All About Cognitive Behavioral Family Therapy

Cognitive Behavioral Family Therapy

Family therapy is an effective way to address interpersonal conflicts and mental health issues that affect the entire family. Cognitive Behavioral Family Therapy (CBFT) is a specific type of family therapy that focuses on thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. By identifying and changing negative patterns, CBFT can help families communicate better, reduce conflicts, and improve mental health outcomes. In this blog, we’ll explore the benefits of CBFT, the techniques used in therapy sessions, and how to find the right CBFT therapist for your family.

What Is Cognitive-Behavioral Family Therapy?

What Is Cognitive-Behavioral Family Therapy?Cognitive Behavioral Family Therapy (CBFT) is a type of therapy that focuses on the negative thought patterns and behaviors of the family. It emphasizes the role of cognition in shaping emotions and behavior and aims to help family members develop more adaptive ways of thinking and communicating with each other. CBFT typically involves individual and group sessions and may include homework assignments to reinforce new skills and behaviors.

Types Of Cognitive Behavioral Family Therapy

Given below are some types of cognitive behavioral family therapy:

Behavioral Couples Therapy

BCT is designed to help couples improve their communication and problem-solving skills, increase positive interactions, and decrease negative ones. The therapy is typically structured and involves homework assignments that reinforce new skills learned in sessions. For example, BCT may involve a couple learning to use “I” statements instead of blaming or accusing language during conflicts, which can reduce defensiveness and promote understanding.

Functional Family Therapy

FFT is an evidence-based treatment for families who are struggling with a variety of problems. Such as substance abuse, delinquency, or family conflict. The therapy is typically short-term and focuses on specific problems within the family system. For example, FFT may involve working with a family to develop a plan for reducing conflict and improving communication in the home. Or it may involve developing strategies to prevent a child from engaging in risky behavior.

Parent-Child Interaction Therapy

PCIT is designed to improve the quality of parent-child interactions and increase positive behaviors in children. The therapy involves coaching parents in specific skills. Such as praise, active listening, and effective commands, to improve their interactions with their children. For example, PCIT may involve coaching a parent to use descriptive praise (e.g. “I like how you’re playing so quietly with your toys”) instead of evaluative praise (e.g. “Good job!”), which can be more effective in reinforcing positive behavior.

Multisystem Therapy

Multisystemic Therapy (MST)MST is a comprehensive treatment approach that addresses multiple systems that impact the family. Such as school, community, and peers. The therapy is typically delivered in the home or community and focuses on empowering the family. For example, it may involve developing a plan for managing the behavior of a delinquent teenager, including setting limits on risky behaviors and finding positive activities to engage in.

Cognitive-Behavioral Conjoint Therapy

CBCT involves both partners in a relationship working together to identify and change problematic patterns of interaction. The therapy typically involves teaching couples specific skills, such as active listening, problem-solving, and negotiation, to improve their communication and strengthen their relationship. For example, CBCT may involve working with a couple to identify their common “triggers” for conflict and developing strategies for de-escalating these situations before they become more serious.

Techniques Used In CBFT

Cognitive Behavioral Family Therapy (CBFT) utilizes a range of techniques to help families identify and modify unhelpful thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. Here are some common techniques in CBFT:

  • Psychoeducation: CBFT often begins with psychoeducation. The therapist educates the family about the cognitive-behavioral model and how it applies to their specific challenges. This involves explaining the role of thoughts, emotions, and behaviors in shaping their experiences and providing information about specific techniques that will be used in therapy.
  • Cognitive Restructuring: This technique involves identifying and challenging unhelpful thoughts and beliefs that contribute to negative emotions and behaviors. The therapist may teach the family to use thought records to track and modify negative thinking patterns.
  • Behavioral Activation: This technique involves encouraging the family to engage in positive and rewarding activities, even when they don’t feel like it. This can help to improve mood and reduce negative thinking patterns.
  • Communication Skills Training: This technique involves teaching family-specific skills for effective communication, such as active listening, assertiveness, and conflict resolution. The therapist may use role-playing exercises to practice these skills.
  • Problem-Solving Skills Training: This technique involves teaching the family how to identify and solve problems constructively. The therapist may use structured problem-solving exercises to help the family work through specific issues.
  • Relaxation Techniques: This technique involves teaching the family relaxation techniques, such as deep breathing, progressive muscle relaxation, or mindfulness meditation. These techniques can help to reduce stress and anxiety and promote a sense of calm.
  • Exposure and Response Prevention: This technique is often used to treat anxiety disorders and involves gradually exposing the family to feared situations or stimuli while preventing them from engaging in avoidance or safety behaviors.

Benefits Of CBFT

Benefits Of Cognitive Behavioral Family TherapyHere are some of the key benefits:

  • Improved communication: CBFT can help family members improve their communication skills, which can lead to better understanding and greater empathy. Family members can learn to express their feelings and need more clearly, while also learning to listen and validate the perspectives of others.
  • Reduced conflict: By improving communication and teaching conflict resolution skills, CBFT can reduce the amount and intensity of conflict within the family. This can lead to a more peaceful and harmonious home environment.
  • Increased problem-solving skills: CBFT can help families develop problem-solving skills that can be applied to a range of situations. Family members can learn to identify problems, generate multiple solutions, and evaluate the pros and cons of each option.
  • Improved coping skills: It can help family members develop coping skills to deal with stress, anxiety, and other challenges. This can include relaxation techniques, mindfulness, and other strategies for managing difficult emotions.
  • Increased family cohesion: It can help families develop a stronger sense of connection and cohesion. By working together to address challenges and achieve goals, family members can develop a greater sense of teamwork and mutual support.
  • Reduced symptoms of mental health disorders: CBFT is effective in reducing symptoms of depression, anxiety, and other mental health disorders. By addressing the underlying thoughts, emotions, and behaviors that contribute to these symptoms, CBFT can help families achieve better mental health outcomes.
  • Improved parent-child relationships: It can help parents develop more positive and effective parenting strategies, which can lead to better relationships with their children. This can include developing consistent discipline, setting appropriate boundaries, and providing emotional support.

How To Find The Right Therapist?

How To Find The Right Therapist?Finding the right therapist for Cognitive Behavioral Family Therapy (CBFT) can take some effort, but it’s essential for achieving the best results. Here are some steps to follow:

  • Ask for referrals: Ask your primary care doctor, mental health professional, or trusted friends and family members. They can recommend you a therapist for CBFT.
  • Check credentials: Look for licensed therapists with specific training and experience in CBFT. Check their credentials and certifications.
  • Research online: Use online resources to search for therapists in your area who specialize in CBFT. Look at their websites, online reviews, and professional affiliations.
  • Schedule a consultation: Consider scheduling a consultation with a few potential therapists to get a sense of their communication style and how comfortable you feel working with them.
  • Consider insurance coverage: Check if the therapist you’re considering is covered by your insurance plan. If not, ask about payment options or sliding scale fees.
  • Trust your instincts: Ultimately, choose a therapist who you feel comfortable with, who listens to your concerns and goals, and who you believe can help your family achieve the outcomes you’re looking for.


In conclusion, Cognitive Behavioral Family Therapy (CBFT) is a highly effective approach to improving family dynamics. By focusing on thoughts, emotions, and behaviors, CBFT can help families develop practical skills and strategies for managing challenges and achieving better outcomes. If you’re struggling with family conflicts or mental health issues, don’t hesitate to seek help from a qualified CBFT therapist. With the right support, you can build stronger relationships, improve your mental health, and create a more harmonious home environment.

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