Triangulation: How to Accurately Position Yourself for Success with It


The word “triangulate” is one of those words that can be interpreted differently depending on the context. If you like geometry, then triangulation is drawing three lines from one point. The three lines form an equilateral triangle. The word “marketing” means to use a lot of different sources to find good information. It is important because you might not get the right answer if you look for it in only one place.

What is Triangulation In Psychology?


If you are trying to understand yourself or someone else, then triangulation is a great way to do it. If your friend doesn’t want to tell you why his job is bad, you may be able to figure it out by talking with someone else who knows him. In this case, you might want to talk to his wife and ask her about what is going on in his life. She might know something or she can tell you something different than what your mom said.

Types Of Triangulation

There are three main types of triangulation:

Observational Triangulation

This is when you first observe your source interacting with the object of their affection and then continue to monitor them on a regular basis. For example, let’s say that Joe has been acting strange around his wife lately but he won’t tell her what is going on. If you sit down with his wife and ask her if she notices anything different about Joe lately, then that will be observational triangulation because you are using a second source to gain insight into what is happening in your first source’s life.

Experimental Triangulation

This type of triangulation involves setting up an experiment specifically for the purpose of gathering information from multiple sources. For example, let’s say that Joe has been acting strange around his wife but won’t tell her why he keeps disappearing at night or where he goes when he does it. One way for you to get more information would be to follow Joe one night after work without him knowing it and see how long it takes him to leave his house and where he goes. Then you could ask his wife what time she thinks Joe leaves the house every night and compare that with your findings to see how close they are.

Autobiographical Triangulation

This type of triangulation is when one source tells a story or recounts an experience from their past using more than one example in order to provide more detail about it. For example, let’s say that Joe finally decides to tell his wife why he has been acting strange lately but doesn’t get into details. If you called up some friends who know him well and asked them if there was anything significant that happened around the same time as Joe’s recent behavior changes, then this would be autobiographical triangulation since you are using multiple sources from Joe’s past to give a more complete picture of why he is acting the way that he does.

What Triangulation Can Do for You?

what can it do for you

In this case, you might want to talk to Joe’s wife and ask her about what is going on in his life. She might know something or she can tell you something different than what your mom said. You can see things more clearly when you see them from different angles. You get a better idea of what is going on in your life. For example, if Joe’s wife told you that he had recently lost his job and was having trouble finding another one, this information would make it easier for you to understand why he was so frustrated and would also give you an idea about how to help him.

How Can You Triangulate?

Triangulation can be a very simple process if the situation is not too complicated, but it may become more complex depending on what you are trying to understand or solve. For example, let’s say that Joe hates his job because he works with difficult people every day and they don’t respect him as much as he thinks they should. To triangulate this problem, we could talk to Joe himself and see why these other employees do not like working with him; we could speak with one of those employees in order to get their perspective, or we could interview someone who has worked closely with both Joe and the person he doesn’t get along with.

Things To Keep In Mind

When trying to triangulate any type of problem or decision, keep these tips in mind:

  • Make sure all sources remain unbiased as much as possible. This means talking to people who have no interest in influencing the outcome of what you discover during the process nor do they stand to gain anything from it happening one way versus another; this includes yourself! You may be able to trick yourself into seeing things differently than how they actually happened if you already know what conclusion(s) you are looking for in the end.
  • Don’t be afraid to ask questions if there is any part of the story that doesn’t make sense or seems confusing, especially after speaking with more than one person. You may find out that your assumption about what happened was incorrect and this can help prevent future misunderstandings down the road as well.
  • Make notes during each conversation so you remember exactly what each person said about a particular situation; keep these separate from other information sources so they don’t get mixed up later on when piecing everything together into an accurate snapshot of whatever it is you are trying to understand. Sometimes people have trouble remembering exact words spoken by others which could lead them to accidentally change details around without realizing it!

Benefits of Triangulation

One of the biggest benefits of triangulating your situation is that it allows you to get a more complete picture and helps eliminate some sources of bias. Other benefits are as follows:

  • This can help avoid making decisions or taking action based on limited information, which could lead to more accurate conclusions all around.
  • This can help you get a better understanding of the situation so that you are more comfortable either continuing with it or making changes to improve your life.
  • It is also useful for helping others understand their current situations, which could potentially lead to them being happier and healthier in general.

Drawbacks of Triangulating in Relationships

  • Triangulating can be viewed as a sign of being insecure or mistrusting.
  • Triangulation is often used by people who have trust issues and/or deep-seated insecurities that they need to work through.
  • When you are triangling, it’s likely because you don’t believe your partner loves you unconditionally – which means that if this quality isn’t there from the beginning, then there has been something missing all along. In these cases, working on yourself becomes much more important than trying to fix any problems with your relationship.

How to Triangulate Effectively?

  • First, you have to think about why do some people feel the need for this. Sometimes it is because people are scared of being trusting. They are scared that their partner will get too close to them. This behavior is a way of pushing someone away without having that person leave your life entirely. It can be a test if you call your partner out for something and they don’t come. It might mean that they do not love you as much.
  • The second thing to consider before triangling is how will it affect those around you? If my partner leaves me, it will show that they don’t care about their own reputation. And if everyone finds out what happened, it will also show how much they don’t care about their own reputation.
  • If you want to try and triangulate your partner, ask yourself. Why do I want them to feel bad? Is this really necessary or am I acting out of spite? Can I expect my partner to not have any friends outside our relationship? I feel like something is wrong with what we have going on. If none of these things sound like they would work, then you can try something different. Try to rekindle an old flame with someone you know and who is your friend. But remember – you always need to earn your trust no matter how many times someone swears they’d never hurt you.

Triangulation in Therapy

It is also important to remember that triangulating in therapy can cause problems. There are many examples of when this could be counterproductive in the therapist-client relationship, especially if it becomes a pattern! When you have an issue with your partner, it is a good idea to ask someone else for help. It can be hard to talk about these things, so asking someone who is not involved will make it easier. Ask a friend or family member for help. Do it so there won’t be any confusion. The feedback will go to the right place and whoever needs to hear it will get it. This extra step might seem like more work, but it will make life easier for everyone involved.


The triangulation effect is when people think about an event and compare it to other events. This is a process that facilitates psychology research. It also aims to understand how customers think about their products or services. Personal relationships focus on in this kind of research with regards to trust and insecurity.

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