Parenting Style Quiz: Which of These Do You Prefer


Parenting Style Test

Many people take a keen interest in finding out what their parenting style is, but they don’t know where to look. Luckily for you, there’s a quiz that can help! The Parenting Style Quiz: Which of These Do You Prefer? will give you insight into your own parenting style and the styles of others. Moreover, this quiz has been designed by experts who have studied different methods of raising children and their outcomes. However, it analyzes your answers to determine which type of parenting style best suits you. So if you’re curious about how other people raise their kids or want to find out more about yourself, take this test now!

What is Parenting Style?

A parenting style is the type of guidance that parents give to their children. Also, the styles are usually divided into four categories which include authoritarian, authoritative, permissive, and uninvolved.

Four Parenting Styles

Four Parenting Styles

  • Authoritarian: The most strict of the four styles, this type of parenting is characterized by high demands and low responsiveness. Consequently, parents who use an authoritarian style will control their children’s lives through rules and punishments.
  • Authoritative: More flexible than others, authoritative parents are warm but assertive with their kids. They set clear standards for behavior while allowing them some independence to make decisions on their own.
  • Permissive: Unlike authoritative parents, permissive ones allow excessive freedom in decision making which can lead to problems later on down the line if they don’t learn responsibility at a young age. This lack of boundaries leads to unruly children that act out or develop poor social skills because there aren’t any consequences for bad choices.
  • Uninvolved: As expected from the name, uninvolved parents don’t provide guidance or discipline for their children. Therefore, the result is often an adult child who has no idea how to operate in the world without parental supervision and support.

Sample Questions For Parenting Style Quiz

This quiz is to help you understand your parenting style. Answer for each item how much you agree or disagree. It takes most people about 4 minutes to finish the quiz. Therefore, answer truthfully and then compare with your partner’s answer to find out your parenting style!

Sample Questions For Anger Test

Parents should listen to their kids and give them a lot of direction.

  • Strongly disagree
  • Disagree
  • Neither agree or disagree
  • Agree
  • Strongly agree

Society would be better if parents were more strict with their kids.

  • Strongly disagree
  • Disagree
  • Neither agree or disagree
  • Agree
  • Strongly agree

Children should make most of their own decisions without parental direction.

  • Strongly disagree
  • Disagree
  • Neither agree or disagree
  • Agree
  • Strongly agree

Rules for kids’ behavior should not be too strict.

  • Strongly disagree
  • Disagree
  • Neither agree or disagree
  • Agree
  • Strongly agree

Parents should provide direction and guidance in ways that are rational and objective.

  • Strongly disagree
  • Disagree
  • Neither agree or disagree
  • Agree
  • Strongly agree

Children should be told what to do and how to do it.

  • Strongly disagree
  • Disagree
  • Neither agree or disagree
  • Agree
  • Strongly agree

Kids can decide what they want to do. They can make their own decision.

  • Strongly disagree
  • Disagree
  • Neither agree or disagree
  • Agree
  • Strongly agree

Kids need to learn who is boss in the family.

  • Strongly disagree
  • Disagree
  • Neither agree or disagree
  • Agree
  • Strongly agree

Children should be able to get their own way as frequently as their parents.

  • Strongly disagree
  • Disagree
  • Neither agree or disagree
  • Agree
  • Strongly agree

Fathers and mothers should talk with their children about the reasons for their rules.

  • Strongly disagree
  • Disagree
  • Neither agree or disagree
  • Agree
  • Strongly agree

Children should accept their parents’ instructions without asking any questions.

  • Strongly disagree
  • Disagree
  • Neither agree or disagree
  • Agree
  • Strongly agree

It’s crucial for parents to make their expectations of their children clear and open for debate.

  • Strongly disagree
  • Disagree
  • Neither agree or disagree
  • Agree
  • Strongly agree

Parents shouldn’t limit their children’s activities or choices.

  • Strongly disagree
  • Disagree
  • Neither agree or disagree
  • Agree
  • Strongly agree

Children should obey what their parents believe is best.

  • Strongly disagree
  • Disagree
  • Neither agree or disagree
  • Agree
  • Strongly agree

Kids should be encouraged to talk about the rules and restrictions of their families.

  • Strongly disagree
  • Disagree
  • Neither agree or disagree
  • Agree
  • Strongly agree

Scoring of Parenting Quiz

Strongly Agree = A

Agree = B

Disagree or Strongly Disagree= C

Neither agree nor disagree= D

Don’t know/Not sure= E. Write your answer in the corresponding circle on the line provided for that question number. Add up all of your A, B, and C answers to obtain your A score. Do the same for all of your D and E answers (if you wrote in “don’t know” or “not sure,” leave that line blank). Then add up the amount of As, Bs, Cs, etc., on each question. The total score will be between 15 and 75; this is your Parenting Style Quiz Score.


Scoring of Parenting Quiz

The parent who prefers A is a firm and consistent disciplinarian; they are strict, but also tend to be warm and nurturing. They believe that children should respect their parents’ authority as well as the rules of society (the world outside the family). Consequently, the A parenting style can be contrasted with D: permissive parents who are warm, nurturing, and democratic.

The parent who prefers B is more of a laissez-faire type; they have few rules for their children to follow but do expect their kids to be respectful of others’ boundaries (the family). They believe that authority should not be imposed on the child by any means necessary. Consequently, this includes physical punishment or verbal abuse. Consequently, the B parenting style can be contrasted with C: authoritarian parents who are cold, distant, and demanding.

The parent who prefers C is a democratic disciplinarian; they expect their children to follow the rules of society (the world outside the family), but also give them some leeway in making decisions for themselves. Consequently, the C parenting style can be contrasted with A: permissive parents who are warm, nurturing, and democratic.

The parent who prefers D is a laissez-faire type; they have few rules for their children to follow but do expect their kids to be respectful of others’ boundaries (the family). Therefore, they believe that authority should not be imposed on the child by any means necessary—including physical punishment or verbal abuse. Consequently, the D parenting style can be contrasted with B: authoritarian parents who are cold, distant, and demanding.

Finally, the parent who prefers E is democratic; they believe that children should follow the rules of society (the world outside the family), but also give them some leeway in making decisions for themselves. Consequently, the E parenting style can be contrasted with C: authoritarian parents who are cold, distant, and demanding.

Results and Predictions of Parenting Quiz

Quiz Score of 15-30

Ever since you are an authoritarian parent. This means that you prefer to discipline your children with clear rules and consequences, but also want them to show respect for their family members’ boundaries (i.e., the world outside the home). As a result, they tend to be self-controlled in their behavior and have a strong respect for authority figures. However, authoritarian parents tend to be cold and distant from their kids which can result in behavioral issues as children grow older—they may become disrespectful toward family members or struggle with self-esteem issues because they feel unloved by Mommy and/or Daddy.

Quiz Score of 31-45

You are a democratic parent. This means that you want your children to follow the rules of society (the world outside the family), but also give them some leeway in making decisions for themselves. As a result, they tend to be self-controlled and have a strong sense of independence from their parents—you might even notice their younger siblings struggling with this newfound power! However, while being encouraged to make choices can help kids become more confident adults later on in life, it does come at the expense of parental authority which can lead to behavioral issues as children grow older.

Quiz Score of 46-60

You are permissive/liberal when it comes to parenting style. Permissive parents allow their children to run free and make their own decisions, but they do still hold some high expectations for their children. As a result, kids tend to be very independent in nature (they expect that others will not tell them what to do or question the choices they’ve made) while also demonstrating self-control when it comes to making good decisions for themselves. The downside of this parenting style is that because your child has so much freedom at home, he/she may rebel against authority figures outside of the family—such as teachers or coaches who are trying to discipline him/her on the playground!

Quiz Score of 61-75

You are laissez-faire when it comes to parenting. Laissez-faire parents have few rules for their children to follow but do expect them to be respectful of others’ boundaries (both the family and the world outside). As a result, kids tend to be very independent in nature—they may even come across as rude or disrespectful toward authority figures! They are allowed so much freedom at home that it can become difficult for them to respect others who hold power over them.

Quiz Score of 76-100

You are democratic when it comes to parenting style. Democratic parents believe that children should follow the rules of society (the world outside), but also give them some leeway in making decisions for themselves. However, kids raised with this perspective tend to grow up feeling confident and secure—they’re self-controlled and have a strong sense of independence from their parents. However, they may still struggle with authority figures outside the home—such as teachers or coaches who are trying to discipline them!

How accurate is it?

The Parenting Style Quiz was developed by Dr. Diane Baumrind in the 1960s and 70s to help parents identify their overall parenting approach. It’s important to note that you may score very differently on this quiz depending on your children’s ages—the older they get, the less leeway you should give them! As a result, if one of your kids is still young (i.e., under age 13) it would be worth taking this test again when he/she becomes an adolescent because there are some differences between childhood and adolescence which affect how much freedom teens need at home vs outside the home.


If you want to know more about your parenting style, take our quiz! The result will help guide your approach in the future. Or if you’re not a parent yet but are considering it someday, this is just as useful for you! You can find out what type of parenting best suits where you are right now and how to prepare yourself while continuing on with life. Finally, we hope that these tips have been helpful–now go make some great memories with your children!

For more information, please contact MantraCare. Parenting is a challenging yet rewarding experience that is crucial for the development and well-being of a child. If you have any queries regarding Online Parenting Counseling experienced therapists at MantraCare can help: Book a trial therapy session

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