How Wellness Programs Increase Productivity?

The Impact of Wellness Programs on Productivity

Employee Wellness Programs

The wellness programs provided to employees in the workplace can have a huge impact on productivity. Moreover, this is because wellness programs increase productivity, employee morale and reduce absenteeism, which makes it easier for employers to manage their workforce. In this blog post, we will discuss how wellness programs positively affect employee productivity. Moreover, you can start implementing them at your company.

Importance of Wellness Programs

Importance of Wellness Programs- wellness-programs-increase-productivity

Poor employee productivity implies being at work but not working. A presenteeism is a form of poor productivity in which people are physically at work but not performing any productive tasks. People who are sick and can’t work will miss out on their salary. For this reason, people spend more money than they would have spent on healthcare. But wellness programs increase productivity. They can help to reduce this amount.

While presenteeism is more expensive than health care, it doesn’t get as much attention from employers. They are more worried about reducing direct costs from unhealthy employee health.

Because presenteeism isn’t tracked in corporate financial metrics and reporting, it does not show on the employer radar screen. Employers pay for employee health care every month, and they are affected.

Cheques are issued, accounts credited, and expenses are examined and increasingly controlled as the process progresses. A company will never authorize a presenteeism payment. Most organizations don’t keep track of how productive an employee is. But they might be affected by when the person comes to work.

Worksites with the capacity to decrease presenteeism can experience significant productivity improvements. To understand how worksite wellness programs may reduce presenteeism, it’s important to first grasp what causes it.

How Wellness Programs Increase Productivity?

New Research Helps Explain How Wellness Programs Increase Productivity

“How do wellness programs increase productivity?” is a question that every wellness manager and wellness program provider has asked themselves. Now, new research by the Global Wellness Institute (GWI) provides evidence to support wellness claims. Research findings from GWI’s latest study on workplace wellness demonstrate how wellness programs can lead to increased employee self-reported productivity.

A healthy workforce can lead to greater productivity and more efficient employees. This is information on health risks. There are many different risks that you should know about. The risks include high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, depression, heart attack, cancer, and chronic neck and back problems. These cause discomfort, and knee or leg conditions that produce pain. Various questions were asked to employees about their company’s productivity roadblocks in order to assess presenteeism. The sum of employee answers produces a total presenteeism score based on these responses.

Prevents Health Risks

Elevated Health Risks and Poor Behaviors Are Predictors of Poor Productivity- wellness-programs-increase-productivity

To identify patterns, employees with a presenteeism rating of more than 20 percent have high presenteeism, according to the study.

To assess how employee health behavior has to do with high presenteeism, researchers concluded several comparisons. These comparisons help to clarify the link between employee health and presenteeism. Also demonstrates how participating in a wellness program can enhance productivity at work.

Excessive working hours can cause a person to be tired, and it may also harm their health. It is important that people who work a lot do not smoke. The reason is they will have more problems with health and productivity. A study has shown that people who eat healthily are more likely to come to work even if they are sick. People who smoked were more than twice as likely to be presenteeism. Employees who ate whole grains, fruits, and vegetables had 66% higher presenteeism than those who consumed an unhealthy diet.

Employees who didn’t exercise much were 50% more likely to have high presenteeism than those who exercised regularly. These findings suggest that poor health behaviors are significant levels of presenteeism.

In other words, poor personal lifestyle choices might result in significantly more lost productive work time.

Provides Healthcare

Leaders Are Seeing the Evidence

Employees who do not get a flu vaccination may avoid getting the virus. Those who do get the flu might miss days of work or be less productive at work. This may result in the transmission of the infection to coworkers.

Flu vaccination can prevent the flu and the time lost due to it. Getting a flu shot is simple, inexpensive, and effective in preventing presenteeism.

This is just one example of how an employee health management plan can apply in a worksite. The purpose is to keep staff healthy and increase productivity. Employee health management or wellness programs can have a quick and immediate impact on presenteeism. These are the finest practical solution to reduce the hidden costs of presenteeism while increasing productivity.

There’s a lot of proof that well-designed worksite health programs may enhance employees’ health and productivity. The evidence that these programs can also reduce presenteeism is increasing.

Despite this substantial and growing body of evidence, many workplaces are still hesitant to fully implement wellness programs.

In some circumstances, management is doubtful that there will be a meaningful improvement in health if they make this commitment.

Benefits of Wellness Programs

Similarly, according to a study, about 70% of businesses have health promotion plans. Workplace wellness programs (also known as corporate wellness programs) assist in creating a win-win situation. It has a beneficial impact on both employees and employers. Here are five key benefits.

Reduced Costs

Reduced costs

Having good workers may save employers a lot of money on healthcare.

According to a poll, approximately 30% of Americans are overweight, 18% smoke cigarettes, and 23% don’t get enough exercise. All of these elements put people at risk for chronic diseases including heart disease and cancer. This could result in billions of dollars in healthcare expenditures.

The use of wellness programs helps employees to adopt healthier lifestyles, resulting in a more cheerful and healthy workforce.

Reduced Stress

Reduced stress

A variety of wellness programs can assist to relieve tension among staff. These programs help with stress, sleep, and pain. Employees with the program experience a 28% reduction in stress. Moreover, a 20% improvement in sleep quality, and a 19% decrease in pain.

Stress is only getting worse, but mindfulness can help. It helps people remember things better. It also reduces stress. That’s why it’s important to be mindful.

Increased Productivity

Greater productivity

Involuntary wellness programs have the ability to “reduce absenteeism, improve productivity, and boost job satisfaction” according to research.

A healthier workforce leads to less time off sick and better organizational performance. Firms that encourage a ‘wellness culture’ are showing that they care about their employees. They can expect a payoff in terms of morale, motivation, and productivity.”

A Word from Mantra Care

Do you want to keep your employees happy, healthy, and productive? Join our employee assistance program and get a healthier workplace.

Try MantraCare Wellness Program free