20 Mental Health Volunteer Opportunities

Mental Health Volunteer Opportunities

Mental Health Volunteer Opportunities

Mental Health Volunteer OpportunitiesThere are so many options for volunteering your time to mental health. Volunteering not only allows you to help other individuals, but it can also benefit your mental health. When you volunteer and perform kind deeds, the reward center of your brain is activated. This makes you feel good about yourself, which in turn helps your mental health. There must be many mental health volunteer opportunities that you can find near your place.

But there are even more benefits to volunteering. Volunteering for mental health can improve your social skills and help you meet new people. When you volunteer, you put yourself out in the community and tend to feel more connected with other people, which is a great way to aid in good mental health.

So if you’re ready to start planning your schedule around mental health, check out these 10 ways to volunteer your time for mental health.

How Does It Work?

how does it work?There are mental health volunteer opportunities all over the country and here’s how it works:

-Find a mental health organization and research mental health volunteer opportunities that you can do at their location. You could help them out with anything ranging from clerical work to fundraising.

-If mental health volunteer opportunities don’t exist at your desired location, look for mental health organizations near your home and contact them about volunteering. Remember, mental health is accessible to everyone!

-Research mental health organizations in the county where you live and find out if they need any help or volunteers. Mental Health America has a list of mental health agencies across the United States where you might be able to find volunteer opportunities.

-Consider becoming an advocate for mental and mental health in your community. Contact mental health organizations and see if they need help recruiting new advocates, speakers for mental illness awareness events, or assistance with fundraising efforts.

-Use volunteer opportunities that serve mental health populations to improve your own mental health. Volunteering allows you to get involved in your community while practicing self-care at the same time. So try picking mental health volunteer opportunities based on what you enjoy doing – like animal care! Remember, there are so many mental health volunteer opportunities out there just waiting for you to take action!

20 Ways to Volunteer Your Time for Mental Health

Mental illness does not discriminate; it affects everyone no matter their age, race, socioeconomic status, or location. Volunteering is an easy way to give mental health a voice. Here are some mental health volunteer opportunities you can consider-

1. Volunteer For Mental Health Awareness And Advocacy

1. Volunteer For Mental Health Awareness And AdvocacyMental health has long been on the back burner as a priority in healthcare, but mental disorders are the leading cause of disability worldwide. If you want to be proactive about mental health, start by volunteering your time to advocate for mental health initiatives like mental health first aid training and education, as well as mental illness research and awareness campaigns.

2. Volunteer At A Homeless Shelter

Shelters are an especially good place to work with mental illness because they take in people who are often dealing with depression or other mental illnesses that come when living without consistent housing. Plus, when you volunteer for this type of organization, you’re giving mentally ill people hope when they need it most.

3. Volunteer With Mental Health Patients

Mental health patients are often upset, frustrated, and feeling down about their mental illness, but mental disorders are treatable. Volunteering your time to help mental health patients lead happier lives is a worthwhile cause that will make you feel good inside.

4. Mentor Children At Risk For Mental Illness

Mentor Children At Risk For Mental IllnessWorking with young people is one of the most rewarding volunteer opportunities you can have, especially if you work with kids who have mental disorders since they have trouble communicating what they’re going through on a day-to-day basis. And helping kids overcome mental illnesses gives them the tools they need to succeed throughout life.

5. Be An Art Therapist Or Creative Arts Counselor

Art therapy is used in different mental health settings because it allows people with mental disorders to find different ways of expressing themselves and communicating what they feel. Art therapists work one-on-one with mental illness patients in a therapeutically safe environment using art as a tool for mental healthcare.

6. Volunteer At A Local Crisis Center

Mental health crises happen all the time, which is why you can volunteer to help mental health patients when they’re in difficult situations that require professional attention from mental health care providers. Crisis centers are especially good places for young volunteers who want to be exposed to mental health careers or other mental health professionals in order to gain relevant experience in the field.

7. Work At A Day Treatment Program

Working at a day treatment program gives you exposure to mental health issues and mental health treatments that you wouldn’t get working in other mental health settings, and the experience truly benefits mental health patients who need immediate access to mental healthcare.

8. Volunteer At A Psychiatric Hospital

Mental hospitals provide mental health services that go beyond just treating mental illness symptoms, so this type of program is good for people who want to help patients recover from mental disorders or simply feel better about themselves enough to achieve their goals in life. Psychiatric hospitals also offer many volunteer opportunities like clerical work, cooking, taking care of plants and animals, painting murals on walls throughout the facility, etc., so there’s no shortage of ways you can make a difference when you volunteer at mental hospitals.

9. Take Part In An Online Mental Health Campaign

9. Take Part In An Online Mental Health CampaignMental illness isn’t a type of mental disorder that can only be treated in mental hospitals or mental health facilities; it’s treatable with the proper mental health care and patient diligence. One way to help mental health patients is by participating in online mental health campaigns like #MyYoungerSelf, where you post positive messages on social media about mental disorders and mental illnesses in order to make people more aware of their own mental wellness.

10. Volunteer At A Psychiatric Unit

Psychiatric units aren’t for everyone, but if you want hands-on experience working in this type of mental healthcare setting, you won’t regret your efforts because patients will appreciate the help they receive from volunteers since most don’t have access to affordable mental healthcare without insurance or other mental health coverage.

11. Use Your Skills To Raise Mental Health Awareness

Mental illness is all around us, but it isn’t always easy to tell who has mental problems and who doesn’t. Mental health patients are often labeled as “weird” or “crazy,” so the best way to help mental health patients is by becoming an advocate for mental wellness and mental healthcare in your community. For example, if you’re good at photography, create a photo series about mental illness to increase mental health literacy in your community. Whatever interests you have can be used to raise mental health awareness for people with mental disorders that need treatment today.

12. Assist Mental Health Patients With Basic Needs

Mental health patients need all the help they can get since mental healthcare doesn’t come cheap and mental illnesses aren’t easy to manage without this type of treatment. You can volunteer your time helping mental illness patients with basic needs like cleaning, cooking, or social activities that improve mental wellness and emotional stability – anything that makes a patient’s life just a little bit easier.

13. Assist Mental Health Professionals

Mental healthcare providers do amazing work for mental health sufferers and their loved ones, but it isn’t easy to do good work in such emotionally taxing jobs. If you want to make an impact on mental health care as a volunteer, consider assisting mental health nurses or other mental professionals who put themselves on the line to make mental healthcare a reality for mental health patients.

14. Participate In Mental Health Research

Mental illness isn’t something that doctors can easily diagnose and treat since there’s no single mental disorder test or mental illness blood test. That is why mental health researchers need volunteers to provide input on their work every step of the way. If you want to be a mental health professional someday, consider participating in mental health research when you get older so you can see firsthand how your contributions help people with mental disorders and mental illnesses.

15. Be A Peer Counselor

Teaching peers about the nature of mental illness and available treatments for various types of mental disorders is another great way to contribute to mental wellness efforts. Just remember that it’s not enough to tell mental health patients that mental illness isn’t something they should be ashamed of. Instead, you have to show mental health sufferers how therapy can help them address mental disorders. So their mental wellness improves over time.

16. Provide Children With Mental Healthcare Training

Provide Children With Mental Healthcare TrainingHelping mental health sufferers also means educating people about mental wellness and mental disorders at a young age. So they have the tools necessary to confront mental illness in adulthood without feeling overwhelmed or confused by what they’re facing. Even if you’re not mentally ill yourself, teaching others about your own struggle with a mental disorder can help inspire them to pursue their own mental wellness goals.

17. Assist The Homeless & Other Risk Groups With Their Mental Health Issues

Assisting those who are most at-risk mental health patients is another way you can make mental healthcare more available to mental health sufferers who need mental wellness treatment the most. Homeless individuals, veterans of war, and other “at-risk” groups are some of the most ignored people when it comes to mental illness treatment, but this doesn’t mean that they don’t deserve mental healthcare or mental treatment.

18. Volunteer For A Mental Health Organization On An Ongoing Basis

After you’ve donated some time to help with mental wellness efforts, consider committing yourself as an ongoing volunteer for mental health organizations. So you can build stronger relationships with mental health patients your age. This will help you see first-hand how helpful these types of organizations are. Every step of which helps give you peace of mind that mental health really is a worthwhile cause and mental wellness really does matter.

19. Join Mental Health Awareness Initiatives

Mental illness sufferers and their loved ones regularly participate in mental health awareness initiatives. They’re usually volunteer-led events held at local colleges, universities, and community centers. Volunteering for mental health helps establish mental wellness advocacy efforts as a mainstream topic of discussion. This will ensure that mental illness becomes part of casual public discourse regularly. Instead of just once per year during mental illness awareness month.

20. Start Up Your Own Mental Health Volunteer Program

20. Start Up Your Own Mental Health Volunteer Program

Don’t let the fact that you’re not on your college campus or living in an apartment stop you from becoming a mental health advocate. Almost every residential area has a school nearby where mental health volunteers are needed. Just start up your mental illness volunteer program with the little resources you have. And let mental health advocacy efforts build themselves around you.

The mental health volunteer opportunities are endless. But make sure you know what mental illness you want to help or learn about before you sign up for any mental health initiatives. Some mental disorders like borderline personality disorder (BPD) and depression don’t have enough volunteer opportunities associated with them. So it’s best to choose mental health initiatives that align with your interests and skillset. Regardless of which mental illness you want to help or learn more about. There will always be an opportunity out there where you can make a difference. All it takes is one person who wants to help other people live their best lives possible with mental wellness. So start looking for mental health volunteer opportunities today.


There are mental health volunteer opportunities all around you, but they may not be what you think. While it’s important to donate your time and money to mental health charities or provide individual support for family members. There are many ways that an average person can help the mental health community without risking their own mental wellness in the process. For example: do you know how often people with mental illnesses use public transportation? If someone were able to take one of these individuals on a bus ride before 9 AM or after 2 PM. Then that would make a significant difference in their day. This is just one way to find mental health volunteer opportunities near you. We encourage everyone who wants to help out those living with mental illness. Whether as part of mental health awareness month or not- consider mental health volunteer opportunities in your area.

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