Workplace Wellness Services: 10 Great Examples

employee wellness

What are Workplace Wellness Services?

workplace wellness programs

Workplace wellness services are also called employee wellness services or worksite wellness programs. This usually denotes a set of programs set about to promote healthy lifestyles for employees. There are several types of workplace wellbeing programs that promote different extents or dimensions of well-being. Moreover, we can allocate eight common dimensions through a workplace program. Hence, the dimensions for well-being are physical, emotional, financial, social, occupational, purpose, intellectual, and environmental.

Types of Wellness Programs

Precisely, companies initiate different varieties of workplace wellness programs for support and help. Those ten wellness programs in different aspects for their well-being include:

1. On-site Fitness Programs

On-site Fitness Programs

It is a bit trendy regarding company benefits and perks. Every company is not able to afford the expense of having an on-site fitness center. But, to plan for it comes up with the benefits of your company. A gym in the workplace lower healthcare costs. It also works on the absence, and increases employee possession. It also boosts the productivity and quality of work. Hence, providing low-cost accession for the gym shows that you care for employees and invest in their well-being actively. Physical activities help employees to manage stress at work and improve work-life balance.

2. Smoking and Tobacco Cessation Programs

Smoking and Tobacco Cessation Programs

Precisely, we observed that some employees in companies smoke or consume tobacco daily. This program helps adults to succeed in quitting cigarettes and tobacco. This decreases the possible chances of many diseases. Moreover, we observed that in the companies that own it, their employees’ heart rate, blood pressure, and carbon monoxide levels in the blood drop to normal. Hence, blood circulation improves and lung function elevates. Respiratory symptoms, like coughing and shortness of breath, are reduced to a large extent.  It is therefore a splendid workplace wellness program that benefits the employees the most.

3. Biometric Screenings

Biometric Screenings

Biometric screening is a clinical examination to measure certain physical aspects such as

However, this aims to let you know the conditions of your health. You can get aware of any abnormality in your health beforehand. It includes education, counseling, complication review, and exercises. Recognizing risks at an early stage helps employees reduce the expanses of healthcare and improve their performance and productivity. Some screenings involve complete blood count (CBC) which is a medical laboratory test to measure the blood cells and hemoglobin. Consequently, this also lets us know whether we get infected from any kind of infection.

4. Lunch and Healthy Snacks

It is important to be active during the busy schedule of your work. The benefits of lunch and healthy snacks for employees increase efficiency, practicing proper health and wellness, and team building. Healthy snacks, like dried fruits, apples, peanut butter, oatmeal, smoothies, and veggies, etc are beneficial for employees in the following:

  • Boosting brainpower, thus helping you to concentrate
  • lowering the risks of some diseases,
  • Increasing productivity, etc.

5. Yoga Classes

Yoga Classes

Yoga is now a worldwide popular form of exercise. This practice involves physical postures, meditation, and deep techniques. We benefit people by encouraging them to exercise, eat

Healthy and reduces alcohol use and smoking. Yoga in the workplace wellness programs benefits the employees in several ways as follows:

  • Boost up energy levels and metabolism
  • Increase confidence and morale
  • Improve posture
  • Strengthen immunity 
  • Reduce stress
  • Fuel up creativity
  • Increase concentration
  • Lesser irritability
  • Improve digestive and respiratory functions
  • Reduce absenteeism
  • Increase blood flow 
  • Lower sugar levels in the blood

6. Financial Counseling

Financial Counseling

To start with, financial issues not only affect personal but also professional life. The financial wellness program is designed to support overall financial health issues and money-related tensions. Therefore, it reduces the financial stress which the employees are undergoing nowadays. The aspects of financial counseling program are the following:

  • Consider  expenses
  • Calculate income
  • Save for retirement
  • Build up emergency funds
  • Manage debt
  • Strategize for tax reduction
  • Yield students loan
  • Save for retirement

This increases productivity at work and helps you to be stress-free.

7. Wellness Adventures

Wellness Adventures

Relaxation is certainly very important for job employees. Workplace wellness services attract employees.  As a result, employees adhere to the company for a long time and work with a peaceful mind. Moreover, it also promotes physical, psychological, and spiritual health. There are many types of wellness adventures; however, this is no particular explanation of wellness holidays. Although, here are some of them which we can consider, such as:

8. Telemedicine


As much as possible, telemedicine has become worldwide popular after the outbreak of covid. It refers to health consultation, information, and health services through technological advancements. The person with remote areas can also consult doctors online from anywhere, through phones and computer systems. The benefits of telemedicine are the following-

  • Access to healthcare: It provides better access to healthcare to the near and remote employees who are in need. Employees who dwell in rural areas can get online doctor consultations or emergency health care services. 
  • No waiting: People in hospitals usually wait in a queue to get the treatment or book an appointment beforehand. But nowadays we can subscribe to certain plans or can directly call or talk to doctors in an emergency.
  • Ordering medicines: People usually go to the pharmacies to buy medicines where sometimes the specific medicines are out of order. But telemedicine provides the medicines which are prescribed by doctors on relevant platforms.

9. Wellness challenges

Wellness challenges

Precisely, the wellness challenge instills employees to adopt healthy habits. We can try out slightly fun and effective things in the form of wellness challenges to improve their wellness. We should not limit ourselves to physical exercise and diet. Mental health also plays an important role in making employees feel content. Hence, the wellness challenges program is designed to reward effort and includes the following challenges such as:

  • Having a physical examination/ medical check-up
  • Drinking water as much as possible
  • Walking or biking to work
  • Taking a noon walk
  • Competition for a community event
  • Avoiding the elevator and using the stairs
  • Stretching as much as possible
  • Eating five healthy fruits or vegetables per day.
  • Avoiding eating junk food
  • Examining calorie count
  • Sharing healthy recipes as much as possible
  • Volunteering at the community
  • Tutoring your child
  • Sharing lunch
  • Supporting a charity program
  • Losing weight as much as possible
  • Reducing alcohol use and smoking
  • Enrolling in a program
  • Hosting an employee birthday
  • Complimenting an employee

10. Disease Management

Disease Management

As much as possible, employees should be free of stress and be healthy to work calmly. Consequently, this is why the disease management program is designed to manage poor health conditions which employees are suffering from. Moreover, smoking cessation programs, yoga, and physiotherapy for employees, and a health monitoring program promote the wellness of the employees. Therefore, companies can hire different professionals to manage poor conditions of the employees such as:

  • Yoga instructors help others to meditate, practice pranayama and yoga postures. They promote peace of mind, increase flexibility; reduce anger and irritability. They also help with certain chronic conditions like back pain, arthritis, heart problems, depression, liver problems, etc. 
  • Moreover, a physiotherapist is an allied medical professional that treats injuries, locomotion problems, and chronic disease conditions through manual therapies, exercises, and electro-therapy
  • A dietician is an expert healthcare professional who plans your meal according to health conditions and nutritional requirements. Moreover, dieticians can help you with anemia, food allergies and intolerance, metabolic detoxification, osteoporosis, diabetes, overweight, and gastrointestinal disorders. For this, they prescribe medical nutrition therapy.
  • General physician: They are the medical doctors that develop an ongoing relationship with the patients and continue providing care. Consequently, they treat common medical conditions like minor wounds, common infections, colds and flu, hypertension or high blood pressure, diabetes, and fever, etc.
  • Finally, Naturopathic doctors are medical practitioners who are a bit different from medical doctors. They are trained in similar diagnostics and assessment of the disease, but their system of medicine differs from modern medicine. Moreover, they are trained as much as possible in alternative medicine like herbal medicine, clinical nutrition, and dietetics, acupuncture and acupressure and yoga, etc. 

Lastly, this disease management program thus ensures to increase productivity, decrease absenteeism, and reduce stress. 

A Word From Mantra Care

Workplace Wellness services bring up a wide range of benefits to the companies as in 

  • More productivity
  • High morale
  • More recruitment
  • High retention
  • Low absenteeism
  • Low health risks

Hence, we provide ideas and assistance for implementing workplace wellness services.

Do you want to keep your employees happy, healthy, and productive? Join our employee assistance program and get a healthier workplace.

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