A Compulsive Person’s Traits To Know

A Compulsive Person’s Traits To Know

If you have a loved one who is struggling with compulsive behavior, it can be difficult to understand what they are going through. It’s important to know the traits of a compulsive person so that you can provide the best possible support. In this blog post, we will discuss the common traits of a compulsive person. We will also offer tips for how you can help your loved one manage their condition.

Understanding a Compulsive Person

Understanding a Compulsive PersonA compulsive person is a personality type that struggles with controlling impulses, emotions, and thoughts. They are often perfectionists who strive for excellence and may become easily frustrated when things don’t go according to plan. Compulsive people may also struggle with making decisions due to their need for control and order in all aspects of life.

It is important to understand the meaning of this behavior in order to properly identify and help individuals who struggle with these issues. Compulsions can manifest in a variety of ways, including obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), hoarding, perfectionism, workaholism, overspending, or even addiction to substances or activities.

How Does a Compulsive Person Act?

People with compulsive behavior will often display certain behaviors, such as:

  • Repeating the same activities over and over again. This may include things like checking the door locks multiple times before going to bed or repeatedly washing their hands.
  • Having trouble controlling urges, such as overeating or excessive spending.
  • Spending excessive amounts of time on certain activities, such as playing video games or shopping.
  • Difficulty with interpersonal relationships due to fear and anxiety about being judged by others.
  • Feeling a need to hoard objects and having difficulty discarding them even if they are no longer needed.
  • Becoming obsessed with certain topics and feeling the urge to talk about them excessively.
  • Becoming overly focused on details or rules, such as following a daily routine without any deviation.

The intensity of these behaviors can vary from person to person. But it’s important to recognize that compulsive behavior can be disruptive and interfere with a person’s daily life. It is important to seek professional help if you or someone you know are suffering from compulsive behavior. With the right treatment, people can learn to manage and reduce the symptoms of their compulsive behaviors.

What Are Some Traits Of A Compulsive Person?

What Are Some Traits Of A Compulsive Person?It is not easy to spot a compulsive person, as they often hide their issues and rationalize them away. However, there are some common traits that can help you identify someone with this personality.


The first and foremost trait of a compulsive person is perfectionism. This person is driven to achieve perfection in everything they do, and often berates themselves when they fail or are “not good enough”. They may also fear failure, seeing it as a reflection of their own inadequacy. This can lead to a debilitating fear of taking risks or trying new things, as they are afraid to not be perfect.


Compulsive people tend to be very rigid in their thoughts and behavior. They often feel uncomfortable with changes and stick to the same routines. This leads them to have difficulty adapting to new situations, and feel overwhelmed and anxious when facing the unknown. However, not each person shows the same degree of rigidity, some may be more flexible than others.

Unwillingness To Delegate

These people often struggle to delegate tasks, either because they feel it is their responsibility or that no one else can do a job as well as they can. This can lead to feeling overworked and ultimately result in burnout. For example, someone who is a compulsive perfectionist may find it difficult to trust others with tasks. Or may become frustrated when their orders are not followed precisely.

Negative Self-Image

Another trait of a compulsive person may have a negative self-image, which could be the root cause of their perfectionism. They often feel inadequate and are constantly comparing themselves with others. Consequently, they tend to lack confidence, leading them to doubt their own abilities and decisions.


Usually, a person with compulsiveness is prone to anxiety, as they tend to be extremely self-critical and perfectionistic. Their need for control may also lead them to become overwhelmed, causing their anxiety levels to skyrocket. In fact, anxiety is often the motivating factor for a compulsive person, as it serves as an incentive to always strive for perfection.

Altogether, these traits can make life difficult for a compulsive person. As they are constantly trying to attain an unrealistic level of perfection. It is important to recognize these traits in order to help this person adjust their behavior and reduce the stress in their life.

If you or someone you know is exhibiting any of these traits, it is important to seek help from a professional. With the right support, compulsive persons can learn to manage their perfectionism and find better ways of coping with anxiety.

What Causes Compulsive Personality?

What Causes Compulsive Personality?A compulsive personality disorder is a complex mental health condition, and its exact cause of it is still largely unknown. However, there are certain factors that are believed to contribute to the development of compulsive personality disorder.

These include biological and environmental factors, such as:

  • Genetics: It is believed that some people may be genetically predisposed to this personality disorder, and it can run in families.
  • Neurotransmitters: Neurotransmitters are chemicals in the brain that help regulate mood, and imbalances of these may lead to compulsive behavior.
  • Stress or trauma: Experiencing a traumatic event in life, such as physical or sexual abuse, or living in an environment with high-stress levels, can also increase the risk of developing a compulsive personality disorder.
  • Biology: Research suggests that people with a compulsive personality disorder may have differences in the way their brains process information, which can lead to compulsive behavior.

In addition, there could be some triggers that a compulsive person can’t control, such as:

  • a job loss or financial instability
  • relationship problems
  • significant life changes
  • certain medications or substances
  • social isolation

Keep these causes and triggers into consideration as they may be inferred as a primary cause of compulsive personality disorder. And seek help from a professional for better guidance and advice.

How Can I Stop Being Compulsive?

Well, it is important to understand that experiencing compulsive thoughts and behaviors is a normal part of life. Therefore, it is important to be kind to yourself and not judge yourself too harshly. Let’s explore a few strategies for managing compulsive thoughts and behaviors.

1. Learn to recognize the signs: It is important to develop a keen understanding of your own thought patterns and behaviors so that you can better identify when you are slipping into a compulsive thought or behavior cycle.

2. Stay mindful and practice self-awareness: Recognize what triggers your compulsive behavior and learn to be aware of it. When you become aware that you’re engaging in a compulsion, take a moment to pause and examine the feelings behind the behavior.

3. Challenge distorted thinking: If you find yourself in danger of succumbing to a compulsive thought or behavior, try challenging the beliefs underlying them. Ask yourself if what you’re thinking is really true, and look for evidence that disproves it.

4. Seek professional help: If you feel that your compulsive behavior is overwhelming or out of control, seek professional help from a mental health provider who can provide insight and guidance in managing your symptoms.

5. Develop healthy coping strategies: It is important to replace compulsive behaviors with healthier, more positive coping strategies. Consider activities like exercise, meditation, drawing or writing in a journal, talking to friends and family, or listening to music.

Compulsive thoughts and behaviors can be difficult to manage on your own. However, with patience, self-compassion, and a willingness to work on changing your thought patterns and behaviors, it is possible to find relief from these symptoms. Seek professional help if you feel like your compulsions are out of control.

How Can You Deal With a Compulsive Person?

How Can You Deal With a Compulsive Person?When it comes to dealing with compulsive behavior, the most important thing is to be patient. It can be difficult for a compulsive person to break their habits and make changes. So try not to push them too hard or expect them to change overnight. Instead, try to build on small successes and offer support along the way.

In addition, here are some other tips on how to help a compulsive person:

  • Encourage the person to talk about their feelings and thoughts. Ask them questions about what triggers their behavior, and try to identify solutions that can help them manage it.
  • Help the person create a plan for managing their symptoms. This could include activities like relaxation exercises or setting specific goals for themselves.
  • Let the person know that you’re there for them and are willing to listen if they need someone to talk to.
  • Make sure that the person understands that their behavior is not a personal failing or weakness, but rather a disorder that can be managed. Encourage them to seek professional help if needed.
  • Avoid judgment or criticism. Compulsive behavior can be very difficult to manage, so make sure to offer understanding and support instead of trying to “fix” the person.

By following these tips, you can help compulsive people in their journey toward managing their disorder. Remember to remain patient and offer support, as this can make all the difference in how they cope with their symptoms.


In conclusion, a compulsive person may not have the awareness or insight to accurately assess the situation they are in and make decisions that are beneficial in their own life. It’s important to remember that even compulsive people can learn to overcome their compulsions. By learning how to recognize them, and understand why they act on them. And work towards breaking the cycle of compulsiveness.

For more information and guidance, please contact MantraCare. OCD is a mental health disorder characterized by obsessions and compulsions. If you have any queries regarding Online OCD Counseling experienced therapists at MantraCare can help: Book a trial OCD therapy session

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