Adults With ADHD – Symptoms, Challenges And Coping Tools

Adult ADHD

Do you feel like your mind is racing and it’s hard to focus? Do you have trouble organizing, remembering things, or following through on tasks?

You might be surprised to know that these symptoms are not just a feeling – they’re the result of adult ADHD.

In this article, we will explore what it feels like to have ADHD in adults, discuss the challenges faced by adults with ADHD, and share coping tools and techniques.

What It Feels Like To Have Adult ADHD

adults with adhd

The ADHD brain is a busy place. It’s always going and it rarely slows down or shuts up! That can be an advantage in certain situations but for the most part –it makes life pretty tough.

We are quoting here a few examples from the experiences of adults with ADHD for you to relate better:

  • ..”I find that my mind constantly jumps from topic to topic throughout the day. Right now as I sit here I am trying to focus on writing this post but my mind is going 100 miles an hour.”
  • ..”my brain jumps from what I need at the store, to a conversation that happened with a friend earlier today. And how much work needs to get done before bedtime. It’s exhausting!”
  • ..” my God, it seems like there are like ten different conversations are happening in my head at once.”

The ADHD brain is always thinking, planning, worrying, or stressing about something. It can be difficult to slow it down enough to get anything done! Everything becomes more challenging when there are several things you need/want to do within a short period with only limited resources (time and energy).

Symptoms Shown By Adults With ADHD

symptoms of adult ADHD

The most common symptoms of adult attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (adult ADHD) include:

Restlessness Or Constant Mental And Physical Activity

..”I find myself daydreaming about all sorts of things when I should be working on something else. Sometimes my mind is so busy with thoughts that my body just stops moving even though the task at hand still needs to get done.”

..”It’s really hard for me to stay on task. I get distracted by things that are happening around me or ideas in my head.”

..”I can’t seem to ever relax or sit still. I’ve always got too much on my mind and it’s keeping me awake at night!”

… “It feels like my mind is always racing with thoughts and ideas, even when I’m trying to sleep or relax.”

Difficulty In


… “I feel like a lot of the time I’m just going through the motions, trying to keep up with what is expected of me but not doing anything important.”

… “I’m always distracted. I’ll be doing something and then it’s like my brain is moving onto the next thing without me telling it to.”

Carrying out, and monitoring tasks

..”It feels as if several different conversations are going on in my head at once, so I never feel present or focused enough to follow a conversation that requires more than one person.”

… “It feels like something is wrong with me because I’m jumping from task to activity, to convert all day long without taking a break.”


..”I start a lot of projects but don’t finish them. I’ve got so many half-done things around the house that are just taking up space now.”

… “I always feel like I’m forgetting something. Or everything! It feels like my life is in disarray and that there’s no way to keep up with it all.”

Poor Time Management

… “I feel like I can’t get anything done because there are always things that take up my time and it never feels like the right moment to do any of them.”

Forgetfulness And Distractibility 

..”It’s like my mind is full of thoughts and ideas but they keep spilling out before I can finish a thought. It’s like I’m trying to hold the train of a conversation but it keeps derailing.”

… “I can never remember what anyone says because my brain is too busy thinking about all the other things that are going on at any given moment.”

Lack Of Organization

..”It’s hard for me to keep track of all the different tasks, responsibilities, errands, and activities in my life. I’m always running late!”

… “I make a lot of mistakes at work, like forgetting to do an important task or turning in the wrong assignment. I’m not sure how it happens but it does…”

Hyper-focus On Things That Interest Them

..”I love to learn new stuff and read about all sorts of different things. But I also find it difficult to stick with any one thing for very long.”

… “I love my work, but I can’t seem to focus on anything else when there is something interesting happening around me at the same time!”

Impulsiveness (impulsive buying, unhealthy relationships, reckless driving)

..”My impulsivity gets me into a lot of trouble. For example, I find myself buying things on Amazon all the time or making poor financial decisions.”

… “I feel like my impulsivity controls me, rather than the other way around. It’s really hard for me to say no when someone asks something of me, even if it doesn’t fit into my schedule!”

Struggles With Concentration

… “I have always had a hard time focusing on one thing for more than a few minutes. I can’t seem to ‘concentrate’ no matter how much effort I put into it.”

“…It’s exhausting trying to keep up with everything that needs to get done!”

..”I have a really hard time staying focused and concentrating on one thing for very long. My attention span isn’t great!”

NOTE: The symptoms of ADHD are different for everyone. But there are some common signs. For instance, difficulty concentrating on one task at a time or staying organized. However, not all people with ADHD experience the same problems and many may seem to have no indications that they do have it!

Coping Tools For Adults With ADHD



There are some techniques that adult ADHD sufferers can use to help themselves stay motivated.

Buy Some Time To Yourself

Give yourself extra time in the morning when leaving your house so there’s no need to rush out of the door, which can only add more stress and anxiety.

Be Flexible

Rather than trying to force yourself into an unbreakable routine due to outside pressures (i.e., work, school, family), it’s important to be flexible and adjust your schedule as needed so you can reach out for help when you need it.

Reduce Distractions

Keep your cell phone out of sight while at home, so you’re not tempted to check it every five minutes. If work demands require checking emails on your smartphone during downtimes, keep the phone on “Do Not Disturb” mode so you’re not tempted to constantly check for messages.

Plan Your Day

Have a plan in place before leaving the house, so you know what needs to be done and when it needs to happen. For example, have your keys ready as soon as you walk out of the door, or keep them hanging near the door so you don’t have to search for them every time.

Be Accountable

If you have an online calendar, set up alerts for yourself to remind you of deadlines and other important events.

Digital Detox

Implement a “no technology zone” for one hour after dinner and before bedtime, to help adults with ADHD relax and prepare for sleep.

Visit a Therapist or ADHD Coach

You can also try visiting a psychologist who knows about adult ADHD so they can provide some guidance on coping tools that work best for your condition.

Psychologists On Adults With ADHD


With awareness of its existence on the rise, psychiatrists have increased their testing to identify those who may be suffering from attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Also, psychologists on adult ADHD have found some very interesting facts about this disorder that can be treated in adults.

Upsides Of Adults With ADHD

Many adults with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) have a mixed bag of difficulties and good points. The best thing about it is that there are ways to cope well, even if you cannot change your diagnosis. While living life as an adult with ADHD, people find some advantages such as:

  • High energy levels for work
  • Spontaneous thinking pattern
  • Highly creative and innovative
  • Hyper-focused when interested


It can be difficult to live with ADHD, but there are many resources available. Make sure you take the time to learn about your condition and what treatments work best for you so that you can have a better quality of life with self-awareness, patience, and support from others around us including our partners or spouses who may not understand how we think, feel, or behave in certain situations. And believe that it is possible to lead an active life with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).

For more information, please contact MantraCare. ADHD is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by difficulty in paying attention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity. If you have any queries regarding Online ADHD Counseling experienced therapists at MantraCare can help: Book a trial ADHD therapy session

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