Wellness Certification || 22 Best Companies for Certification

Wellness Certification 22 Best Companies for Certification

What is Wellness?

What is Wellness?

Wellness encompasses a lot of things, but most people associate it with maintaining physical and emotional health. It’s about finding the balance between changing your habits to improve your physical health. It also helps to work on improving your mental health, relationships, work-life balance, spiritual wellbeing, and more. Wellness is “the state of optimal physical and mental health.”

What Is Wellness Certification?

The wellness industry has experienced massive growth in recent years. This is possibly due to increased awareness in the people. They have realized how important it is for people to take care of themselves physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Wellness certifications are designed for professionals who want to gain additional knowledge and skills in order to become well-rounded practitioners. A wellness certification is a type of certificate that you receive after completing a course of study in a particular area.

Different Types of Certifications

Different Types of Certifications

There are many different types of wellness certifications you can get. Each one of these will provide its own set of benefits. Here are some examples:

Yoga Certification – This type of program is to teach students about the different types of yoga (think Bikram and Hatha).

Meditation Certification– While yoga is more about the physicalities surrounding your practice, meditative practices are aimed at teaching you how to focus on yourself psychologically.

Rehabilitation Counseling Certification Addiction counseling is becoming an increasingly popular area in health care as drug addiction trends rise across the globe.

Nutritionist Certification– Nutritionists are certified experts who have studied the connection between food and health. They’re a great resource for people who are looking to learn how to properly fuel their bodies.

Fitness Instruction Certification – If you have a passion for fitness and want to be able to teach others about it, then getting a certification in this field could be a great way to begin your professional journey.

Companies Offering Wellness, Personal Training, and Health Certificates

It’s a great time to be in the wellness industry. The demand for certified wellness professionals is at an all-time high, and the number of people interested in getting healthy continues to skyrocket. With so many companies looking to hire qualified individuals, it can be difficult to know which certifications are worth pursuing.

There are these Wellness, Personal, and Health Care certification Companies.

National Wellness Institute

National Wellness Institute

This company offers a variety of certifications, including the Certified Health Education Specialist (CHES), Master Wellness Coach Certification, and more. The company has been around since 1979 and is based out of Washington D.C.



American Council on Exercise (ACE)

Type of Companies offering certifications

ACE delivers fitness education courses at institutions across America such as Washington State University. It was one of their initial affiliations and the company itself has been around for over 30 years now. They offer three different certifications including Certified Personal Trainer, Health Fitness Specialist, and Performance Enhancement Specialists. They deliver all these programs both online and in-person throughout various locations nationwide. Their headquarters was found in San Diego CA.


National Federation of Professional Trainers

National Federation of Professional Trainers

Offering the most affordable group-based training option available today, NFPT operates across 36 locations worldwide. Their staff includes expertly trained fitness professionals who have several industry credentials from organizations like the ACSM and NSCA.


American Fitness Professionals & Associates

American Fitness Professionals & Associates

This company offers a variety of certifications, including CPR/AED for the Professional Rescuer, Specialist in Fitness Nutrition, Specialist in Health-Fitness Management, Personal Trainer Certification (PTC), Senior Instructor Training Program (SIT), and more. AFFPA has been around since 1987. The headquarters of this company is in Scottsdale, AZ.


ACPE Wellness Coaches Alliance


The only organization to offer APCER certification which stands for Approved Provider of Continuing Education Resources by the National Commission for Certifying Agencies. Offering over 100 programs across 32 states nationwide with numerous locations available throughout New York City alone.


Wellevate is a wellness technology platform that provides certification training for personal trainers, yoga instructors, nutritionists, and more. They also provide an online marketplace where customers can find these certified professionals to help them live healthier lives.


Wellcoaches Corporation

Wellcoaches Corporation

Wellness coaches are in high demand right now everywhere from corporate settings all the way down to local community centers. This company offers coaching certifications through their Workwell division as well as health coaching certifications through their Wellcoaches division.


American Fitness & Aerobics Association (AFAA)

American Fitness & Aerobics Association (AFAA)

AFAA was founded by Patricia De La Cruz back in 1985 with its very first program being the Personal Trainer Certification Program which is still available today. AFAA has been around longer than any other organization on this list and offers a variety of wellness certifications, including CPR/AED for the Professional Rescuer.


Wellness Council of America

Wellness Council of America

Offering the Certified Health Education Specialist (CHES) certification, the HCAA is a national not-for-profit organization. Founded in 1979, they include over 40,000 professionals in over 110 countries worldwide. They also offer the Nutrition for Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Professional, Certified Personal Trainer, and Weight Control Specialist credentials.


Healthcare Training Institute

The company offers the ACE Certified Professional in Nutrition Counseling credentials along with certifications in personal training, fitness nutrition, health promotion/disease prevention, sports medicine/rehabilitation, and more. The Healthcare Training Institute has been around since 1974. The company’s headquarter is out of Buffalo Grove IL.

International Association of Fitness & Nutrition Coaches

The only organization to offer the Certified Personal Nutrition Coach certification is recognized by IAFN itself, Health Coaches Association Australia (HCA), and The International Federation of Sports Nutrition. They are also currently working with other organizations for additional recognition.


USANA Health Sciences

USANA Health Sciences

USANA offers a wide array of certifications including health coach training through their ProCoach division as well as nutritionist training through their Nutriscience division. They have been around since 1992. The company’s headquarters are out of Salt Lake City UT.

Certified Clinical Exercise Specialist & Fitness Trainer

This company focuses on both clinical exercise specialist credentials along with personal trainer/fitness specialist credentials that can be taken online or in-person throughout various locations nationwide.


National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM)

National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM)

Offering the Personal Trainer Certification along with Master Trainer, Health Fitness Specialist, and more. NASM has been around since 1985. The headquarters of this company is out of Denver CO. This company is currently in partnership with California State University-Long Beach for the delivery of the physical education teacher certification.

International Sports Sciences Association (ISSA)

International Sports Sciences Association (ISSA)

ISSA’s personal training certification is available through an extensive distance learning program that can be completed entirely online or students may take certain parts locally if they prefer to do so & then submit them before finalizing the credential otherwise known as a “hybrid” program. The company’s headquarters are out of New Jersey. But this company offers training in many other states including Arizona, Florida, Oregon, and Texas.


American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM)

Offering the Certified Personal Trainer and Specialist in Fitness Nutrition certifications that can be taken online or in-person throughout various locations nationwide. ACSM has been around since 1986. The headquarters of this company is out of Indianapolis IN. ACSM’s personal trainer certification can be earned through their traditional face-to-face programs that are offered throughout various locations throughout the United States or via distance learning which offers all aspects to be completed online before submitting final paperwork for review & approval by the certifying body.


National Strength & Conditioning Association (NSCA)

National Strength & Conditioning Association (NSCA)

NSCA offers personal training certification along with performance enhancement specialist, health fitness specialist instructor/master instructor specialty certifications. These certifications are either online or in-person throughout various locations nationwide. This company is currently in partnership with the University of Nevada Las Vegas for its Certified Personal Trainer Specialist track. This will also prepare students to sit for the ACSM’s Certified Personal Trainer exam upon completion. They also offer a traditional Master Trainer program like NASM does.


International Fitness Professionals Association (IFPA)

The IFPA offers three credentials including CPT – Certified Personal Trainer; MPT – Mind Body Personal Training; and FMT – Functional Movement Training Systems. These credentials are available through both physical in-person training and online courses. This company is comparatively new as it was established in 2015. But in comparison, they are quickly becoming a popular choice among personal trainers looking to get certified.

University of California Irvine Extension

The UCI Wellness Initiative offers a wide range of wellness certifications ranging from personal training to youth fitness coaching for both kids & teens. They are one of the only organizations on this list that offer certificates in these areas rather than professional credentials which can be taken online or at various locations throughout Southern California including Costa Mesa CA & San Diego CA.

International Council On Active Aging – ICAA

International Council On Active Aging - ICAA

This organization was founded by Drs Robert Sallis and Barbara Lewin back in 1997 as an affiliate of the American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation & Dance. The ICAA currently offers two certifications including Certified Personal Trainer along with Specialist in Fitness Gerontology. These credentials can be taken online or at various locations throughout Southern California including Costa Mesa CA & San Diego CA.

Health Coach Institute

HCI offers various health coaching certifications. These certifications are in online mode through their virtual program. The company headquarters is in California. There are some places where they offer training. These states include Arizona, Florida, Oregon, and Texas.


Spencer Institute

Spencer Institute

Spencer Institute offers various certifications in the wellness and fitness industry including nutrition, physical therapy assistant (PTA), sports performance training & golf fitness. These certifications are either online or at various locations throughout the United States. This company is headquartered out of Orlando FL but they also have schools located in San Diego CA, Greensboro NC, Las Vegas NV, Dallas TX & Jacksonville Beach FL to name a few.


Why Get Wellness Certification?

Wellness is becoming more and more popular. In the future, there’s no surprise why you might want to take advantage of this growing industry by getting relevant certification in it. It can be hard to know where to start, but taking some time to research the best programs could help you get on your way.

If you’re looking for a change in your career or think that pursuing something like health coaching could provide the right amount of motivation that you need, then taking part in one of these certification programs could be a great place to start.

Benefits of Wellness Certification

There are many benefits of getting a wellness certification and improving your health is just one of them.

  • The first major benefit is that it improves job prospects. It also provides you the promotion opportunities available. It is because having this type of credential can show employers that you’re willing to go above and beyond to improve your knowledge and skillset.
  • This could set you apart from other candidates who don’t have these certifications. This could also help you land a great new job.
  • The other benefit is that it may also help you feel more prepared to meet the demands of your patients if you become employed in a healthcare-related job.

What Should You Look For In Wellness Certification Program?

There are many things to look for when deciding on a wellness certification. Some factors include cost, location, accreditation status, and time commitment. You have to make sure that all these things are present in the program. If that is the case, it will be a great fit for what you are looking for.

How To Find Right Wellness Certification?

The first step is simple: look around. If you’re just starting your search there are a number of places where you can go to get information about these programs. Many local community colleges or organizations may have wellness certifications available. So it could be something that might be present in your area. If not, then try looking online to see what types of courses are available.

How Long Is Wellness Certification Procedure?

Most programs offer a variety of course lengths. The time of completion depends on this. These can vary from little time to up to 4+ years.  Some online courses allow students to complete work over several months and some offline options have their completion date dependant on how quickly the student moves through curriculum material, so it’s important for you to know what your specific requirements are when looking into credit recovery options!

Are There Any Prerequisites?

Some courses may require previous knowledge. So it is very important to find out if there’s anything you might need before starting your studies, such as a background in the field or specific study guides for classes on offer at different colleges/universities. Learning how much additional hardware will be needed can help make sure that all aspects of studying are within reach during this time period where funds aren’t always easy to come by but worth seeking after when they finally arrive.
It also helps if one has their goal set beforehand regarding what type of employment option (or options) would suit them best the following completion.

A Word From Mantra Care

If you’re looking for a way to increase your knowledge and skills in the wellness industry, one option is by pursuing certification. There are many different areas of focus that will suit people with all sorts of interests and goals. There are several other organization which provides these certificates. People are looking for ways to be healthier and happier. They want more than just a job that pays the bills – they need something fulfilling in their lives, too. As such, wellness certifications have seen an increase in popularity lately because people know it will help them find this balance of happiness and success at work and outside of work. Learn all the companies and examine what suits you the best.

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