Teen Depression: 11 Reasons Why Teens Fall Into Depression

teen depression

Depression is a serious mental illness that affects millions of people every year. Some of the most common symptoms are feeling sad, hopeless, and worthless. Losing a loved one can have big changes in your life. It might change how you feel about food or sleep. You might also have trouble concentrating on things that are not important to you anymore. Depression is not something that you should take lightly; 1 out of 10 teens has depression before reaching adulthood! In this blog post, we’ll explore 11 reasons why a teen falls into depression. They might be sad or not act like themselves anymore. We’ll also discuss how to get back on track for a happier life.

What is Teen Depression?


Depression is a mental illness that makes you feel bad. It makes you feel like nothing will ever get better. You might stop caring about things or start not to care about anything at all, even yourself. Teens often feel sad because of stress or the loss of loved ones. A few common symptoms are lack of energy, weight changes, trouble concentrating on schoolwork, or anything else they enjoy doing in the past. Most teens do not have depression, but if you are feeling sad for more than two weeks, it’s time to see a doctor.

What Causes Teen Depression?

depression causes

Depression in teenagers originates from different factors depending on the individual. Some can be stressed at school or home, being embarrassed about something that happened, or losing someone close to them like family members and friends. Other causes of depression include things like drugs and alcohol, lack of sleep, eating too much junk food (especially fast foods) or not having enough fresh fruit & vegetables in your diet. Sometimes people might turn to comfort eating when they’re stressed out instead of trying healthy ways to feel better about themselves again!

Depression is a serious mental illness that affects millions of people every year. Some of the most common symptoms are feeling sad, hopeless, and worthless. Losing a loved one can have big changes in your life. It might change how you feel about food or sleep. You might also have trouble concentrating on things that are not important to you anymore. Depression is not something to be taken lightly; it’s estimated that 1 out of 10 teens has depression before reaching adulthood! In this blog post, we’ll explore 11 reasons why teenagers fall into depression. They might be sad or not act like themselves anymore. We’ll also discuss how to get back on track for a happier life.

Symptoms Of Depression in Teens

Many signs could indicate you have depression. Some of the most common symptoms are:

  • feeling sad, hopeless, and worthless.
  • you might also have trouble sleeping at night or too much sleep during the day.
  • having no motivation to do anything you used to like doing,
  • losing interest in friends & family members (and not wanting them around),
  • poor concentration on schoolwork or other activities that were fun before,
  • weight changes because of lack of appetite or overeating habits which lead to obesity.

It’s important to note if any substance abuse is present as this could be linked with depression.

Why Do Teenagers Fall Into Depression?

teen depression

There are various reasons why teenagers feel depressed. Some of the most common ones include:

Losing a Loved One

If someone close to you dies, it is hard to deal with. It can change how you feel about food and sleep. It might make concentrating on things that are not important too difficult.

Stress & Pressure

Many teens feel under pressure at school because they get bad grades; this stress then affects their home life too when they get back. Sometimes kids will use substances like drugs or alcohol to help with problems, but they make the problems worse.


Teenagers want everything to go well all the time. When something does not go as they planned, they might blame themselves or tell themselves that nothing ever goes right for them. Perfectionism is linked with depression as they feel they have to be the best at everything.


Many teens are bullied for different reasons, such as being overweight or having a disability that affects how they walk. Kids can also get teased because of their sexuality or background which might leave them feeling sad and lonely most of the time. Friendships break down from this too when people do not want to hang out anymore with someone who’s mean to you all the time!


If your parents are getting divorced, it’s really hard to deal with. It can change the way you feel about yourself and make concentrating on schoolwork difficult too. You might start talking back or stop doing what is asked of you (like chores at home). Kids often get depressed when their family changes like this; especially if they were close before – maybe even more than one parent!

Early Childhood Trauma

Teens often suffer traumas during childhood like experiencing neglect or physical abuse by parents/caregivers. These experiences then affect their self-esteem, ability to form relationships in later life, & feelings about themselves overall. Teens may use substances like drugs or alcohol as a way to escape from these bad feelings.


Some people develop depression because their parents or grandparents have it. If there is a history of depression in a person’s family, they might get it too.

Certain Medications

Antidepressants can cause depression for some people, even if they were never depressed before. For this reason it’s important to always follow the advice of your doctor and not stop taking any medication without talking to them first! Some mommies get sad after they have their baby. This might be because of the hormones in their body which can make them feel bad sometimes.

Substance Misuse

It can make you feel bad when you use substances like drugs and alcohol. Too much of anything that affects your thoughts, feelings or actions can make you feel sad. It might even lead to addiction!

Serious Illnesses

Sometimes people get depression because they have a serious illness like cancer or heart disease. It can affect how you feel about everything in life, even if it is not your fault at all! Sometimes people will try to hurt themselves which leaves them feeling more depressed. When someone has thoughts of killing themselves, this means they need urgent help and treatment for the problem as soon as possible.


If you are not getting on with your parents or teachers at school, it can affect how you feel about everything in life. It can be hard for some people to concentrate when they don’t know what is going on for them. They might feel sad most of the time and not understand things.

You could go on forever with this list! Sometimes teenagers become sad because they feel like no one loves them or cares about what happens to them. People might blame themselves for things that were never their fault in the first place. This affects how they see themselves. Sometimes people feel bad and it might be for a few reasons. If you ever feel this way, talk to an adult so they can help you find out what else is happening inside.

Diagnosis Of Teen Depression

If someone is sad or stressed, it’s important that they go to the doctor to see if it’s just stress. Sometimes people think they are depressed when it’s not depression. It could be caused by caffeine. This makes you feel tired and not good. It is different than depression which makes you feel sad and bad. Teenagers may have symptoms that are different depending on what kind of depression they have. They can feel really sad all the time, have thoughts about harming themselves, or think about ending their lives. They might not be interested in stuff they used to like. If any one thing lasts longer than two weeks then get help from an adult straight away! You don’t need to be sad and alone. There are people who want to help you in your difficult time.

Therapies for Teen Depression

There are many treatments for depression. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy helps people to change the way they think or behave. It’s like a course of different treatments that can help you with your problems.

To not get into this situation, you should do things that make you happy. You could do something when you are happy. For example, play with friends or family, listen to music or anything else that makes you happy.

CBT For Depression


CBT is a talking therapy. It can help you to understand how you think and behave. You can change them, too! It’s like a course of different treatments that can help you with your problems.

If any one thing lasts longer than two weeks then get help from an adult straight away! You are not alone when you feel like things are difficult. There are all kinds of people who want to help you.


How To Find An Existential Psychotherapist?

This therapy helps you to talk about your problems and the way you feel. It is like a course of different treatments that can help with whatever problem there might be in your life. There are all kinds of people who want to give support and advice for anything bad that happens. They will help you get through it!



There are lots of different medications for teen depression which doctors prescribe depending on what kind of depression someone has or how bad they think it is. You should never stop taking something without asking an adult first because sometimes, if stopped suddenly, medication can make things worse than before treatment started! Talk to them first so they know everything about the medicine including any side effects before doing this. Some teens need medicine when talking therapies don’t work.


Depression is a serious mental illness that causes people to feel very sad or hopeless for weeks, months, or even years on end. It can make it difficult for someone to enjoy life and interact with others. If you are feeling depressed, talk to your parents about getting help from a doctor or therapist right away! They will be able to provide you with the support needed so that these feelings don’t become worse. Remember that depression does not need to control our lives – there are many ways of coping with this disease if we just take some time out of each day for ourselves. The most important thing is reaching out when things get tough because living without hope isn’t an option!

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