Resentment: How It Hurts You and What You Can Do About It?


Resentment is a strong feeling. It can be hard to get rid of it. But it is not worth carrying around the bad feelings from being resentful for years. In this blog post, we are going to explore what resentment means. Resentment is bad for you and the people who care about you.

What is Resentment?


Resentment is the feeling of displeasure or indignation at having an experience of unfair treatment. Resentment has a lasting effect and can cause serious damage to your mind and body if you hold onto it for too long.

What is Resentment Stemming From?

Resentment can come from many different sources. When someone does something that is unfair or unjustified, it can make you feel angry. If they are not apologetic for their actions and make no attempt to apologize, this will only worsen your resentfulness.


One can easily observe the signs of resentment in your body language and the way you talk. You may feel anger towards a person who has done something unfair to you, which will lead to avoiding them. If someone says or does something that reminds you of how they treated you unfairly, it should serve as a reminder not to hold onto resentfulness because it is bad for everyone.

  • If someone does something bad to you and you feel anger, the feeling is called a ‘flashback’.
  • When you think about a bad thing a lot, it can make you feel bad.
  • Regretful feelings
  • People might be afraid of having a fight with someone.
  • Tense relationships are hard.
  • Feeling like you don’t matter, that you’re not good enough, or that you’re less than other people.

Resentment and Mental Health

Resentment can have a negative effect on your mental health. It is not worth it to hold onto feelings of anger towards someone who has done you an injustice. It is good to let go of resentment and focus on the things that make you happy.

You need energy, motivation, and a positive attitude in order for your goals to be accomplished. You can’t expect yourself to do well when you feel negative about everything that has happened in the past”.

If you have been feeling bad about something for a long time, it is important to try and get over it. You can do this by trying to forgive people who have done wrong things to you. You should also think about the good things that happen in your life, not just bad events. Resentment can make people feel angrier. They might not want to express how they are feeling in a healthy way. But this can be dangerous. Alcohol makes you feel good, but it is very bad for your body. If you get mad, alcohol can make it worse because it makes you feel less angry.

Resentment in Relationships

resentment signs

If you hold a grudge against someone for a long time, it can cause problems in your relationship. For example, if you have been feeling resentful towards your friend because they didn’t invite you to their party or something similar, this could damage the friendship and make things awkward between both of you.

Self Esteem Issues

People with high self-esteem don’t feel resentment often. They are not afraid of asking for what they want from life or being who they are without caring about what other people think about them. People with low self-esteem might care too much about how others perceive them which is why they do whatever makes them look good instead of just doing things that will be good for themselves”.

Keeping Score

When one partner in a relationship feels they are always being forced to do all of the heavy lifting—housework, childcare, being the main breadwinner, or beginning emotional connection and intimacy, to name a few examples—they may grow resentful towards their spouse.

Unbalanced power dynamics.

When one spouse in a relationship feels powerless, crushed, or unheard on a regular basis, they may grow to hold a grudge.

Health or Medical Issues

When one individual in a relationship has an issue, it may be difficult for their partner to assist them. It’s conceivable that the one with the disease is unable to care for him or herself. Over time, being a partner’s caregiver can cause some to feel resentful, especially if their own needs are not being met.

Hurtful Words

When a pair spends more time together, the more likely one of them is to say something that the other considers hurtful. Communicating when you’re hurt makes it less likely that you will feel resentful.

Why is Resentment Bad For You?

Resentment has a lasting impact on your body. The feelings of resentment can increase stress levels, which are bad for you in the long run. It also affects how you interact with others by creating negative emotions that prevent you from feeling positive about other people and events around you. Over time it can lead to serious health problems like high blood pressure or heart attacks too! If someone does something unjust towards another person, let them know their behavior was unacceptable using assertive communication. This will help reduce resentment as well as provide an example to the one who wronged you so they do not make this mistake again in the future.

How To Let Go?

let go

If you cannot let go of resentment, it might be because the person who wronged you has not apologized. If this is the case, asking for an apology can help reduce your feelings. You can also try to forgive them by imagining how they would feel if someone did the same thing to them and accepting that their behavior was unintentional or never meant to hurt you in any way.

Forgiving people reduce resentment as well as helps prevent future conflicts which are important when maintaining relationships with others”.

To let go of resentment, it may help to:

Consider Why Letting Go Is Difficult

What emotions do you experience when thinking about moving on from the anger? Resentment can cause one to worry about losing their self-identity, especially if it has been maintained for a long time.

Self-compassion Is A Good Antidote

Those who continue to retain bitterness for lengthy periods of time sometimes discover that the emotions linked with the bitterness, such as anger or sorrow, provide comfort and familiarity. Self-compassion is when you are kind to yourself. It can make people feel better in the short term, but it will wear them down over time.

Explore Empathy

When someone or something makes you mad, try to understand what they are feeling. If the person who made you mad doesn’t know why they did it, making them feel better may make you relax.

Cultivate Gratitude

Instead of getting angry, you can tell yourself that you are lucky and privileged. This might make it difficult for the thoughts of bitterness to take hold.

If you don’t take care of it, resentment will get worse. It could become toxic to the person feeling it. Talking to a therapist is good if you feel unhappy and want to explore issues. They can help you let go of things by asking questions and having strategies.

Therapies For Resentment

Some therapies for resentment include:

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

This method helps you identify thoughts that lead to negative emotions. You can then learn strategies to consider these ideas more rationally and feel less upset about them. Also, the process of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) will help your mind change its thought patterns so it doesn’t come up with resentful thinking in the future either!

Other techniques may be used too like dialectical behavior therapy or acceptance commitment therapy which are similar to cognitive-behavioral counseling but also take into account other issues related to distress tolerance and mindfulness. These methods might work better if you have additional concerns, such as depression or anxiety.”

Psychodynamic Therapy

This is a form of psychotherapy that focuses on the unconscious mind, including past experiences and conflicts that may be influencing your behavior today. By using free association to make connections between events in your life and how you currently feel about them, this type of therapy aims to uncover unresolved issues from childhood or earlier which can lead to resentment toward other people.”

Group Therapy

This is a form of psychotherapy where patients meet with other people who have similar problems. Like individual therapy, group counselors may be experienced therapists or social workers and the sessions are typically held at regular times in an office setting.”

Play Therapy

This type of therapy is more for children. It lets them express their feelings and work out issues through play so they can prevent these problems from affecting them in the future.”

Alternative Therapies

There are many alternative or complementary forms of treatment you might consider to help deal with resentment such as yoga, acupuncture, aromatherapy etc. If you want a natural way to relieve your resentment it’s best to be patient and give whatever method you choose time before expecting results because different types of remedies affect people differently. Also, some methods may take longer than others depending on how serious your feelings about this subject matter are”

Neuroscience For Resentment

Neuroscience For Resentment

We now know that chronic anger can harm you on two levels: physically and psychologically. When someone wrongs us, our brain’s limbic system activates its fight-or-flight response which regulates emotions by releasing neurotransmitters like cortisol into the bloodstream to mobilize energy for action. If this gets out of control it results in psychological issues such as anxiety or depression over time but also medical conditions like high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease, etc.”

While resentment isn’t always toxic, it can be. This is because of biological responses to anger which are known as the long-term effects of getting mad. Resentment makes you feel worse about yourself and others around you.”

Those who continue to retain bitterness for lengthy periods of time sometimes discover that the emotions linked with resentment provide comfort and familiarity. Self-compassion is when one is kind to themselves. It can make people feel better in the short term but over time wear them down.

When someone or something makes you mad try understanding what they are feeling instead of being angry at them for making you upset! If the person doesn’t know why they did it, this might help relax your thoughts allowing room for empathy to take place rather than blaming others.”

Violent thoughts are linked to resentment. Sometimes, they can turn into action if left untreated like abuse or even murder! If you notice yourself getting angry over small things try talking with someone about the problem and how it makes you feel instead of bottling up your emotions inside where no one can see them but you!”

Steps For Getting Rid Of Resentment

  • The first step is admitting that there’s a problem rather than keeping silent like before which will help bring out any unresolved issues from childhood more easily.
  • Try accepting what happened as opposed to thinking ‘I should’ve done something different. You might be surprised at how much easier life becomes when these feelings aren’t holding you back anymore.”(Prentice)
  • “Finally keep in mind that living life with resentment is like driving a car without brakes; sooner or later you’ll regret not taking the time to heal and move on properly.


Resentment is an emotion that can be felt when people are disappointed or frustrated with another person’s actions. It often leads to anger, bitterness, and frustration which in turn creates a heavy feeling of resentment within the individual. A resentful person may feel victimized by someone else’s behavior or decisions without understanding how they contributed to their own situation. While it is normal for feelings of disappointment and frustration to arise from time to time in any relationship, there are ways you can cope with these emotions so they don’t lead to more serious consequences like resentment once again. Let us help you identify what triggers your frustrations before they escalate into something bigger, then we will work with you on finding healthy coping strategies that work best for you to avoid future resentment.

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