Warning Signs of Body Dysmorphia: How to Recognize and Address BDD?


Do you constantly compare yourself to others, obsess over your appearance, or spend a lot of time in front of the mirror? If so, you may be suffering from body dysmorphia. This is a condition that causes people to have an extremely negative view of their appearance, even if they are objectively attractive. Body dysmorphia can lead to depression, anxiety, and even suicide. In this blog post, we will discuss the warning signs of body dysmorphia and how to get help if you or someone you know is suffering from it.

Who Can Get Body Dysmorphia Disorder (BDD)?

who can get body dysmorphic disorder

BDD can affect anyone but is more common in women. It usually begins during adolescence – the average age of onset is 14 years old. However, it can begin earlier, or even much later in life. Although BDD can occur at any age, it most commonly arises during periods of significant change or stress in a person’s life. For example, it may develop:

  • During puberty
  • After major weight loss or gain
  • In the aftermath of a divorce or break-up
  • When starting a new job
  • When retirement looms

It’s not clear exactly what causes BDD, but there are several theories. One theory suggests that BDD may be an exaggeration of the ‘normal’ concerns that people have about their appearance. For example, most of us have times when we feel our nose is too big or our skin is not perfect. However, people with BDD take these concerns to an extreme.

Another theory suggests that BDD may be related to obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). In OCD, a person has persistent and unwanted thoughts (obsessions) and feels the need to perform repetitive behaviors (compulsions) to try and relieve the anxiety these obsessions cause.

What Are The Signs Of Body Dysmorphic Disorder?

What Are The Signs Of Body Dysmorphic Disorder

There can be many signs of body dysmorphia, but here are some of the most common ones:

Comparing Appearances

Comparing your appearance to others and feeling like you don’t measure up is a common sign of body dysmorphia. This can manifest itself in many ways, such as constantly comparing your own appearance to that of others, looking at yourself in the mirror more than usual, or even avoiding mirrors altogether.

Avoiding Social Situations

Another common sign of body dysmorphia is avoiding social situations. This may be because you feel like you’re being judged or stared at, or because you’re afraid that people will see your flaws. If you find yourself avoiding social interactions more and more, it could be a sign that body dysmorphia is starting to take over.

Seeking Cosmetic Procedures

One of the most common signs of body dysmorphia is a preoccupation with cosmetic procedures. If you’re constantly thinking about getting plastic surgery or other procedures to change your appearance, it may be a sign that you have BDD. You may even go through with these procedures, only to find that they don’t give you the satisfaction you were hoping for.

Frequently Seeking Reassurance

Another sign of body dysmorphia is frequently seeking reassurance from others about your appearance. This may manifest itself as constantly asking people for their opinion on your appearance, or fishing for compliments. If you find yourself needing constant reassurance, it could be a sign that you have BDD.

Excessive Exercise

While it’s great to exercise and stay in shape, people with body dysmorphia often exercise to an excessive degree. This may be because they feel like they need to “fix” their appearance, or because they’re trying to burn off calories that they believe are making them look fat. If you find yourself spending more and more time at the gym, or if you’re skipping social events in order to work out, it could be a sign of body dysmorphia.

Dieting To Excess

Similarly, people with body dysmorphia often diet to excess in an attempt to lose weight. This may involve cutting out entire food groups or eating very little in order to lose weight quickly. If you find yourself becoming preoccupied with food and dieting, it could be a sign of body dysmorphia.

Thinking About Your Appearance

If you find that you can’t stop thinking about your appearance, or if you spend hours looking in the mirror, this may be a sign of body dysmorphia. This is especially true if these thoughts and behaviors are impacting your daily life and causing distress.

If you’re experiencing any of these signs, it’s important to seek help from a professional. Body dysmorphia can be a very debilitating disorder, but with treatment, it is possible to recover and live a happy and healthy life.

When To See A Doctor For Body Dysmorphic Disorder?

When To See A Doctor For Body Dysmorphic Disorder

If you face any of the above-written symptoms, it is high time that you must see a doctor or mental health professional.

When You’re Having Suicidal Thoughts

These types of thoughts in BDD are not common. However, if you have them, it is essential to get professional help immediately. You can talk to a suicide hotline in your area or go to the emergency room. Body dysmorphic disorder can’t treat on its own and can be severe, so don’t delay in getting the help you need.

If you think that you or someone you know may have BDD, it is important to see a mental health professional who is trained in treating this disorder. Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) is one type of treatment that has been found to be helpful for people with BDD.

In CBT, people learn to identify and challenge their distorted thoughts about their appearance and replace them with more realistic ones. They also learn coping and problem-solving skills to deal with their distress.


In conclusion, these are only a few of the many warning signs of body dysmorphia. If you or someone you know is exhibiting any of these behaviors, it’s important to reach out for help. Body dysmorphia is a serious mental illness that can lead to dangerous consequences if left untreated. However, with proper treatment and support, people with BDD can learn to manage their symptoms and live happily, healthy lives.

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