A Complete Guide To Corporate Wellness Program

A Complete Guide To Corporate Wellness Program

A Complete Guide To Corporate Wellness Program

Do you know the benefits of having a corporate wellness program? It can boost employee productivity and morale, increase company revenue by attracting and retaining top talent, and even lower your healthcare costs. In this guide, we will explore what corporate wellness programs are all about. We’ll help you understand how to implement one in your business, guide you through designing it for maximum impact, give tips on marketing the program to employees, provide you with some examples of current corporate wellness programs available today, and more.

A Complete Guide To Corporate Wellness Program

A long time ago, our ancestors had to hunt and gather food. They only had one job: to find food.

A leopard’s work is difficult. They have to jump over trees, chase their food, and taste the berries. But a leopard’s work is not easy. It takes a lot of effort and focuses because they could be eaten if they are not careful.

Doctors recommend 10,000 steps per day for good health. Compare that to our present situation. However, a typical worker walks only about 2000 steps each day, contributing to the increasing health problem.

As employees, they take vitamins and other pills that will make them healthier. They eat unhealthy food and don’t exercise, but hope that it will be enough to become healthy.

It never is. In fact, you might be paying a lot more for your employees’ health if you don’t pay attention. Living an active lifestyle requires effort, work, and time. Healthy habits do not occur overnight.

We’ve compiled a guide to a corporate wellness handbook on the hows, whats, and whys of establishing a better standard of living for your employees.

What Is Corporate Wellness Program?

what is a corporate wellness program?

A complete guide to a corporate wellness program is an employers’ strategy to create a healthy work environment by incorporating various health activities into the employees’ regular working hours in order to support employee well-being. This simply entails creating a superior managerial health culture while taking a holistic approach to employee health.

The advantages of a guide to corporate wellness programs are innumerable. Creating wellness initiatives helps to reduce a variety of workplace health concerns linked with the consumption of poor nutrition and beverages, stress, inactivity, and more. These methods, among other things, assist employees in developing a sense of wellbeing.

Providing a brief guide to corporate wellness solutions that is not limited by the limitations of conventional health programs, as well as developing healthy behaviors and habits, improves employee engagement and productivity while also improving other health metrics.

If you have an employee wellness program at your workplace, then it can help keep employees. This is because some people who want to work will stay if they like the benefits.

89% of people who work at a company that has wellness activities will recommend it as a good place to work. That means that one size does not fit all, and what you need to do for your employees might be different from what another company needs to do for theirs.

Many companies offer wellness programs. Some provide insurance, while others install gyms at the workplace. A guide to corporate Wellness programs is more accessible now than they have ever been. Design, development, and implementation of a wellness program are made easier by these wellness programs.

However, to your relief, corporate wellness programs may also be tailored to an organization’s requirements, size, and budget.

Importance Of Wellness In The Workspace

Importance of wellness programs

What is most likely the first thing you notice when you walk into an office in any part of the globe? While valuable assets like your employees are important.

Working long hours and dealing with continual stress is only natural for a business to provide health techniques for retaining employees and encouraging them to do their best. The contemporary workplace environment, which includes prolonged periods of sitting, fast takeout meals, and computer screen eye strain, isn’t good for both mental or physical health.

Employees, in general, prefer to make unhealthy decisions as opposed to healthy ones since they do not have the time to do so. It is simpler to grab a doughnut for breakfast than it is to prepare a salad. Instead of sleeping poorly, several cups of coffee can replace that night’s sleep.

You need to be healthy physically and mentally. If you are not, then you can get sick. There is a lot of talk about how important it is to be healthy physically and people often forget that it is also important to be healthy mentally. You see this when people start making decisions that they know are bad for them because they think that it will help them be healthy.

Having a healthy mind and body are the same. It’s not an apple to an orange situation. You can’t just have one or not have one. Also, organizations focus so hard on physical health that they don’t stop to consider mental health in their organization.

You play an important role in encouraging employees to make healthy choices. But it’s not as easy as just hanging up posters and providing healthy snacks in the breakroom.

Benefits Of Corporate Wellness Programs

benefits of Corporate Wellness Programs

With a tight budget and few resources, A guide to corporate wellness programs may seem unrealistic right now. However, the fact is that investing in corporate wellness efforts may benefit your organization in the long term.

Researchers presented a thorough summary of 22 different studies over three years and discovered the following. “For every $1 spent on a wellness program, the company saved $3.27 in healthcare expenditures.” It’s no surprise to see the value of creating a healthy living culture.

The advantages of an excellent guide to corporate wellness programs for employees are enormous.

  • Work-Related Illnesses: When a person is in good health, it is evident in less stress, greater strength, and enhanced immune function.
  • Insurance Costs: When employees are healthier, they are able to work for longer periods of time, which lowers their health insurance costs and saves both employers and workers money.
  • The higher level of exercise and eating healthily: Absenteeism is reduced by 27% for those who exercise and eat nutritious diets on a regular basis.
  • Increased morale: Employees who are healthier tend to be more upbeat, social, and enthused about their job. As a result, the morale in the workplace rises.
  • Stress among employees is reduced significantly when they are in a good mood.
  • Access to corporate wellness programs is important to 91% of respondents.
  • Employees who are more engaged and productive have a better quality of life.

Employers that take part in a brief guide to corporate wellness programs have the power to increase employee engagement and produce healthier, happier, and more productive employees.

 Ways To Wellness

Ways To Wellness

Wellness means being healthy. If you take care of your own wellness, it is better for everyone. Now we will learn about how to do this.

Wellness is more than a program to be implemented. Wellness is first and foremost a way of life. In the light of recent events, most traditional corporate wellness initiatives have focused primarily on the physical aspect of health.

Bosses today understand how important it is to consider employee health as a whole. If we think wellness is when you are doing something, then the 7 general aspects are drinking water. This can lead to less energy in your body, which can affect how good you do on tests or in school.

Running is good for your heart. It is also good for cholesterol rate. People who run often have a higher heart rate and lower cholesterol rate.

You are what you eat. If you eat healthily, your body will be healthy too. Eating nutritious foods helps to prevent diseases.

Yoga: Yoga is a practice that consists of physical postures, breathing exercises, and meditation. It can be used to improve overall health.

Meditation: Exercise helps you feel better, have more energy, and be healthier.

Strength: Exercise can make you feel good. It makes your body stronger. Exercise helps you stay away from things like high blood pressure and diabetes.

Sleep: Healthy sleep makes your body work better. Your immune system can stay healthy and protect you from sicknesses. Stress goes down if you have time to sleep well. In a nutshell, Drink water. Eat healthy food. Exercise. Spend time in stillness. Find time for sleep. These are all ways to be healthy and happy.

1. Drinking Water

Drinking Water

Water makes up approximately 60% of the human body. According to a new survey by Quench, over three-quarters (77%) of employees were not sure whether they got enough water on a daily basis to fulfill their health demands.

Benefits of Drinking Water

  • Increased brainpower: The major advantage of drinking more water is a boost in cognitive function. Our brain, which is made up of roughly 70% water, requires hydration to think clearly and focus. As a result, your vitality levels will improve as well.
  • Promotes healthy weight management: Water aids in the removal of fat by-products, which makes you feel fuller. This not only serves as a natural appetite suppressant, but it can also boost your metabolism. Furthermore, rather than eating the entire basket of bread before a meal, drink a glass or two of water beforehand.
  • Boosts immunity: A guzzler is less likely to get sick. Who wouldn’t want to feel healthy most of the time? Flu, cancer, and other illnesses such as heart attacks can be prevented by drinking a lot of water.
  • Flushes Out Toxins: Regular exercise reduces the risk of kidney stones and UTIs by flushing waste through sweat and urine, which prevents the formation of kidney stones and UTIs.
  • Prevents Cramps & Sprains: Proper hydration maintains the joints’ lubrication and muscle flexibility, reducing the chance of joint discomfort.
  • Helps with headaches: Dehydration is a leading cause of headaches. According to studies, migraines and other types of headaches are frequently linked to dehydration.
  • Smooth bowel movements: Constipation is defined as a chronic condition in which the frequency or consistency of one’s bowel movements are abnormal. And fluid consumption is frequently considered an option for this.

How You Can Encourage It?

  • Ensure accessibility: Employees have concerns about not having enough time to get water. Make sure that water sources are close by because people might not have time.
  • Ensure quality and taste: Provide water that is clean and tastes good. Install water coolers, large plastic jugs, and individual bottles to have fresh-tasting water.
  • Communicate: Create a campaign for your employees to encourage them to get up and walk around. To do this, you should promote a healthy workplace culture.
  • Create a trend: It is important to drink water. Drink it when you see somebody else drinking water. You can also ask your employees to make sure their co-workers are drinking water too.

2. Running


According to various research, if you jog for 30 minutes five times a week, it may help with obesity. It also might help with Type 2 diabetes, heart diseases, depression, and blood pressure balance.

Benefits of Running

Running is a great way to stay healthy. You can eat more food and it will help keep you strong. Running also helps make your heart stronger:

  • Weight Management: It is hard to work all day and not exercise. You might get fat. But you can help your body lose weight by running for 5 minutes every 45 minutes. When you run, it burns calories like 450 calories in 5 minutes (or 45 mins=450 calls).
  • Improves Cardio Health: Running keeps your heart healthy. It burns more calories and makes the heart work harder. That is good because it lowers blood pressure.
  • Muscle and Bone Strength: As you get older, your muscles and bones may get weaker. This is because people often sit in a chair all day without any physical activity. If you run, this may help you avoid losing muscle and bone strength over time by not being at this risk.
  • Stress Reliever: Running is a good way to take time for yourself. It can make you feel better. When you’re running, it feels like you’re healthier than people who don’t do anything. Running can make you feel good. It releases a hormone called endorphins that makes you feel happy and reduces the feeling of pain. This same hormone also helps slow down the aging process, boosts your immune system, and gives relief from stress and anxiety.
  • Gives you better sleep: Exercise and sleep are important. Exercise is tiring, so it helps you to sleep better. The more you exercise, the better your sleep is.
  • Immunity booster: Running is good for you. It’s important to not overdo it, but even a little running can be very helpful for your body.
  • Reduces cancer risk: Due to the fact that the body is kept healthy by runners, they have a decreased risk of cancer. Furthermore, even if you have cancer, running can help you lower your mortality rate and the negative effects of harsh therapies during the phase. Running also helps protect your body from becoming diabetic.

How To Encourage Employees To Embrace Running

  • Organize in-house health runs and marathons: Organizing workplace health runs and a marathon is one approach to get your employees interested in running. This also encourages your staff to enjoy the game with each other. As a result, raising morale boosts productivity.
  • Incentivize their efforts: It’s also crucial for you to set aside a certain amount of money for bonuses. This will encourage them to stick with their healthy lifestyle goals for a long time. In addition, it will improve their public image among their employers, who are committed to going as far as necessary in order to maintain their health.
  • Convey the benefits: Until they are aware of the advantages, no one will adopt a practice or work for a cause. Similarly, make sure to highlight the benefits of incorporating running into their daily routine with employees. From there, there is no turning back.

3. Eating

Eating-guide corporate wellness programs

As the saying goes, “We are what we eat.” Maintaining a healthy diet is one of the most important things you can do for your health. However, maintaining a nutritious diet may be difficult. Especially when you have a demanding job and don’t have time to prepare meals.

Most cases of heart disease, stroke, and Type 2 diabetes could be prevented by adopting a healthy diet.

Benefits of healthy eating

  • Enhanced Immunity: A healthy meal is the best way to make your body strong. A meal with vegetables and cereal is great for you because it has vitamins and fiber in it.
  • Improved metabolism: Protein-rich meals to aid in increasing one’s metabolism rate. This has a direct impact on one’s commitment to losing weight while still having energy for daily activities.
  • Better Mood: Good food makes you feel good. When you eat healthily, your daily energy level goes up and makes you feel like doing more things. When you eat light meals, then the carbs and fats will not make you tired.
  • Healthy heart: High blood pressure can be seen in many places and that can lead to heart attacks, heart failure, and strokes. Eating healthy is important for your heart. Healthy eating means eating food like fruits and vegetables because they keep your heart healthy and fit.
  • Boosts memory: A healthy diet can also help you to be smart. It helps your brain and fights against the problems like cognitive decline and dementia.
  • Weight loss: It’s important to have a healthy diet if you want to lose weight. This means that you should eat foods that are not too high in calories and rich in fiber and lean proteins.
  • Keeps bones and teeth strong: A healthy diet always includes food items rich in calcium and magnesium which helps the bones. This helps prevent problems with the bones later in life like osteoporosis.

4. Yoga

Yoga- guide corporate wellness programs

If you think that yoga is an “eastern exercise”, then you are wrong. It comes from the word “yoga” which means Union. Yoga is an ancient practice that brings together the mind and body.

Patanjali, who wrote the Yoga Sutra, said that yoga means to quiet the mind. More and more people have been finding out about the benefits of yoga. It is even being used in the workplace! There are a lot of people who teach it in offices.

Yoga has many benefits. It stops pain and anxiety. Yoga is good for you. It helps you feel better and be healthier. Yoga is important in your workplace in a brief guide to wellness program because it does so many good things for people who work there.

Benefits Of Yoga

  • Reduced Back Pain: Some people take up yoga because they have back pain. There are many people with desk jobs that have this problem. Studies show that doing yoga can help you, but you need to do it for a long time. The study involved government workers who got either one week of yoga or one week of doing what they usually do. The story proves that the group of people who did yoga reported feeling less stress, back pain, and sadness. The people in the other group felt more stressed, had more back pain, and felt sadder.
  • Lower Burnout Rates: A study in 2015 found that nurses who did yoga for eight weeks experienced benefits such as better self-care, less emotional exhaustion, and increased empathy when in contact with patients.
  • Less Absenteeism: Yoga at the workplace helps employees. They don’t get sick or have problems. Yoga can help with communication skills and make people happy. It also helps with stress and your muscles.
  • Calm temperament: Yoga is a good exercise to do. Yoga relaxes and calms the mind and body. People who do yoga have more endurance and can think more logically, so they are more productive.
  • Stress relief: After a long day of work, it is good to do some yoga. It helps reduce cortisol, the stress hormone. This will create a more relaxed situation in your mind.
  • Improves focus: Doing yoga can help you think more clearly, even if you have a hard time doing that. Yoga is important because it clears your mind and makes you feel better.
  • Increases flexibility: Yoga makes you flexible. That is good because when you are more flexible you have less pain in your joints and low blood pressure, which helps with both posture and preventing injuries.

5. Meditation

Meditation- guide corporate wellness programs

If you have a calm mind, then good things can happen. These days, people are always busy at work and they never get time to think. They just want to talk or do non-stop meetings or work on other tasks. But this is not the time for them to do their work. So when they have time for themselves, they should do some meditation.

Meditation can help you find peace of mind. You will have less stress and be more productive. It also helps open creative doors in your brain.

Problem-solving abilities improve in creativity and new ideas enter the mind more readily as a result of focused attention. Many individuals credit Steve Jobs’ success at Apple to his frequent meditation practice, believing that it helped him come up with new and inventive ideas for the tech behemoth.

Benefits Of Meditation

  • Improved Focus: Mindfulness and meditation have been found to boost our capacity to focus and decrease external and internal distractions, according to numerous studies. Brain regions involved with learning and working memory capacity changed as a result of a meditation program, according to researchers.
  • Improved Mood: The practice of meditation in the workplace can make people feel better. It can make them happy and reduce their depression and anxiety. Daily practice may help to carry this optimism into the workplace and improve satisfaction. According to research, mindfulness and meditation-based programs result in substantial anxiety and depression reductions across a range of diseases as well as an increase in patience and positivity. A consistent practice can assist you to carry your optimism into the office.
  • Meditation = Less Stress: Stress can cause a lot of problems. People with high stress have more health problems. They also have more feelings about how they can control their life. If you think you’re stressed, try meditation. It has been shown to help people who are stressed and is good for your mind too! People who are ill can reduce the symptoms of stress by doing mindfulness meditation. They can get a 30% reduction in their symptoms.
  • Develops self-awareness: Meditation is a way to know yourself better. It will help you grow into the best version of yourself.
  • Increases attention span: Meditation for 10 minutes a day will help you to have better attention and memory. Meditation helps your attention and memory.
  • Fights addictions: When you meditate, you will be smarter. Meditation is better than other things because it makes it so that you can control your mind and help with addiction.
  • Improves sleep: Insomnia is a problem that many people have these days. The best way to address this problem is by doing mindfulness-based meditation programs. Meditation can give you sound sleep and make your insomnia less severe.

How To Encourage Workplace Wellness

75% of the people who have corporate wellness programs are interested in them. 59% of those who have one, say it helps them live healthier lives.

1. Health Ambassador

Health Ambassador

You will always come across someone at your workplace who is both health-conscious and an inspiration to his/her coworkers. Such workers’ may serve as role models for the rest of the staff, encouraging them to live a healthy lifestyle. You may call them “Health Ambassadors” and make them the company’s public face for good health.

2. Gym Memberships

Gym Memberships

Building an in-house gym is expensive, but you can ask your employees to use a nearby gym.

3. Health Articles And Newsletters

Health Articles And Newsletters

Starting off health campaigns in your organization takes a lot of effort. It can be hard to get people to take a closer look at their health. But you can help by sending daily newsletters and articles about the effects of an unhealthy lifestyle.

4. Healthy Snacks

Healthy Snacks

People need to have healthy food in the office. They work better when they eat good food. They can’t be hungry while they work. When people are hungry, they might not do their best job.

You can make a bad decision at the vending machine. That could bring your day to an end. So it is best to eat healthy snacks like fruits and vegetables. These will give you energy all day long, so you can do more things. You should also know that snacks have more effect on overall health than any other meal choice. A healthy snack can be a great way to start the day.

5. Ergonomic Office Equipment

Ergonomic Office Equipment

According to obesity researchers, chairs are bad. During his study, he found that sitting for a long time slows down your metabolism and makes you more fat. You can instantly lower your risk of obesity by standing up every once in a while while you work. Active workstations will also help keep your body healthy.

Invest in equipment that makes people move. Standing desks and bikes do not burn as many calories as some would say, but they make people walk more than if they were sitting. These can make your employees work harder for tasks that don’t require a lot of fine motor skills. Another idea is to invest in standing desks, which are cheaper and healthier than they sound.

Companies Using Workplace Wellness Programs

Companies Using Workplace Wellness Programs

It’s difficult to maintain a healthy work-life balance. However, certain businesses make it a little simpler by providing an outstanding brief guide to corporate wellness programs. Organic lunches, gym memberships, 24/7 access to a doctor, in-office massages, yoga classes, and other amenities are all available. In today’s employment environment, it’s all about who you are and what you can offer an employer. Therefore, a brief guide to corporate wellness programs is essential.

A Word from Mantra Care

If you’re eager to learn how a comprehensive guide to a corporate wellness program can help your business, this guide is the perfect place to start. The benefits of such programs are well-documented and we’ll show you how they work for any company size or industry type. From designing a brief guide to a corporate wellness program that’s customized to your needs, all the way through marketing it internally and externally, we’ve got everything you need right here! Explore our extensive resources today and find out what difference a corporate wellness program can make in your organization

Do you want to keep your employees happy, healthy, and productive? Join our employee assistance program and get a healthier workplace.

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