Coping with Depression: A Review of Techniques


Depression is a serious mental illness that affects more people than you might think. Nearly one out of every five people get depression. It can be hard to deal with, but there are many ways to help yourself. You can talk or write about your feelings. One can spend time with friends and family who love you. You can take deep breaths, exercise, find creative ways of playing music or art- anything that makes you feel good. If you are sad, you can do things to make yourself happy and cope with depression. You can talk to your friends or family about your feelings. You can also get enough sleep, eat healthy foods, and do fun things.

Coping With Depression

In 2015, nearly one out of every five people in the United States will get depression. Depression is a serious mental illness. It affects more than just your mood and can be hard to deal with on your own. There are many ways you can help yourself when you are feeling sad. You can talk to friends and family, get enough sleep, eat healthy foods, and do fun things.

If you feel depressed for more than two weeks, talk to your doctor. You can also call a helpline like the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline (NSPL). The NSPL is available 24 hours a day/seven days a week at 800-273-TALK (800 273-825). They will help you figure out what’s going on with depression and how to get better. In some cases of extreme stress or sadness, people turn to suicide as an answer. If this happens to someone in your life that you care about, please tell someone who can do something about it!

Reach out and stay connected with others to get through tough times.

Enables Socializing

Call a trusted family member or friend when you are feeling down in the dumps. Talking about your feelings can help! Go out of your way to connect with one new person each day. People who have more than seven friends and acquaintances tend to be happier. It is regardless of how many close relationships they have!  This is because connecting with people reduces stress levels which directly affects depression symptoms! Also, loneliness has been linked as a cause for mental health issues like anxiety and depression. So make sure that you stay connected every week by making plans with at least one person outside of work/school events etc…

  • Look For Support: Try to find at least one thing you like about yourself. Every person has good qualities, even if it’s something small. This can be hard sometimes when you’re depressed but try your best!  Make sure that everyone in your life knows what might help make you feel better (like watching a funny movie or listening to music). Also, let them know how they can support and encourage you during tough times.
  • Make face-time: It’s no secret that spending quality time with your loved ones is important for mental health. Studies have shown that strong relationships can help reduce depression symptoms, so make sure you’re taking the time to catch up with friends and family every day!
  • Try to keep up with social activities: It’s easy to feel like staying home all the time when you’re feeling down. However, even if it feels uncomfortable at first try and go out! Your friends and family will be happy that you made an effort and so will your mental health 😊
  • Find ways to support others: One of the best things you can do for your mental health is to help others. When we give our time and energy it’s a win-win! You’ll feel better, have more support in tough times, and might even make some new friends along the way 😊
  • Join a support group: You can join a support group through your local community center, school, or doctor’s office. Support groups are great because you’ll be able to share your experiences and learn from other people who have been in similar situations as yourself!

Do Things That Make You Feel Good

Having a Games Room-social-wellness-activities

Doing a fun activity is an easy way to feel better! One of the best ways you can support your mental health is by trying new things. It doesn’t have to be anything crazy, just something that makes you happy 😊

  • Aim for 8 hours of sleep- If you stay up late, it makes getting to sleep much harder. When we don’t get our recommended amount of hours each night, we feel tired and sad the next day 😊
  • Eat healthily: Just like when your body is sick, doing this can help improve moods! Make sure you’re staying hydrated by drinking lots of water every day and try to eat at least three meals a day with snacks in between! You should also think about what types of foods make you feel good or bad (like eating too much sugar might be part-responsible for those ‘sugar highs’ people talk about).
  • Keep stress in check: Stress has been linked to depression and anxiety. Make sure that you’re taking care of yourself by getting enough sleep, exercising regularly (even just a quick walk can improve moods), learning how to manage your stress levels, and trying new things!
  • Look after Yourself: Even if it feels like there’s nothing left in the tank at all times or you don’t know where to start with caring for yourself again- this is still possible! One big step towards self-care is making time for your mental health every day 😊

Get Moving


Exercise has been linked to better moods. When we’re depressed, it’s easier to stay in the house all day and not get up at all! Try making an effort by doing anything active- even just a quick walk around your neighborhood will help 😊

  • Try something new: It can be easy to want to do nothing when you feel down or like there isn’t anyone out there who understands what you’re going through but trying new things can help boost your mental health 👌 Make sure that during tough times you still try getting outside every day (even if it means taking some time for yourself), reading books, listening music, etc. These are great ways of coping with depression that everyone should practice regardless of their mental state 😊
  • Try to find good in bad days: Even if it’s just one thing you can say about a tough day, reminding yourself that there is still something positive will help improve your moods. It could be anything from ‘I’m glad my headache isn’t as bad today’ or ‘It was nice for the sun to finally come out and warm me up!’- whatever makes sense at the moment!
  • Keep things consistent: Maintaining structure and routine helps reduce stress levels and improves mental health. Try keeping track with regular medications, sticking every day on time eating meals, study hours (if applicable), attending community group meetings/therapy sessions, etc 😊
  • Make some space for relaxing activities: When we’re feeling down, it’s easy to just want to do nothing at all. This can be harmful because it leads you to feel even worse than before! Make sure that during tough times, you still take the time for yourself and try doing things like taking a bath or reading books.

Get a Daily Dose of Sunlight

Benefits Of Past Life Regression Therapy

Sunlight has been linked to better moods. When we’re feeling down, it’s easy for us to want to shut ourselves in and not get any light at all! Try making an effort by going out every day (even if it means taking some time for yourself), reading books outside, listening to music outdoors, etc. These are great ways of coping with depression that everyone should practice regardless of their mental state 😊.

Challenge Negative Things

It’s easy to focus on the negative things when we’re feeling down. Challenge these thoughts by reminding yourself that there are also good parts of your day! For example, try thinking about one positive thing every time you have a ‘bad thought or notice any black clouds 😊.

  • Meditate: Meditation is a great way to help us focus on ourselves and our mental health. Try meditating for even just five minutes at a time, or find ways of incorporating it into your daily life (like listening to calming music while taking deep breaths).
  • Practice Mindfulness: Mindfulness can be defined as ‘the awareness that stems from paying attention in the present moment with openness, curiosity and without judgment. Practicing mindfulness can include things like meditation, yoga, journaling, etc! Something we should all try practicing during tough times 😊.
  • Make Time For Yourself: During bad times- sometimes this means making sure you take some time out of your day just to do something for yourself. This could mean going out for a walk, watching your favorite show on Netflix (or doing any other activity that makes you feel happy and relaxed).

Why is Dealing With Depression So Difficult?

It can be hard to cope with depression because people who are feeling down do not want to do anything. This is bad because it will make you feel worse than before! You should try and always make an effort by doing something active- even just a short walk around your neighborhood.

Make sure that during tough times you still take the time for yourself and try doing things like taking a bath or reading books 📖📚😊.

Maintaining structure and routine also helps reduce stress levels and improves mental health. Try keeping track with regular medications, sticking every day on time eating meals, study hours (if applicable), attending community group meetings/therapy sessions, etc 😊

When To Get Professional Help For Depression?

Doctors can help with depression by prescribing medication to patients. You must take the new medicine as prescribed because it may help you with your depressive episode. Community groups are also a good way for people who are suffering from mental illness to get support or advice on how to cope. You can try going out every day, even if it means taking some time for yourself. You can read books outside, listen to music outside, etc. These are great ways of coping with depression that everyone should practice regardless of their mental state😊.

Challenging negative thoughts is something that helps our moods improve. Try reminding yourself that there are also good parts of your day! For example, try thinking about one positive thing every time you have a bad thought😊.


There are many ways to cope with depression. It is important to find what works best for you. Try different things and see what helps. Talking about what is going on in your life can help you get over feelings. You could try journaling or talking to a friend. Go outside and take a walk every day, even if it’s just around the block at first. Call or text your friends and family if you are struggling emotionally. They don’t always know how to react, but this connection can make us feel better. If none of these suggestions work for you, talk with your doctor or therapist about what you can do.

For more information, please contact MantraCare. Depression is a mental illness characterized by persistent feelings of sadness, hopelessness, and loss of interest in daily activities. If you have any queries regarding Online Depression Counseling experienced therapists at MantraCare can help: Book a trial Depression Therapy session

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