A Look at Magical Thinking OCD

Magical Thinking OCD

Do you ever feel like you’re being watched? Do strange things happen to you that don’t have an explanation? If so, you might be experiencing symptoms of magical thinking OCD. Magical thinking is a type of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) in which a person believes that some sort of magical force is affecting their life. This can manifest in several ways, such as feeling like someone is watching them, experiencing coincidences that seem too good to be true, or having thoughts and feelings that do not have a justification. If you think you might be suffering from magical thinking OCD, it’s important to get help. In this blog post, we will discuss the symptoms as well as treatment options for this condition.

What Is Magical Thinking OCD?

what is Magical Thinking OCD

Magical thinking OCD is a type of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) in which a person believes that some sort of magic force is affecting their life. It is a cognitive distortion or error of thought that can manifest in several ways, such as feeling like someone is watching them, experiencing coincidences that seem too good to be true, or having thoughts and feelings that cannot be explained. It allows people with OCD to feel safer and in more control, regardless of how illogically or irrationally their thoughts or behaviors are perceived by themselves and others.

The strong faith in the control of magic and superstitions creates an intense fear that the individual could have harmed others or will be responsible for harm to others if they do not perform specific compulsive behaviors that their OCD demands.

Symptoms of Magical Thinking OCD

The symptoms of magical thinking OCD can vary from person to person. Some common symptoms include:

  • Feeling like you are being watched or followed
  • Experiencing coincidences that seem too good to be true
  • Having thoughts and feelings that cannot be explained
  • Feeling like you have special powers or abilities
  • Constantly rearranging materials in order
  • Fearing that something bad will happen if you don’t do certain things

If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, it’s important to seek help from a mental health professional. They will be able to diagnose your condition and also provide you with the treatment options that are best for you.

Examples Of Magical Thinking OCD

Magical Thinking OCD examples

Just like the repetitive and irrational beliefs and behaviors followed in OCD, magical thinking OCD follows various obsessions and compulsions which are closely related to the said magical thinking.


  • Obsession with the idea that they are being watched or followed
  • Believing that they have special powers or abilities
  • Fearing that something bad will happen if they don’t do certain things
  • Superstitious thoughts with a dominant fear of their effects
  • Obsessive fixation on certain numbers, colors, words, or actions
  • Believing that one must cancel out or neutralize “bad thoughts” by thinking “good thoughts” or “good memories” to further prevent negative consequences.


  • Performing rituals or behaviors in an attempt to control the magical forces they believe are affecting their life
  • Attempting to avoid people or places that they believe associate with the magical force
  • Constantly talking about their obsessions and compulsions with others
  • Checking to see if they are being watched or followed
  • Following a certain ritualistic pattern repeatedly until the anxiety goes away
  • Doing things to try to prove that they have special powers or abilities
  • Avoiding people or situations that they fear will further lead to something bad happening

Causes For Magical Thinking OCD

There is no known cause for magical thinking OCD. However, some risk factors can have an influence on this condition, such as:

  • Having a family member with OCD or another mental health disorder
  • Experiencing trauma or stress in your life
  • Using drugs or alcohol
  • Having certain medical conditions

Side Effects Of Magical Thinking OCD

Magical Thinking OCD side effects

The side effects of magical thinking OCD can vary from person to person. Some common side effects include:

If you are experiencing any of these side effects, it’s important to seek help from a mental health professional. Therapists at Mantra Care are available from all over the world to further assist you with mental health concerns through online therapy sessions at accessible and affordable rates.


Magical thinking OCD is a type of obsessive-compulsive disorder in which a person believes that some sort of magic force is affecting their life. If you think you might be suffering from this condition, it’s important to get help. In this blog post, we have discussed the symptoms and also the available treatment options for this condition. If you are experiencing any of the symptoms listed above, please reach out to a mental health professional for further help.

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