MST Therapy: Goals, Reasons To Take and Benefits

MST Therapy

MST Therapy, or Multisystemic Therapy, is an evidence-based approach to treating youth with serious behavioral problems. Developed in the 1980s, MST Therapy is designed to target the multiple systems that influence a young person’s behavior, including their family, school, and community. In this article, we will explore the principles of MST Therapy, its efficacy, and the populations it serves. We will also discuss the unique features of MST Therapy and how it compares to other forms of therapy for youth with behavioral problems.

MST Therapy is a time-limited intervention that typically lasts for three to five months. During this time, a team of trained therapists works intensively with the youth and their families, providing therapy both in the home and in the community. The MST Therapy team also works closely with other systems that affect the youth’s behavior, such as schools, juvenile justice agencies, and social services.

The goal of MST Therapy is to create positive and lasting changes in the youth’s behavior by addressing the underlying factors that contribute to their problems. This includes improving family relationships, strengthening social support networks, addressing academic and vocational needs, and reducing exposure to negative peer influences.

By working collaboratively with the youth and their family, and by utilizing evidence-based practices, MST Therapy is effective in reducing delinquency, improving family functioning, and promoting positive youth development.

Reasons To Take MST Therapy

There are several reasons why youth and their family may choose to participate in MST Therapy. Some common reasons include:

  • Serious behavioral problems: MST Therapy is designed to help youth with serious behavioral problems, such as delinquency, aggression, substance abuse, and school refusal. If a youth is struggling with these issues, MST Therapy may be an appropriate intervention.
  • Family conflict: MST Therapy aims to improve family relationships and reduce conflict within the family. If a family is experiencing high levels of conflict, MST Therapy can provide a supportive and structured environment to work through these issues.
  • Involvement in the juvenile justice system: Many youths who participate in MST Therapy are involved in the juvenile justice system. By addressing the underlying factors that contribute to delinquency, MST Therapy can help reduce the risk of further involvement with the justice system.
  • Community-based approach: MST Therapy is delivered in the youth’s home and community, rather than in a clinic or hospital setting. This can be more convenient and less stigmatizing for the youth and their family.
  • Evidence-based: MST Therapy is an evidence-based approach that is effective in reducing delinquency, improving family functioning, and promoting positive youth development. For families who are seeking a proven and effective intervention, MST Therapy may be a good option.

Working on MST Therapy

The following are the key components of MST Therapy:

  • Assessment: The MST Therapy team conducts a comprehensive assessment of the youth’s behavior, family functioning, and the systems that influence the youth’s behavior, such as school, peers, and community. This helps to identify the factors that are contributing to the youth’s problems and informs the development of a treatment plan.
  • Treatment plan: Based on the assessment, the MST Therapy team develops a treatment plan that is tailored to the youth’s individual needs and goals. The plan outlines the specific interventions that will be used to address the underlying factors contributing to the youth’s problems.
  • Interventions: The MST Therapy team provides therapy both in the home and in the community, using evidence-based interventions that target the various systems that influence the youth’s behavior. These interventions may include family therapy, individual therapy, behavioral interventions, and academic and vocational support.
  • Collaboration: The MST Therapy team works closely with other systems that influence the youth’s behavior, such as schools, juvenile justice agencies, and social services. This collaboration helps to ensure that the interventions are coordinated and that the youth and family receive the support they need to achieve their goals.
  • Monitoring and feedback: The MST Therapy team closely monitors the youth’s progress throughout the intervention, providing regular feedback to the youth and family. This helps to ensure that the interventions are effective and that any necessary adjustments can be made.

Techniques Used In MST Therapy

Techniques Used In MST Therapy

MST Therapy utilizes a variety of evidence-based techniques to address the multiple systems that influence a youth’s behavior. The following are some of the techniques commonly used in MST Therapy:

  • Behavioral interventions: MST Therapy uses behavioral interventions to help youth learn new skills and behaviors. These interventions are tailored to the individual needs of the youth and may include cognitive-behavioral therapy, social skills training, and problem-solving skills.
  • Family therapy: MST Therapy places a strong emphasis on improving family functioning and relationships. Family therapy is used to help families develop better communication and problem-solving skills, resolve conflicts, and strengthen their relationships.
  • Community reinforcement: MST Therapy utilizes community reinforcement techniques to help youth develop positive relationships and connections within their community. This may include connecting youth with positive role models, encouraging participation in positive community activities, and promoting involvement in school and other positive activities.
  • Parent training: MST Therapy provides parents with training and support to help them manage their child’s behavior and improve family relationships. This may include teaching parents how to set appropriate limits, provide positive reinforcement, and use effective communication techniques.
  • Case management: MST Therapy utilizes case management to coordinate services and supports for the youth and family. This may include connecting the family with community resources such as mental health services, substance abuse treatment, and vocational services.

Benefits of MST Therapy

MST Therapy has been shown to have a range of benefits for youth and families who participate in the program. The following are some of the key benefits of MST Therapy:

  • Reduced delinquency: MST Therapy is effective in reducing delinquency and antisocial behavior in youth. Studies have found that youth who participate in MST Therapy are less likely to engage in criminal behavior, substance abuse, and other risky behaviors.
  • Improved family functioning: MST Therapy places a strong emphasis on improving family functioning and relationships. Studies have found that MST Therapy is effective in improving family communication, reducing conflict, and increasing parental involvement in their child’s life.
  • Positive youth development: MST Therapy aims to promote positive youth development by providing youth with the skills and resources they need to succeed. Studies have found that youth who participate in MST Therapy is more likely to be involved in positive community activities, have better academic and vocational outcomes, and have higher self-esteem.
  • Cost-effective: MST Therapy is a cost-effective intervention. Studies have found that the costs of providing MST Therapy are lower than the costs associated with out-of-home placement or continued involvement in the juvenile justice system.
  • Individualized approach: MST Therapy utilizes an individualized approach that is tailored to the specific needs and goals of the youth and family. This personalized approach is effective in achieving positive outcomes.
  • Collaborative approach: MST Therapy involves collaboration between the youth, family, and various systems that influence the youth’s behavior. This collaborative approach is effective in creating positive and lasting changes.

Limitations of MST Therapy

Limitations of MST Therapy

Although MST Therapy is effective in many cases, there are also some limitations to the approach. The following are some of the limitations of MST Therapy:

  • Limited availability: MST Therapy requires specialized training and resources, which may limit its availability in some areas. Access to the program may be limited due to factors such as cost, geographic location, or funding.
  • Not appropriate for all youth: MST Therapy is not appropriate for all youth and families. The program is most effective for youth who are at risk of out-of-home placement or involvement in the juvenile justice system. For youth with severe mental health or behavioral problems, additional or alternative interventions may be needed.
  • Reliance on family involvement: MST Therapy places a strong emphasis on family involvement and support. While this approach can be effective in improving family functioning and relationships, it may not be appropriate for youth who do not have supportive family members or who have experienced trauma within their family.
  • Time-intensive: MST Therapy requires a significant time commitment from both the youth and family. The program typically involves multiple sessions per week and may last several months. This time commitment can be challenging for families who have other obligations, such as work or school.
  • Cultural sensitivity: MST Therapy was developed in the United States and may not be appropriate for all cultural contexts. The approach may need to be adapted to be more culturally sensitive and appropriate for diverse populations.

How To Find a Therapist?

How To Find a Therapist?

If you are interested in finding a therapist who provides MST Therapy, there are several steps you can take:

  • Check with your insurance provider: If you have health insurance, check with your provider to see if they cover MST Therapy and if they have a list of providers in your area.
  • Contact the developer of MST Therapy: The developer of MST Therapy, MST Services, has a provider directory on their website that can help you find a licensed provider in your area.
  • Contact local mental health agencies: Local mental health agencies may have information about MST Therapy providers in your area. They may also be able to provide referrals or recommendations.
  • Contact schools or juvenile justice systems: Schools or juvenile justice systems may have information about MST Therapy providers or may offer the program themselves.
  • Use online directories: There are several online directories, such as Mantracare to Therapymantra, that allow you to search for therapists in your area who provide MST Therapy.

When choosing a therapist for MST Therapy, it is important to consider factors such as their qualifications, experience, and approach. Look for a therapist who is licensed in your state and has experience working with youth and families. You may also want to ask about their experience with MST Therapy specifically and what their approach to the program is.


In conclusion, MST Therapy is a promising intervention for youth and families who are struggling with a range of behavioral and emotional problems. By focusing on the underlying factors that contribute to a youth’s problems and providing comprehensive support and interventions, MST Therapy is effective.

While there are some limitations to the approach, such as limited availability and reliance on family involvement, finding a therapist who provides MST Therapy can be a beneficial step toward addressing the challenges facing youth and their family. By utilizing the techniques and strategies of MST Therapy, youth, and families can work together to achieve positive and lasting change.

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