Parents Guide To Co-Parenting | Types of Co-Parenting

Parents Guide To Co-Parenting

Parenting is hard. It’s even harder when you have to do it with someone who may not be your partner. This blog post will give you the tools and resources for co-parenting. This is so that both of you can create a healthy environment for your child without conflicting with one another. There are many benefits of co-parenting, including financial stability and less stress.

What Is Co-Parenting?

What Is Co-Parenting?Co-parenting is the act of spending time with your child in a situation when you are not together. Whether it is to celebrate special occasions, co-parenting activities, or just having fun on weekends, you both want the best for your kids. This includes making them feel loved by each parent. Co-parents can be divorced parents who share custody; single moms or dads will often find themselves sharing time across two households at times too. The most important thing about co-parenting? It involves communicating well between yourself and your ex-spouse. This is so that there’s trust amongst everyone involved in raising their children. It is to make sure they always come first.

This means setting boundaries and agreeing on rules about things like bedtimes, screen time limits, chores, or anything else that is important to you as parents. You’ll also want to discuss things that might be a little more challenging, such as how to handle holidays when your families are all together or what to do if one of you moves away.

Types of Co-Parenting

Types of Co-Parenting

These are some types of co-parenting are:

Joint Physical Custody

This means that child lives with each parent at least 40% of the time. This is often seen as the gold standard of co-parenting.

Joint Legal Custody

This means that both parents have an equal say in important decisions made about their children, such as schooling, religion, and medical care.

Sole Physical Custody

This means that child is primarily living with one parent and visits the other regularly. However, they will not be alone during these visitation times as a third party such as a grandparent, family friend or babysitter may accompany them to help out on those days or nights when their co-parent isn’t there for whatever reason.

Shared Legal Custody

Both parents share making decisions about education, religion, and medical care but only go ahead after consulting together first. This type of custody requires more communication than others because often many opinions are involved including those of grandparents if you have any in your life who want to be included too.

How Does Co-Parenting Work?

How Does Co-Parenting Work?

Co-parenting is a process, not an overnight fix. At first, you might be so used to having your child around all the time that it is difficult to adjust, but soon enough things will fall into place and become easier for everyone involved.

Co-parenting works best when both parents are able to be flexible and put their child’s needs first. You will need to communicate regularly, especially if there are any changes or challenges that come up along the way. If you can manage this effectively, co-parenting can provide a great environment for your child in which they feel loved and supported by both of their parents no matter what.

It also works best when you have a stable support system in place. This can include friends, family, or other parents who are going through the same thing as you so that they understand what it is like to be co-parents and how challenging it can sometimes be despite your best efforts.

Co-parenting Tips

Co-parenting Tips

The frustration of sharing custody doesn’t have to cause tension among parents who want what’s best for their kids. With a few simple tips, working out visitation schedules and getting through tough times can be smooth sailing — even when there’s an ocean between two coasts!

These are some of the co-parenting tips:

  • A co-parent should be respectful of the other parent in front of the child.
  • Do not badmouth your ex-spouse to your child or use them as a messenger.
  • If there is an issue that needs to be addressed, discuss it calmly and privately between yourselves first before involving your child.
  • Agree on rules ahead of time and put them into writing if possible so that everyone is clear about what is expected of them.
  • Keep communication open, even if it’s difficult at times so that your child knows they can come to you with anything they need or want to talk about.
  • Make co-parenting a priority in your life and do whatever you can to make things work no matter how challenging they may seem at first.
  • Be patient with each other and flexible so that you can adapt to the changes as they come up.
  • Remember, whether you are trying to co-parent or not it is important for your child’s sake to try and get along despite any differences between you because this will make them feel more secure in their lives no matter what happens along the way.

Benefits of Co-parenting

Benefits of Co-parenting

These are some of the benefits of co-parenting:

Gives Children Sense of Security

This means that children know they can count on both of their parents no matter what and if one day something happens to the other parent, they will still be there for them.

Helps To Maintain Healthy Relationship

This means that by keeping your relationship civil with your ex-partner, you are able to maintain a healthy co-parenting relationship even after ‘breaking up’ which in turn will benefit your child too because it shows them how adults should behave when dealing with difficult situations or emotions such as anger or sadness.

Allows Both Parents To Be In Child’s Life

Not only does this mean that each parent is able to continue playing an active role in their child’s life, but it also means that the child continues developing a relationship with both parents and does not lose either one of them from their life.

Creates Stronger Relationship

A strong co-parenting relationship shows children how to be adults in difficult situations when they reach adulthood themselves. It teaches them how to resolve problems, communicate effectively with others, and show respect for other people even if you don’t always see eye to eye on everything or get along perfectly all of the time.

Helps Children Adjust To Changes

This means that when there are changes in a child’s life such as moving to another home, the loss of a loved one, or other types of change it can help them adjust much easier because they have two people who love and support them no matter what happens.

Side-Effects of Co-parenting

Side-Effects of Co-parenting

There are a lot of benefits to being a co-parent. You can share the responsibilities with your spouse or partner, and you don’t have to deal with all of it by yourself. If one parent is sick from work for example, they can ask their co-parent if they could take over some tasks such as taking care of the kids until he/she gets back on his feet again. It’s nice having an extra set of hands when something comes up unexpectedly too!

However, there are also side effects that come along with being a co-parent which many people may not expect going into this type of agreement. Here are just a few:

Causes Increase In Responsibility

Having to split the responsibilities of watching over a child with someone else such as doing chores, making dinner, or driving them places can put an increased responsibility on parents that they may not have had before.

Increases Feelings Of Guilt And Fear

If one parent is feeling like their ex-partner isn’t providing for their child and fulfilling all of his/her duties as a co-parent then this could cause feelings of guilt and fear because it means the other person needs more help than originally thought which will make things even more difficult. This also means that if there are any disagreements between the two parents about how often visitation should be occurring (such as what days, who picks up/drops off), where the child should live, or other major decisions then it can increase the fear and guilt that one or both parents are feeling.

Causes Stress

Co-parenting requires a lot of time, effort, and patience which is why it can be very stressful for some people who may not have enough of any of those things, to begin with. This stress can then transfer over to the child if they feel like their parents are constantly fighting or stressed out which will only make things worse for them.

Makes It Difficult To Date/Marry Again

If one of the goals of co-parenting is to help the child adjust to changes then it makes dating and marrying again much more difficult because introducing a new partner into the child’s life can be very confusing and overwhelming. It also means that any future partners of either parent will need to be understanding and accepting of the fact that they will always have a place in their lives as long as the child wants them there.

Causes Disputes

Co-parenting is not an easy task. This may be due to the fact that it is new, and both parents are adjusting to the change. It can also be difficult because each parent has a different way of parenting and may not agree on everything. This can lead to disputes between parents, which is not good for the children.

Makes Things More Complicated

This is not only difficult for the parents, but also for the children. Kids may find it hard to adjust or even get confused about who they should be living with and spending time with at what times. Adding one more person into a family dynamic can make things complicated. It’s important to give them support so that kids don’t have too many mixed feelings about their new living arrangement.


In conclusion, co-parenting is a very difficult, but rewarding type of relationship that can have many benefits for both the parents and their child. It will take each person being willing to work together in order to make things successful which means it cannot be done if either parent feels like they are not getting what they deserve out of the deal or do not want anything more than just an occasional visit with their ex-partner and child. If this sounds like something you think would benefit your family then co-parenting may be right for you.

For more information, please contact MantraCare. Parenting is a challenging yet rewarding experience that is crucial for the development and well-being of a child. If you have any queries regarding Online Parenting Counseling experienced therapists at MantraCare can help: Book a trial therapy session

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