Depression Quotes: Encouraging Words to Get You Out of Depression

depression quotes

Depression quotes are a great way to get depression sufferers through the day. They can be uplifting, motivating, even funny at times. This blog post will provide you with depression quotes so that you too can have motivation and hope in your life!

What are Depression Quotes?

Depression quotes are encouraging words, usually from depression sufferers. These depression quotes can be used to encourage both depression sufferers and people who want to support them during their depressive episodes.

What is Purpose of  Quotes on Depression?

Depression quotes serve many purposes including:

– Encouraging someone who is currently suffering from depression

– Reminding depression sufferers that there is hope

– Supporting depression sufferers throughout their depressive episodes

– Encouraging those who want to support depression sufferers during a depressive episode

What are Good Depression Quotes?

Good depression quotes should be encouraging and supportive. The following depression quotes are all good examples of how you can encourage and support depression sufferers.

List of Depression Quotes

depression quotes

– “I am good, but not an angel. I do sin, but I’m not the devil. I’m simply a little girl trying to find love in a huge world.”

– “So, if you hear laughing, don’t be alarmed; it’s merely medication for depression.” 

– “You can’t depend on your eyes when your imagination is out of focus.” 

-“Try to comprehend the darkness, drowsiness, hopelessness, and loneliness they are experiencing. When they emerge through the other side, be there for them. Being a friend to someone who is sad is difficult, but it is one of the kindest, noblest, and finest things you can do.”

-“Depression doesn’t mean you are weak or defective. It means that your body, mind, and spirit are healthy enough to react strongly when something is wrong.”

-“Depression is your body’s method of alerting you to a problem. It might be a sign that you’re not taking very good care of yourself, physically or emotionally. Listen to depression – it may have the wisdom to impart if you are willing to hear it.”

-“I don’t think depression is a sign of weakness. I think depression is an indication that you have been strong for too long.”

-“I’m mentally ill. I can say that. I am not ashamed of that. Why should I be? I survived it, so don’t give up!”

-” Depression is a sign that your body requires some relaxation. Make sure you get enough sleep, drink lots of water, and eat well.”

-“Don’t allow despair to consume your entire life. Try to balance it with other things in life too!”- 

-“I don’t think depression is a sign of weakness. I think depression is an indication that you have been strong for too long.”

-“It’s not about the appearance; it’s about how you feel about yourself beneath your skin, and anything is possible if someone can break through those walls to demonstrate they love you unconditionally.”

-“I would get light therapy and depression medication. And I started taking it, but then I decided to buy a Vitamin D machine instead.”

-“No matter how many struggles or obstacles you face in life, no one can dictate the outcome of your future except for you.”

More Quotes on Depression

depression quotes

Depression is a serious mental health issue that impacts the lives of over 16 million Americans. But it doesn’t have to be an uphill battle for you or your loved ones if you know how to deal with depression in a healthy way. Here are some quotes from people who have been there and lived through their own struggles, along with tips on how you can help someone else suffering from this debilitating disease. Let these words guide you as we work together to break down the stigma around mental illness and provide encouragement for those going through tough times.

-“The depression I’m battling is a little different than the depression we see in movies. It’s not just feeling sad or moody, it’s that you can’t get off the couch.” 

-“It takes great strength to be happy and grow and change when everyone around you expects you to stay depressed, bitter, and angry.”

– “Depression is like a bruise that never goes away. It may heal over but the colors stay dark and remind you of all you went through.” 

-“It’s okay if depression doesn’t make sense sometimes, depression isn’t logical; depression is a fight you can’t always win.”

-“I’m not ashamed of depression. It’s been my best friend for a long time and I know it better than anyone else in the world.” 

– “Depression lies to you, tells you that happiness will never come back, that nothing good ever will happen to you again. depression lies to make sure that u can’t get better, depression is waiting for you when you wake up every morning and depression wants your life.”

-“I don’t know how I got through all of this without depression kicking my ass.”

– “The bravest person on the planet is the one who overcomes despair by persevering in the face of it.”

-“You are not alone, no matter how isolated you feel. Never give up because depression isn’t something that just goes away by itself and leaves the person who has it behind forever.”

– “Depression is difficult to comprehend, but it is simple to convey. It’s as simple as a walk in the dark.”

-“Depression is a serious illness. It may sound simple to just ‘snap out of it’ but depression can affect anyone, even happy and healthy people who have no reason at all for feeling this way.”

– “Sometimes depression works like this: you’re so depressed that you don’t want anyone else to assist you. You believe you can’t get out of depression on your own, yet you know deep down that depression is the only thing that will help.”

-“The greatest healing therapy is friendship and love.”

– “Depression isn’t a sign of weakness or something to be ashamed about; it’s an illness that affects millions from all backgrounds, depression quotes can help you to get through this tough time.”

-“It’s not always enough just to be forgiven by others. Sometimes we have to learn how to forgive ourselves.”

– “People with depression are the strongest people I know”.

– “Real magic in relationships means an absence of judgment of others.”

-“Depression doesn’t mean you are losing, it means you have to win from within”.

-“You’re the only one who can help yourself get out of a funk. No one else will be able to help you.”

– “I have no idea what you’re going through, what your depression quotes are, or how to help you.”

-“Depression is sometimes the only thing that allows us to appreciate happiness.”.

-“When my depression tells me ‘I’m not good enough, then I tell it ‘I’m too damn important to think that way.”

A Word From Mantra Care

Your mental health — your psychological, emotional, and social well-being — has an impact on every aspect of your life. Positive mental health essentially allows you to effectively deal with life’s everyday challenges.

For more information, please contact MantraCare. Depression is a mental illness characterized by persistent feelings of sadness, hopelessness, and loss of interest in daily activities. If you have any queries regarding Online Depression Counseling experienced therapists at MantraCare can help: Book a trial Depression Therapy session

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