Bipolar Disorder Treatment: Medication & Therapy

bipolar disorder treatment

Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar DisorderBipolar Disorder is a serious disorder that affects the way you feel, think and act. It can be treated in many different ways but it’s important to not brush bipolar disorder under the rug because it takes courage to face bipolar disorder head-on and get bipolar disorder treatment as it can be crippling without treatment. There are many bipolar disorders treatments that work, so don’t let your bipolar disorder go untreated any longer.

Bipolar Depression Treatment

Medications are one form of bipolar disorder diagnosis that helps treat mental health problems such as bipolar depression. Some people respond better to certain types of medication than they do to others so it’s important not only to consult with a psychiatrist who specializes in issues related to mood disorders but also someone who has experience prescribing medications for mental health issues such as depression.

Many different types of medications exist for treating conditions such as anxiety and schizophrenia. There are even times when medications aren’t needed at all. Sometimes therapy can help treat bipolar disorder on its own or in combination with medication, but only a qualified medical professional like a psychiatrist in your area can determine what type of bipolar disorder treatment will work best for you.

Bipolar Disorder Diagnosis

Bipolar Disorder Diagnosis

A psychiatrist can provide an accurate diagnosis of your condition and prescribe the most effective bipolar disorder treatment for you. It’s important to see a psychiatrist in your area if you’re experiencing symptoms such as mood swings, loss of interest in daily activities, and changes in weight or appetite. Because these are signs that something is wrong with your mental health. Mental illness cannot be self-diagnosed. So it’s important not only to schedule an appointment with a psychiatrist but also for you to be honest about how you’re feeling. So they can decide what type of bipolar disorder treatment will work best for you.

Before beginning any type of bipolar disorder treatment, it’s important to have a complete physical examination. Because there are several medications that work in conjunction with therapy and should only be taken under medical supervision. Your doctor will determine whether or not you can take certain bipolar disorder treatments. Such as sleeping pills, muscle relaxants, cold medications, and painkillers to reduce your stress levels.

Bipolar Disorder Treatment

People with bipolar disorder need help to find what works for them. They may need medications, therapy, hospitalization, self-help, or talk therapy. A psychiatrist usually specializes in one of these areas; they are called “bipolar specialists”. Many people with bipolar disorder also do well with support groups.

There are many things that can be done to treat bipolar disorder. Therapy is a very common treatment, with cognitive behavioral therapy and dialectic behavior therapy being the most common types. Medications for bipolar disorder include mood stabilizers and antidepressants. Other treatments for bipolar disorder include hospitalization and talk therapy, just to name a few.

There are many types of bipolar disorder treatment. Therapy, medications, or a combination of the two can help treat bipolar disorder. In some cases, talk therapy may be used to support medication use. Different people respond better to different forms of treatments for their bipolar disorder and it’s important to find what type of bipolar disorder treatment works best for you.

Bipolar Depression Treatment: Medication 

Medication for Bipolar Depression

There are various medicines for bipolar disorder treatment. Lithium carbonate is one of the most potent drugs used to treat bipolar disorder. It helps to stabilize moods by reducing the highs of manic episodes and the lows of depressive episodes. Another drug Is Lamictal, which is an anticonvulsant that also suppresses mania in some patients who have not benefited from other medications. Bipolar disorder treatment includes medications that encourage changes in your thinking so you can control how you feel. This makes it easier to avoid falling into unhealthy patterns such as substance abuse, sleeping too much, and avoiding daily activities. These types of self-destructive actions are common among people suffering from depression but they only prolong the recovery process which is why finding a doctor who specializes in treating this type of mental illness is imperative for your well-being.


Lithium Carbonate is one of the most potent drugs used in Bipolar disorder treatment. This drug helps to stabilize moods by reducing the highs that come with manic episodes and the lows that come with depressive episodes. This medication also suppresses mania in some patients who have not benefited from other medications.


It is a medicine that is used to control or prevent sudden seizures and also helps to control mood disorders like bipolar disorder. It helps by preventing the manufacture and release of certain chemicals in the body. The long-term use of this medication can lead to uncontrolled excitement, which is called manic episodes, and loss of interest in activities, which is known as depression.


Carbamazepine is another drug used as a medication for bipolar disorder. Although carbamazepine is not as potent as the other drugs. But does provide help for those who do not respond to lithium or Lamictal.


Lamictal is another medication for the treatment of bipolar disorder. The primary purpose of Lamictal is to suppress mania. It does not, however, reduce mania as much as lithium or carbamazepine do.


Another drug for bipolar disorder treatment is antidepressants. Some antidepressants help to alleviate the depression that often accompanies this condition. While others are helpful in avoiding manic episodes.

Second-Generation Antipsychotics (SGAs)

SGAs are a newer class of antipsychotics that are helpful in treating bipolar disorder. While many SGAs have similar mechanisms of action, they differ in potency, side effects, and efficacy. Abilify is a long-acting drug that is effective for treatment-resistant symptoms in bipolar disorder. Depakote is sometimes used off-label for treating symptoms such as agitation and aggression when other drugs haven’t worked well enough.

Atypical antipsychotics including Seroquel and Geodon are sometimes used. But their use tends to be in limit due to the high prevalence of side effects.

Bipolar Disorder Mood Stabilizer

Bipolar Disorder Mood Stabilizer

The primary goal in the treatment of the bipolar disorder is a stabilization of mood or, in other words, achieving a healthy balance between manic episodes and depressive episodes. These medications help to minimize extremes of mood by controlling rapid changes in moods.

Some examples of mood stabilizers are lithium, carbamazepine, valproate sodium, olanzapine, and quetiapine. A common side-effect with these mood stabilizers is weight gain which is manageable by medication that reduces appetite or skipping some meals through fasting.

An alternative to pharmacotherapy is psychotherapy which can also help individuals maintain a stable mood. All the above-mentioned medications and psychotherapy are used individually or in combination. This is common with bipolar disorder type-2 for which antidepressant therapy is useful for acute treatment of any manic episode.

Bipolar Disorder Treatment: Therapy

Therapy for Bipolar Disorder Treatment

There are so many forms of therapy available for treating mental health disorders such as schizophrenia and depression. It may be difficult to narrow them down. The most common types of therapy include cognitive behavioral therapy, dialectic behavior therapy, and talk or play therapies just to name a few. Cognitive behavior therapy helps identify distortions in thinking that result from mental illness while dialectic behavior therapy helps the individual understand how they interact with their environment. These two types of therapies help the patient make changes in their life.

Many people don’t realize that therapy isn’t just for those who suffer from mental illness. It’s also for their family members, friends, and loved ones as well. Family dynamics are a popular form of therapy for those who live with individuals who have mental illnesses such as bipolar disorder. Spending some time apart may be helpful for you both because every individual needs space. Getting support from therapists who specialize in family issues can help you communicate more effectively. So you can spend quality time together without fighting over irrelevant things all the time.

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy

Another option to consider if you don’t want to take medications or cannot afford them is cognitive behavioral therapy which helps change negative thought patterns by providing practical strategies for dealing with stress and negativity in one’s life. Depression is usually the result of irrational beliefs. So cognitive therapy can help you identify unhelpful thoughts and develop strategies for dealing with them effectively.

There are several other types of therapeutic techniques available for those who suffer from mood swings such as cognitive behavioral therapy which helps you understand how to change your behavior by learning how distortion in thinking leads to negative actions.

However, it’s important not only to consult with a psychiatrist who specializes in treating mental illness but also someone who has experience prescribing medications for people like you suffering from mood swings, too. Your doctor will work with you to find the best bipolar disorder treatment for your specific condition. So you can treat your mental health issue effectively without experiencing any unpleasant side effects.


There are two basic types of psychotherapy available to help individuals diagnosed with bipolar disorder re-establish their emotional stability, talk therapies and play therapies. Talk therapies include individual sessions in which the therapist works directly with the patient while play therapies include games, role-playing, and other activities that allow the patient to express their emotions through play or by re-enacting certain events or scenarios.

How Do I Know If I’m Bipolar?

How Do I Know If I'm Bipolar?It’s also important for those who are suffering from mental illness to encourage them to seek treatment for their condition. Because untreated mental illnesses can lead to suicide. If you’re noticing changes in personality, mood swings, and irritability. Then it’s possible the person has bipolar disorder. And might be time for the patient to start bipolar disorder treatments immediately.

If someone in your immediate family has depression or another type of mental illness. Then it’s important to see a psychiatrist immediately if you notice that you’re struggling with mood swings or changes in appetite. Because most mental illnesses have a genetic component. This means the illness is often passed from generation to generation. Educating yourself about mental illness so you can pass this crucial information on to your children is essential for their health and well-being down the line.

Why Curing Bipolar Disorder Is Necessary?

People who suffer from bipolar depression often have issues with self-esteem. That is why loved ones should provide reassurance about how valuable they are. Even when the person suffering from this type of mood swing may not feel that way anymore. For people struggling with feelings of worthlessness, suicidal thoughts are common. That is why seeing a therapist or psychiatrist right away can help get your loved one back on track towards taking control of their life again.

If your doctor prescribes medications to treat bipolar depression. Then it’s important to take them exactly as indicated on the bottle. Never stop taking any type of medication without consulting your doctor first. Because abruptly stopping treatment could result in further mood swings or even suicidal thoughts which is why routine doctor visits are necessary to keep track of how well your treatments are working.

Other Forms Of Treatment For Bipolar Disorder 

Other than medication and therapy, patients can make changes in their daily life for the best results-

Healthy Lifestyle

healthy lifestyleAnother important part of bipolar depression treatment includes exercise along with eating healthy meals every day. Since research has shown that both activities have a powerful impact on mental illness by stimulating the release of natural chemicals in our brains. For example, exercise helps to reduce stress while increasing serotonin which boosts our moods naturally.

Regular exercise also increases levels of endorphins which are natural painkillers that the body produces when it’s under stress. So exercise is can help people suffering from mental illness feel better both emotionally and physically. Eating healthy foods like vegetables, fruits, lean meats, fish, poultry, dairy products, nuts, etc., can improve anyone’s mood. Because they are full of nutrients that are vital for fighting depression.

Reduce Stress

Going on vacation or taking a break from work when you’re feeling depressed is another way to manage your condition when you do has access to quality bipolar disorder treatments. As long as you use this time to relax, enjoy nature and spend quality time with friends and family. Then it will help you get back on track towards leading a healthy life.


Besides getting enough rest at night (7-9 hours), avoiding drugs and alcohol is also important for your well-being. Because many of these substances can actually make bipolar disorder worse due to how they affect the nervous system. If your doctor prescribes any medication to treat your condition. Then do not stop taking it without first consulting your physician. Since this may trigger more severe episodes of depression.

Consult A Psychiatrist

Consult A PsychiatristThe exact cause of bipolar disorder remains unknown but genetic predisposition and environmental factors including stress, hormones, and drug abuse play an important role in the occurrence of this mood disorder. While there is no cure for this condition, the goal of treatment is to reduce its severity or frequency. The patient suffering from bipolar disorder requires long-term care during times both good and bad. In comparison, patients suffering from bipolar disorders are at higher risk for suicide attempts than those suffering from other mood disorders. Hence it becomes necessary to treat the individual suffering from bipolar disorder with utmost attention and care.

The most reliable way to treat bipolar disorder is by consulting a skilled psychiatrist with expertise in mood disorders. The primary goal of treatment for bipolar disorder is achieving a balance between mania and depression so as to maintain a stable mood. Mood stabilizers such as lithium, olanzapine, carbamazepine, valproate sodium, and quetiapine are commonly in use to treat bipolar disorder. Hence it becomes necessary for the patients to get the treatment with utmost care and attention during times both good and bad. The most reliable way to treat bipolar disorder is by consulting a skilled psychiatrist with expertise in mood disorders.

A Word From MantraCare

Your mental health — your psychological, emotional, and social well-being — has an impact on every aspect of your life. Positive mental health essentially allows you to effectively deal with life’s everyday challenges.

For more information, please contact MantraCare. Bipolar disorder is a mental illness characterized by extreme shifts in mood, energy, and activity levels. If you have any queries regarding Online Bipolar Disorder Counseling experienced therapists at MantraCare can help: Book a trial Bipolar Disorder therapy session

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