Exposure therapy is a type of cognitive-behavioral therapy that is effective in the treatment of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). It involves exposure to the memories or stimuli that are associated with the traumatic event. This can help reduce the distress that is caused by these memories or stimuli. In this blog post, we will discuss exposure therapy for PTSD and how it can help you recover from this condition.
What is PTSD?
Post-traumatic stress disorder, or PTSD, is a mental sickness that develops in those who have experienced or witnessed traumatic events.
Although there is a link between PTSD and wartime events, it can develop from any event that is considered highly traumatic or emotionally distressing to the sufferer. This includes witnessing or being a victim of an assault, as well as other forms of crime such as domestic violence. A violent occurrence, natural disaster, or another extremely significant event is included in this category.
- intrusive thoughts
- flashbacks
- feeling detached from the world
- feeling irritable
- difficulty concentrating or sleeping
- hypervigilance (constantly being on guard)
The above mentioned are some common range of PTSD symptoms.
Why Is Treatment For PTSD Necessary?
One suffering from PTSD needs a cure indeed. The major reasons are:
PTSD Flashbacks
Constant flashbacks of the traumatic event can make it hard to function at work or home. When a person experiences a PTSD flashback, they may feel as though they are re-experiencing the traumatic event that occurred. This can be incredibly distressing and may cause the individual to feel disoriented and confused. In some cases, people may even act out the trauma during a PTSD flashback. It also interferes with concentration and memory, making it difficult to perform simple tasks or remember important information.
Suicidal Thinking And Anxiety
The suicidal thinking, sadness, and anxiety can make it hard to function in day-to-day life. It can maintain relationships and take care of basic needs when PTSD is present. You may feel like there is no hope and that nothing will ever get better. This can lead to suicide attempts or self-harm as people with PTSD may try to escape the pain they are feeling.
Acute And Chronic Stress
Acute and chronic stress can cause PTSD symptoms to flare up, making it hard to function on a day-to-day basis. PTSD can also lead to isolation, as sufferers may withdraw from friends and family members out of fear of triggering their symptoms. Additionally, PTSD can cause problems in relationships, both romantic and platonic. Sufferers may find it hard to trust others or be open about their feelings, leading to tension and conflict.
Alcoholism And Addiction
Alcoholism and addiction can lead to financial instability, job loss, relationship problems, and health problems. All of these things can make it very hard to live a happy and fulfilling life.
The symptoms described above might make it tough to keep solid connections, obtain and keep a job, and simply live a regular existence.
What is Exposure Therapy? 
Exposure therapy is a type of cognitive-behavioral therapy that is primarily used to help people who suffer from anxiety disorders. The premise behind exposure therapy is that by repeatedly exposing oneself to the things they are afraid of, they will eventually learn that there is nothing to be afraid of and their anxiety will decrease.
For example, someone with a fear of flying may start by watching videos about planes and airports. They would then progress to looking at pictures of planes and airports. Once they are feeling more comfortable, they may take a small trip on a plane. With each exposure, their anxiety should gradually decrease until they no longer have a fear of flying.
Types Of Exposure Therapy
There are many different types of exposure therapy, but they all have one goal: to help you face your fears and learn to cope with them. Exposure therapy can be done in several ways, including:
In Vivo Exposure
This is when you confront your fears in real life.
In vivo exposure therapy (in real life) is when the exposure is carried out in the actual feared situation. This might be done gradually, starting with less intense situations and working up to more intense ones. For example, if someone has a fear of flying, they might start by thinking about getting on an airplane. Then they would progress to watching videos of takeoffs and landings. Finally, they would fly on a plane themselves. One of the advantages of in vivo exposure therapy is that it can help people to overcome their fears more quickly.
Imaginal Exposure
This is when you imagine yourself confronting your fear. You might close your eyes and picture yourself in a situation that makes you anxious.
Imaginal exposure involves the patient vividly imagining the feared situation or memory. This can be done by having the patient describe the memory out loud, or by writing it down in detail. The therapist will then help the patient to explore and challenge any negative thoughts or beliefs associated with the memory.
Examples of imaginal exposure could include a veteran reliving their combat experiences to come to terms with them, a rape victim recalling the details of their attack to face their fear and anxiety head-on, a child who witnessed a violent crime describing what they saw to process the trauma.
This type of exposure therapy can be extremely difficult and painful, but it is very effective in treating PTSD.
Virtual Reality Exposure
This is when you use technology to confront your fears. You might wear a virtual reality headset that puts you in a situation that makes you anxious.
VRET is a type of exposure therapy that uses virtual reality technology to create a realistic simulation of the feared situation or memory. The patient is then exposed to this simulation in a controlled and safe environment while being monitored by a therapist.
Examples of VRET could include:
- A veteran with PTSD is exposed to a virtual combat scenario to help them confront their fears.
- A rape victim who is struggling with anxiety and avoidance is exposed to a virtual social situation to help them practice coping skills and challenge their negative beliefs.
- A child who witnessed a violent crime is exposed to a virtual version of the scene to help them process the trauma.
This type of exposure therapy can be very effective in treating PTSD, as it allows the patient to confront their fears in a safe and controlled environment.
Systematic Desensitization
This is when you slowly expose yourself to your fear. For example, if you’re afraid of dogs, you might start by looking at pictures of dogs, then watching videos of dogs, and finally meeting a real dog.
Systematic desensitization cures a variety of different phobias, including fear of flying, fear of public speaking, and fear of animals. It has also been used to treat post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
For example, if someone has a fear of heights, their exposure therapist may start by having them imagine being in different high places. Gradually, the therapist would then expose the patient to actual high places, such as standing on a stool or looking out a window from the top floor of a building. The goal is for the patient to eventually be able to stand on top of a tall building without feeling anxious or afraid.
Interoceptive Exposure
Interoceptive exposure specifically focuses on exposure to the bodily sensations associated with anxiety and panic. This includes exposure to heart racing, shortness of breath, dizziness, and other physical symptoms.
One example of interoceptive exposure might be for someone who experiences severe anxiety when their heart rate increases. They would gradually expose themselves to activities that increase their heart rate, such as running on a treadmill. Over time, they would hopefully learn that their heart rate increase is not dangerous and their anxiety will decrease.
Another example might be someone who experiences shortness of breath when they are anxious. They might expose themselves to activities that make them feel short of breath, such as holding their breath or breathing through a straw. The goal would be for them to learn that feeling short of breath is not harmful and their anxiety will decrease.
Exposure therapy can be an incredibly effective way to deal with the symptoms of PTSD. If you or someone you know is struggling with PTSD, consider exposure therapy as a possible treatment option.
What Is an Exposure Therapy Session Like? 
An exposure therapy session usually lasts for about an hour. The therapist will work with you to gradually expose you to the things that trigger your PTSD symptoms. This may include talking about your trauma, thinking about it, or even exposure to real-life situations that trigger your symptoms. The therapist will help you manage your anxiety and fear during the exposure so that you can eventually learn to cope with your triggers without having a strong reaction.
Exposure therapy can be done in individual sessions or group settings. You and your therapist will decide what type of exposure is best for you based on your specific needs.
How To Find A Therapist?
There are a few ways to find exposure therapists in your area. One way is to ask your regular therapist or doctor for a referral. You can also look online for exposure therapy directories.
When looking for an exposure therapist, it is important to make sure that they have experience treating people with PTSD. Make sure that they have the license and accreditation by a professional organization.
Once you have found a few potential exposure therapists, you should contact them to ask any questions you have about their practice. You should also ask about their fees and whether they accept your insurance. If you are considering exposure therapy, it is important to find a qualified therapist who has experience treating people with PTSD.
What Are The Limitations?
Exposure therapy is not a cure-all for PTSD. It may help some people, but it does not work for everyone. There are several limitations to exposure therapy:
- It can be difficult to confront the traumas that you have experienced. This can be painful and scary, and it may trigger flashbacks or other symptoms of PTSD.
- You may need to do exposure therapy multiple times before you start to see results.
- If you have complex PTSD, exposure therapy may not be the best treatment option. Complex PTSD is often caused by long-term exposure to trauma, such as child abuse or living in a war zone. exposure therapy may not be effective for this type of PTSD.
If you are considering exposure therapy for your PTSD, it is important to talk to your doctor or therapist about whether it is the right treatment for you. exposure therapy can be an effective treatment for some people with PTSD, but it is not right for everyone. You and your doctor can decide if exposure therapy is right for you based on your situation.
Exposure therapy is a very successful type of treatment for PTSD. It can help people to overcome their fears and to live a normal life again. Exposure therapy can provide relief from PTSD symptoms and help people to reclaim their lives.
The form of treatment can offer hope to those who suffer from PTSD. There are many resources available that can assist you in finding the right treatment option for your needs. Exposure therapy could be the key to helping you or your loved one recover from this debilitating disorder and go on to lead a happy and fulfilling life.
Before you start taking any type of exposure therapy, you need to talk to an expert who can answer your all queries and give you a way further. You can contact Mantra Care in this regard. The team of experts here thrive to work on your issues so that you can heal as soon as possible. You can book your online session and download our free Android or iOS app.