Breathing Therapy For Anxiety

Breathing Therapy For Anxiety

Anxiety can be incredibly overwhelming and hard to manage. It often comes with physical symptoms like chest tightness, dizziness, and shortness of breath. These sensations can make it difficult to cope with anxiety, leading to feelings of helplessness and despair. But what if there was a way to use these physical sensations as an opportunity for growth, rather than dread? Breathing therapy is an effective tool for managing anxiety in the moment and over time. In this blog post, we’ll explore breathing therapy for anxiety: its techniques, uses, and benefits.

What is Breathing Therapy?

Breathing therapy is a type of therapy that helps individuals manage the physical and mental symptoms of anxiety. It uses specific breathing techniques to help reduce stress and improve relaxation. The techniques allow people to become aware of their breathing so that they can better control their emotions, thoughts, and responses during times of stress and anxiety.

The origin of breathing therapy dates back centuries, but it has become increasingly popular in recent years as an effective way to manage anxiety. Breathing techniques can be practiced anywhere, making them convenient and accessible for those who need relief from anxiety.

It makes sense that breathing therapy is such an effective way to manage anxiety. When people are anxious, they often take short, shallow breaths which can make them feel more anxious and increase their heart rate.

Different Types of Breathing Therapy

There are many types of breathing therapy used for anxiety, including diaphragmatic breathing, progressive muscle relaxation (PMR), and yoga-based breathwork.

A detailed description of the types of breathing treatments is below:

Diaphragmatic Breathing

One type of breathing therapy is known as diaphragmatic breathing. This type of breathing helps to promote relaxation by focusing on deep abdominal breathing. Diaphragmatic breathing can also help to improve blood circulation and increase oxygen levels in the body. This type of breathing therapy is often used in conjunction with other relaxation techniques, such as progressive muscle relaxation or meditation.

This type of breathing consists of taking deep breaths through the nose and focusing on filling up the abdomen with air rather than just the chest. Diaphragmatic breathing helps to reduce tension throughout the body, as well as lower heart rate and blood pressure.

Progressive Muscle Relaxation (PMR).

Another type of breathing therapy is progressive muscle relaxation (PMR), which involves alternating muscle groups in a sequence of tensing and relaxing. During the practice, someone will tense a muscle group for 5-10 seconds before gradually releasing it.

This can be done with any combination of muscles, though commonly people will focus on their arms, shoulders, neck, legs, stomach, back, and chest. The goal is to become aware of the subtle differences between the tension and relaxation in each muscle group, increasing awareness and control over one’s body.

Pursed-Lip Breathing

Another type of breathing therapy is known as pursed-lip breathing. This type of breathing helps to slow down the rate at which air is exhaled from the lungs, which can help to reduce shortness of breath and wheezing.

Pursed-lip breathing can also help to improve lung function and prevent air trapping in the lungs. This type of breathing therapy is often used in conjunction with other treatments for conditions like COPD or asthma. It can also be used as a preventative measure for people with anxiety or who are prone to panic attacks.

Yoga-Based Breath Work

Yoga-based breathwork is another type of breathing therapy often used to reduce stress and manage anxiety. This type of breathing includes deep diaphragmatic breaths combined with mindful awareness of the body and the breath.

Yoga-based breath work can be done in a variety of ways, such as Ujjayi breathing, Kapalabhati breathing, and alternate nostril breathing. Each type of breathing can help to reduce stress and increase feelings of calm and relaxation. Additionally, yoga-based breath work has been found to help improve cognitive functioning and increase focus.

Mindful Breathing

An important part of breathing therapy for anxiety is mindful breathing. Mindful breathing is a technique where you focus your attention on the physical sensation of your breath as it enters and leaves your body, without judgment or expectation. As you do this, consciously pay attention to any feelings that arise, such as tension in the chest or stomach area.

Practice slowing down and deepening your breaths and notice how this affects any sensations in the body. With regular practice, mindful breathing can help to reduce stress and anxiety levels and promote a greater sense of peace and relaxation.

Pros and Cons of Breathing Therapy

When it comes to anxiety, there are a lot of different therapies and treatments out there. Breathing therapy is one option that many people find helpful. Here, we’ll discuss the pros and cons of breathing therapy so you can decide if it’s right for you.


  • Can be done anywhere, anytime – all you need is yourself!
  • No expensive equipment or treatments are required.
  • Research has shown that breathing exercises can help reduce anxiety symptoms.
  • Breathing therapy can be used in conjunction with other therapies (such as CBT) for added benefit.
  • Can be practiced in short bursts throughout the day or for longer periods when needed.
  • Has calming and relaxing effects on the body and mind.
  • Is a natural way to combat stress and anxiety.
  • Can be used by anyone, regardless of age or physical health.


  • It may take some time to learn the techniques and practice them correctly.
  • Some people may find it difficult to focus on their breathing for long periods.
  • If not practiced correctly, it can lead to feelings of lightheadedness or dizziness.
  • It may not be as effective for people with severe anxiety disorders or other mental health issues.
  • Some breathing exercises can be uncomfortable and/or tiring, so it’s important to find the right one for you.
  • If practiced excessively, it can cause more stress and anxiety.
  • It can be difficult to remember to practice breathing therapy regularly when life gets busy.
  • There is no guarantee that it will work for everyone.

Ultimately, the decision of whether or not to try breathing therapy for anxiety is up to you and your healthcare provider. Taking into account both the pros and cons can help you make an informed decision.

Goal of Breathing Therapy

The main goal of breathing therapy is to improve respiratory function and promote relaxation. Several different techniques can be used, and the specific technique will be determined by the therapist based on the individual’s needs.

The goals of breathing therapy vary depending on the individual and the condition being treated. For some, it may be to reduce stress and anxiety through relaxation techniques; for others, it may be to improve respiratory function or increase overall lung capacity. The therapist will create a plan of care tailored to the individual’s needs.

The ultimate goal of breathing therapy is to improve respiratory function, reduce stress levels, and promote overall relaxation. Therapists will work with each patient to create a plan of care tailored to their individual needs, allowing them to achieve the desired results and meet their goals. With regular practice and guidance from an experienced therapist, you can experience the numerous benefits of breathing therapy.

How To Do Breathing Therapy?

Doing breathing therapy for anxiety can be surprisingly simple. The most basic technique is to focus on your breathing:

  • Take a few deep breaths in through your nose and out through your mouth. Furthermore, Make sure the breath is slow, steady, and deep.
  • As you exhale, mentally say (or whisper) a calming word or phrase such as “relax” or “it’s going to be okay.”
  • Allow your body to relax with each exhale, and if your mind wanders, bring it back to focusing on the breath.
  • Continue this breathing pattern for at least several minutes, until you feel some relaxation.

This basic form of breathing therapy can be done anywhere and anytime, making it an ideal tool to help manage stress or anxiety at the moment.


Breathing therapy is an excellent tool to help manage and reduce the symptoms of anxiety. It can be done almost anywhere, anytime, and does not require any special equipment or training. With regular practice, you may be able to reduce your stress levels overall, improve your focus and concentration levels, increase energy levels, and even enhance physical performance capabilities. So if you’re feeling anxious or overwhelmed in life, take a few moments each day for some breathing exercises – it could make all the difference!

For more information, please contact MantraCare. Anxiety is a common mental health condition characterized by persistent feelings of worry, fear, and apprehension. If you have any queries regarding Online Anxiety Counseling experienced therapists at MantraCare can help: Book a trial Anxiety therapy session

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