EMDR For GAD: What You Need to Know?


GAD, or Generalized Anxiety Disorder, is one of the most common mental health conditions in the United States. It is characterized by excessive worry and anxiety about a variety of different things in life. While there are many treatments available for GAD, including medication and therapy, some people may find that EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) is also an effective treatment option. In this blog post, we will discuss what you need to know about EMDR for GAD.

What Is EMDR?

EMDR is a specialized type of psychotherapy used to help people process and overcome psychological trauma. During an EMDR session, the therapist will guide the patient through specific eye movements while the patient focuses on a traumatic memory or event. It is thought that this technique helps to “unlock” the unresolved emotions associated with the traumatic experience, allowing them to be processed in a healthy way.

How Can EMDR Help With GAD?

GAD can often be caused by underlying unresolved trauma, which can lead to intrusive thoughts and excessive worry. By targeting these unresolved issues, EMDR can help reduce symptoms of GAD and allow people to better cope with their anxiety in day-to-day life. In fact, research has found that EMDR is effective in reducing symptoms of GAD, such as intrusive thoughts and worry. This can help people to better manage their anxiety and lead a more productive life.

Things to Consider Before Starting EMDR for GAD

Things to Consider Before Starting EMDR for GAD

Before you start EMDR for GAD, it is important to consider some things. Firstly, it is important to find an experienced, qualified therapist who has experience in using this technique. Additionally, EMDR should not be used as a standalone treatment and should always be combined with other forms of therapy or medication if necessary. Finally, while many people find that EMDR helps reduce symptoms of GAD, results can vary from person to person so results may not be immediate or long-lasting without ongoing maintenance.

How To Start EMDR Therapy?

Here are the 8 steps that should be followed when beginning EMDR therapy:


During this stage, the therapist will take a thorough history of the patient’s past and current experiences of psychological distress. This includes questions about the individual’s personal history, family dynamics, and any trauma or significant life events that may have triggered the current condition.

Get Prepare

The therapist will help the patient identify which memories and emotions are associated with their anxiety and prepare them for the EMDR process. Here the therapist will explain the process, answer any questions, and ensure that the patient is comfortable.


During this step, the therapist will assess the patient’s current level of distress for each identified emotion or memory. This is done to ensure that the patient is ready for the next step.


The therapist will then guide the patient through a series of eye movements while they focus on the identified memories or emotions. This part of the process is called desensitization as it helps to reduce the level of distress associated with these memories.


In the installation stage, the therapist will help the patient install a positive belief or thought to replace the negative emotion. This can be done through verbal cues, visualizations, and other techniques.

Body Scan

The therapist will then guide the patient through a body scan to help them recognize any residual negative emotions or thoughts. This is an important step in helping the patient fully process the trauma and move past it.


The therapist will then help the patient bring their focus back to the present, allowing them to move on from the traumatic experience. This is an important step in helping the patient to feel more in control of their emotions.


The therapist will then re-evaluate the patient’s current level of distress, to ensure that the process is complete and successful. This is also an important step for evaluating further treatment plans if necessary.

How Long Does It Take For EMDR To Work For Anxiety?

How Long Does It Take For EMDR To Work For Anxiety?

The length of time that it takes for EMDR to work for anxiety can vary significantly from person to person. Generally, some people may start to feel relief after up to 12 sessions, while others may take more time before they start to see results. It is important for the patient and therapist to keep an open dialogue and monitor progress so that adjustments can be made as needed.

Overall, EMDR can be an effective treatment option for those struggling with Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD). With the right approach, EMDR can help reduce symptoms of GAD and allow individuals to lead more productive lives.

Benefits Of EMDR For General Anxiety Disorder

Here is the list of the benefits of EMDR for GAD that you should know:

  • Reduces Anxiety: Research has shown that EMDR is effective in reducing symptoms of GAD.
  • Improves Sleep: EMDR can also help improve sleep quality, which is essential for overall mental and physical health.
  • Enhances Cognitive Function: EMDR helps to reduce rumination and negative thinking, which can improve cognitive function.
  • Boosts Self-Esteem: The self-reflection and understanding gained from EMDR can help to boost self-esteem.
  • Encourages Healthy Coping Mechanisms: EMDR encourages the development of healthy coping skills. This can help to reduce anxiety on an ongoing basis.
  • Improves Interpersonal Relationships: EMDR can help to improve communication and relationships with both family and friends.
  • Reduces Trauma Symptoms: EMDR can help to reduce symptoms associated with traumatic experiences, such as flashbacks and intrusive thoughts.


EMDR can help people with GAD to manage and reduce their anxiety symptoms. It improves their sleep and cognitive function, boosts self-esteem, develops healthy coping skills, and heal from trauma. If you are struggling with GAD or other mental health issues, EMDR may be a beneficial treatment for you. It is important to remember that every individual experiences anxiety differently. Therefore, ensure that the best approach for each case is taken. Consulting a professional therapist trained in EMDR can provide you with personalized help. This would be helpful to find relief from your anxiety symptoms.

For more information, please contact MantraCare. Anxiety is a common mental health condition characterized by persistent feelings of worry, fear, and apprehension. If you have any queries regarding Online Anxiety Counseling experienced therapists at MantraCare can help: Book a trial Anxiety therapy session

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