How To Find A Pediatric Therapist For Anxiety

Pediatric Therapist For Anxiety

Anxiety can be a challenging and overwhelming experience for children, impacting their emotional well-being, academic performance, and social interactions. However, working with a pediatric therapist who has specialized training and experience can help children manage anxiety. In this blog, we will explore the role of a pediatric therapist in treating anxiety in children, the benefits of seeking professional help, how to find a qualified pediatric therapist for anxiety, and what to look for when selecting a therapist for your child.

Who Is A Pediatric Therapist?

Who Is A Pediatric Therapist?A pediatric therapist is a healthcare professional who specializes in providing therapeutic services to children, ranging from infants to teenagers. They are trained to address a wide range of mental and behavioral issues. They often work closely with healthcare professionals and family members to provide a holistic and collaborative approach to care.

Benefits Of Pediatric Therapists

Pediatric therapists can provide many benefits to children and families, including:

  • Help identify a wide range of developmental and behavioral issues in children, such as motor skills, speech and language, social skills, emotional regulation, and cognitive functioning.
  • Help children overcome challenges and manage symptoms of anxiety, fear, worry, or triggers associated.
  • Offer a safe and non-judgmental environment for children to express their emotions and feelings, and develop new coping skills.
  • Collaborate with other healthcare professionals, such as pediatricians, to provide a holistic approach.
  • Provide support and guidance for parents or caregivers to help them better understand their child’s needs.
  • Helping children build self-esteem and confidence, and improve their ability to interact with others.
  • Assisting children in achieving developmental milestones and reaching their full potential.
  • Enhancing the overall well-being and quality of life of children and their families.

Approaches Used By Pediatric Therapists

Approaches Used By Pediatric Therapists

Pediatric therapists can help children with anxiety by using a variety of evidence-based therapies and techniques:

  • One of the most common approaches used by pediatric therapists to treat anxiety in children is cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT). Through this, they help children understand the connection between their thoughts, feelings, and behaviors.
  • Another approach used by pediatric therapists is Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP) therapy. In this, the therapists gradually expose the child to their feared situation while preventing them from engaging in avoidance or safety behaviors.

  • Pediatric therapists may also use play-based therapy to help children express and process their emotions in a safe and non-threatening way.
  • Additionally, therapists may teach relaxation and mindfulness techniques, such as deep breathing, progressive muscle relaxation, or guided imagery, to help children reduce their physical symptoms of anxiety.
  • Pediatric therapists also work closely with parents and caregivers to help them understand their child’s anxiety and how they can support their children at home. This may involve guiding parenting strategies, such as setting clear boundaries and routines and helping parents develop coping strategies to manage their anxiety and stress.

Finding Pediatric Therapist For Anxiety

Finding a pediatric therapist for anxiety can feel overwhelming, but there are several ways to start your search:

Search online

Searching online for a pediatric therapist for anxiety is a convenient way to begin your search. There are a lot of websites online that provide online directories or lists of therapists. You can select the one as per your location, schedule, or budget. Also, you can read reviews to get an idea of the quality of the therapy delivered.


Ask your child’s pediatrician or school counselor for a referral to a pediatric therapist who specializes in anxiety. Or else, you can reach out to local mental health clinics or hospitals to inquire about pediatric therapy services. Do not hesitate to ask your local doctor to refer a pediatric anxiety therapist.

Ask insurance provider

Check with your insurance provider to see if they have a directory of in-network pediatric therapists in your area. You can find therapists who are covered by your insurance plan and who may be more affordable. Also, you can select the one according to your preferred location or specialty. This way you can save the cost, time, and effort involved in searching for a therapist.


Ask for recommendations from other parents who have sought therapy for their children. They can recommend their child’s therapist or may suggest you another. Either way, you can get a prior idea about the therapist’s approach and quality delivered. You can also ask for recommendations from your friends, family, or relatives.

Ensure This In Your Child’s Therapist

Ensure This In Your Child's Therapist 

When choosing a pediatric therapist to help your child with anxiety, there are several qualities to look for. These include:

  • Experience and Training: Look for a therapist who has experience working with children and who has specialized training in treating anxiety disorders in children. This will ensure that they have the knowledge and expertise needed to help your child.
  • Certifications and Qualifications: Before consulting, make sure that the therapist has certifications, licenses, and qualifications to treat children with anxiety.
  • Empathy and Compassion: Your child needs a therapist who is patient, kind, and compassionate. Look for a therapist who has a positive and supportive attitude.
  • Effective Communication: A therapist who can communicate effectively with both you and your child is important. They should be able to explain the treatment plan, answer your questions, and provide regular updates on your child’s progress.
  • Flexibility and Adaptability: Every child is different, so it’s important to find a therapist who is flexible and adaptable to your child’s specific needs. They should be able to adjust their approach to therapy as needed to best support their child.
  • Collaborative Approach: Look for a therapist who is willing to collaborate with you and other professionals involved in your child’s care, such as their pediatrician or school counselor. A team approach can help ensure that your child receives the most effective and comprehensive care possible.

Online Therapists For Children

Online Therapists For ChildrenOnline therapy or teletherapy has become increasingly popular. It offers the convenience of being able to access therapy from the comfort of your own home, saves time and cost, and can be especially helpful for children who may feel more comfortable talking about their anxiety in a familiar environment.

Online therapy can take place through phone calls, video chat, or text messages. However, it is important to ensure that the online platform being used is secure and meets privacy standards to protect your child’s personal information.


In conclusion, pediatric therapists can be an invaluable resource for children who struggle with anxiety. They can provide specialized support and guidance to help children learn coping skills and manage their anxiety healthily. When searching for a pediatric therapist for your child, it’s important to look for someone who is experienced, empathetic and has a child-centered approach to therapy. With the help of a skilled and compassionate pediatric therapist, children with anxiety can find the tools and support they need to thrive and overcome their challenges.

For more information and guidance, please contact MantraCare. Online therapists are increasingly important in today’s world because they provide a convenient and accessible way for people to receive mental health support and treatment. Visit MantraCare If you are searching for a “therapist near me”. Book a trial Online therapy session.

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