthier lifestyles and reduce health care costs. Healthier employees are more productive. If you want a happy and healthy workforce, consider investing in an employee wellness program. By working together to improve the health of your employees, you can reduce absenteeism and increase productivity. This is just one example of a low or no-cost employee wellness program.

A Word from MantraCare

As you’ve seen, there are a variety of companies that offer free employee wellness programs. If your company is considering investing in this area and you want to learn more about the benefits of these programs before making a decision, we can help.

Do you want to keep your employees happy, healthy, and productive? Join our employee assistance program and get a healthier workplace.

Try MantraCare Wellness Program free