United Kingdom EAP: Employee Wellness


UK EAP Providers

UK employees with mental health conditions can find peace of mind and treatment through their EAP. These services offer a wide range of treatments, such as medication therapy, counseling, and most importantly-time off work to recover. The importance of these services cannot be overstated-while most people do not suffer from long-term mental health issues. Studies have shown that most people will experience some kind of stress or anxiety in their lifetime. EAPs help employees live a healthier lifestyle and are more productive at work.

What Is Employee Assistance Program (EAP)?

what is EAP

An Employee Assistance Program, or EAP, is a service provided by an employer to his employees through which employees can receive counseling and support for personal problems with the objective of improving their quality of life at work.

According to statistics, most people will experience mental health issues in their life, affecting their wellbeing and ability to work. A 2008 report by Statistics Canada, stated that the number of people with mood and/or anxiety disorder is 9%. This percentage greatly increases to about 20% when including those who suffer from substance abuse. With these numbers in mind, you can’t but wonder why employers aren’t doing more to help their employees. It is a known fact that counseling and therapy greatly reduce the employee’s absence rate. Thus increasing productivity in the workplace.

The EAPs provide counseling to employees for a variety of problems. Such as depression, anxiety, marital/family issues, financial pressures, substance abuse, and even terminal illness. The objective of these services is not only to improve employees’ quality of life at work. But also in their personal lives given that many mental health issues have impacts on family or social relationships. Another important feature is that it provides access to 24-hour professional help with an initial telephone assessment followed by face-to-face sessions if required.


EAP in the UKThe Employee Assistance Program (EAP) in the UK (United Kingdom) is an initiative for companies and organizations. To ensure the health and well-being of employees. The objective of these EAP providers is not only to improve employees’ quality of life at work. But also in their personal lives given that many mental health issues have impacts on family or social relationships. Another important feature is that it provides access to 24-hour professional help with an initial telephone assessment followed by face-to-face sessions if required.

EAP Counselors

EAP counselors are highly trained professionals with experience dealing with clients who are experiencing difficulties at school, work, home, and in social settings. EAPs can also help companies manage risk through early intervention, helping employees to deal with their problems before they escalate into larger issues.

According to an article published in the Huffington Post, “the main goal of work-related psychological disorders prevention is presented as achieving good health-related behaviors at the individual level (such as exercising regularly), at the environmental level (building physical activity environments), and at the organizational level (employers should act proactively).”

According to a 2013 study published by Statistics Canada, there are four predominant types of workplace mental health problems. These are stress/burnout, depression, anxiety, and alcohol/substance abuse. This same report states that two-thirds of respondents had more than one type of mental health disorder. This report is based on a 2013 Canadian Community Health Survey conducted between January and December, in which almost 40,000 respondents aged 15 years and older were interviewed.

Why Do Organizations Need EAPs?

why do organizations need EAP

In the workplace context, mental illness can take a variety of forms-stress or burnout, depression, anxiety, or alcohol/substance abuse. The study conducted by Statistics Canada “the prevalence of adverse mental health conditions can vary widely from industry to industry with anywhere from 25% to 45% of employees reporting some form of stress-related problem.”

However, in most cases, employers have an Employee Assistance Program in which provides free benefits to their employees. Employees with EAPs have been shown to have better productivity rates as compared to those without. In a Medical News Today article, it is stated: “employees with access to an EAP are far more likely to utilize mental health benefits, and they have fewer claims of lost time due to psychiatric disability.”

In this same report by Medical News Today, Steve Lurie, Executive Director at The Canadian Mental Health Association said that “many employees view their employers as responsible for providing easily accessible services for those experiencing difficulties”. Another interesting fact presented in this article is that “in many countries where these types of services are less commonly available, the cost of treatment is often picked up by other agencies such as unions or insurance companies.”

How Do EAPs Benefits Work In The UK?

A study published in the Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, which surveyed approximately 1,000 employees at a manufacturing plant, identified that workers who had access to an Employee Assistance Program (EAP) reported fewer days lost to psychiatric disability compared with those without. This is because EAP providers provide a free initial telephone assessment followed by face-to-face counseling sessions if needed.

Some studies said that “many employees view their employers as responsible for providing easily accessible services for those experiencing difficulties”. It is due to the fact that in many countries where these types of services are less commonly available. The cost of treatment is often determined by other agencies such as unions or insurance companies.

According to the Mental Health Foundation, “an estimated one-fifth of us will experience a common mental health problem at some point in our lives”. Some of the most common disorders are stress, anxiety, depression, and substance abuse.

How To Implement EAPs In Workplace?

how to implement EAP

A study published by researchers about the UK EAP that surveyed 532 organizations with 100 or more employees found that those without Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs) reported higher rates of psychological distress compared with those who offered these types of services at work. This is because EAP providers provide free initial telephone assessments followed by face-to-face counseling sessions if needed.

Figure Out What Employees Need

The first step is to identify the type of problem that employers have. Once this has been done, they can then choose from a variety of organizations from those specializing in particular types of problems such as stress or depression.

Health and Safety Information System (HAS) said that “the number one reason employees look for help often depends on the nature of their problem.” For instance, relationships issues or addiction are more likely to be dealt with by a provider who specializes in these areas. They also recommend considering “a provider close enough to your office. So as not to create barriers to people getting help” as well as researching providers online to see what services they offer and find out the cost of their services.

Types Of Mental Illness In The Workplace

According to the Mental Health Foundation, “an estimated one-fifth of us will experience a common mental health problem at some point in our lives”. Some of the most common disorders are stress, anxiety, depression, and substance abuse.

Recommendations For EAP Provider In UK

The number one reason employees look for help often depends on the nature of their problem. For instance, relationships issues or addiction are more likely to be dealt with by a provider who specializes in these areas. They also recommend considering “a provider close enough to your office so as not to create barriers to people getting help”. As well as researching providers online to see what services they offer and find out the cost of their services.

Health and Safety Information System (HAS) said that “the number one reason employees look for help often depends on the nature of their problem”. The number one reason employees look for help often depends on the nature of their problem.

Examples Of Good And Bad Providers

examples of EAP in workplace

There are a variety of options available to you. However, there are a few things to keep in mind when searching for a provider. One of the most important things to think about is what type of treatment they specialize in. Because the type of problem usually determines which type of organization would be the best suitable. They also recommend considering “a provider close enough to your office. So as not to create barriers to people getting help” as well as researching providers online. To see what services they offer and find out the cost of their services.

One should also consider how far away a provider is from where people work or live. Because if it is too far away then a person may not easily travel there. Health and Safety Information System (HAS) said that “the number one reason employees look for help often depends on the nature of their problem”. It would also be helpful to know more about what treatment they provide. Such as regular sessions, group sessions, and the number of sessions available.

Another consideration is how much a session with them will cost. And whether your organization offers a rebate or reimbursement on that cost. “Other factors to consider include insurance coverage, as well as flexibility. Such as they offer online support options like emailing your counselor.

EAP At Mantracare

EAP at MantraCare

Mantracare is a company that provides Employee Assistance Program (EAP). EAP at Mantracare has a vision to “help people help themselves” by providing professional, confidential, and effective confidential treatment for those who need it. It also offers services such as family counseling, drug and alcohol rehabs, and employee assistance programs.

“Mantracare’s Employee Assistance Programs provide employers with a range of options to meet their needs”. With an EAP program established inside the organization. Employers can offer employees access to short-term free or cost-sharing mental health services. The goal of any EAP provider is to promote a healthy workplace and help improve productivity through services. Such as stress management, legal consultations, financial counseling, training workshops, and child care referrals.

EAP in UK providers offers a variety of programs that may include: 24/7 support to employees in need of urgent assistance. Full-service support from qualified EAP professionals, from diagnosis to treatment management. And access to confidential clinical assessment and diagnosis for all types of problems including work performance issues, emotional or behavioral difficulties at home or work. Along with mental health conditions such as depression or anxiety – including workplace chemical dependency assessments. Providers also offer educational resources like seminars, workshops, and how-to manuals on a range of topics. Including workplace performance and stress management.

“Mantracare offers a full spectrum of services to corporations like EAP in the UK offering through all states”. Mantracare also offers EAP provider compliance reviews which can allow employers to keep up with changing employment laws. Such as smoking bans and leaves of absences as well as keeping up with changes in employment.

A Word From Mantra care

If you are willing to implement an employee wellness program at your workplace to reduce stress in organizations. Mantra Care is a suitable healthcare organization. We provide several employee wellness programs that will help your employees attain good health. And will decrease the healthcare costs, absenteeism, and boost the productivity as well, of the organization.

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Here at Mantra Care, we have an incredibly skilled team of health care professionals and coaches who will be happy to answer any questions and provide further information. So, you know what’s best for your unique needs.

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