Deal Breakers In a Relationship: Types, Identification & more

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It’s safe to say that all of us have deal-breakers. For some, it might be the way someone smells or their inability to do basic household chores. For others, it may be smoking cigarettes or drinking excessively. Regardless of what your deal-breaker is, they are likely not making you happy in a relationship. It could even be preventing you from finding out if there is the right person for you! In this blog post, we will discuss potential deal breakers in a relationship. Hope they will help you keep your dating life healthy!

What Is a Relationship Deal Breakers?

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A relationship deal-breaker is a characteristic, habit, or behavior that will end a relationship if it continues. In other words, it’s something you cannot overlook and must change for the relationship to continue.

Types Of Deal Breakers

If you are having trouble identifying deal breakers, here is an idea of what your relationship coach may tell you:

Physical Characteristics

This includes the way someone looks and their weight. It could be because they wear clothes that make them look larger or smaller than they are. Age is also a physical characteristic that can be a deal-breaker.

Personality Traits

These are things like how someone behaves when they are angry or how organized they are. If you cannot handle their anger or if you are always cleaning up after them, these could be considered personality traits that would be deal-breakers.


These include anything that someone does regularly, like their hygiene or the way they eat. Someone who constantly smells bad may be something you cannot overlook to stay with them. If your partner chews loudly this would also make it hard for you to want to continue dating them.


Some favorites are not necessarily bad, but they could be something that you cannot overlook. For example, if someone does not like to try new foods or they have a favorite restaurant where they always order the same thing this can lead to frustration in the relationship.

How To Identify Relationship Deal Breakers?

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The best way to identify potential deal-breakers is by taking a step back and evaluating how you feel in the relationship. If certain things bother you, these could be potential deal-breakers.

NOTE: It’s important to remember that not every issue is worth breaking up over. But if several small issues add up or one major issue, it’s worth considering if this is a relationship you want to continue.

The Top Five Relationship Deal Breakers For Men

Some big relationship deal breakers will end a woman’s potential to date, someone. Here is an idea of what they may be:

Being Too Selfish

If you find yourself always giving in the relationship, this could lead your partner to think that everything revolves around them and their needs. You do not want to enter into another situation where you are taken advantage of.

Being Dishonest

This includes anything from lying about your age to cheating on a test. If someone is dishonest, it’s hard to trust them and build a foundation for the relationship.

Having Poor Hygiene

We all know that smell is everything! If your partner does not bathe regularly or does not take care of their hygiene, it can be a huge turnoff.

Being Unemployed

This one is pretty self-explanatory. No one wants to date someone who is unemployed and has no prospects for the future.

Having Different Religious Beliefs

If you are both religious but have different beliefs, this could be a deal-breaker. It’s hard to get past this one if you want your partner to be on the same page as you spiritually.

The Top Five Relationship Deal Breakers For Women

Some big relationship deal breakers will end a man’s potential to date, someone. Here is an idea of what they may be:

Being Selfish

Just like it can be a relationship deal-breaker for men, being selfish is not attractive either! If someone always has to have what they want, this could be a sign that they are not willing to compromise.

Being Dishonest

Just like it is for men, being dishonest can also be considered a deal-breaker for women. It’s hard to build an honest relationship if one person lies about everything!

Not Being Financially Stable

Dating someone who does not have their financial life in order can be a huge burden. If you are always having to help support your partner, it can be hard to justify the relationship.

Having Different Political Beliefs

This is another one that can be difficult to get over if both people involved have very strong political beliefs. Couples need to share some of the same beliefs to be on the same page.

Being Physically Unattractive

This sounds harsh, but it is reality! If you are not physically attracted to your partner this can lead down a very unhappy path. You want someone who makes you happy and excited about life every day that they walk into the room!

Most Common Relationship Deal Breakers For College Students

While the list above is some of the most common deal-breakers, it’s important to remember that every relationship is different. Here are a few more examples of what could be potential deal breakers for couples in college:

Having Different Career Paths

If one person wants to go into law school and the other wants to become a doctor, this could be a problem. It’s difficult to compromise on your future when both people have different goals and aspirations.

Having Different Views About Living Arrangements

For some couples, living together before marriage is the right choice for them! But if you plan on getting married early in life it might not be necessary or appropriate to live with your partner before saying “I do”.

Being From Different Social Classes

If one person is from a wealthy family and the other is from a working-class family, this could cause some tension. Couples need to be on equal ground when it comes to their social backgrounds.

Most Common Relationship Deal Breakers In Committed Relationships

Once you are in a committed, long-term relationship, the stakes become much higher. If you do not address potential deal-breakers early on, it can be a huge problem later in life!

Having Different Views About Children

This is a huge issue for couples and can be a deal-breaker if both people involved do not want children. It’s important to discuss this topic before getting too serious in the relationship!

Having Different Views About Marriage

This is another huge issue that can cause a lot of tension in a relationship. If you and your partner have different views about getting married, it could be difficult to move forward.

Having Different Opinions On Religion

Just like with college students, religion is another big issue for couples to discuss before getting too serious. Both people involved must be on the same page when it comes to their religious beliefs.

Having Different Views About Money

Money is another huge issue for couples and can lead to a lot of problems down the road if not addressed early on. If you and your partner have different spending habits, this could be a recipe for disaster!

Most Common Relationship Deal Breakers In Marriages

Once you are married, the stakes become even higher! If you do not address potential deal-breakers early on in the marriage, it can lead to big problems down the road.

Having Different Views About Children

This is a huge issue for couples and can be a deal-breaker if both people involved do not want children. It’s important to discuss this topic before getting too serious in the relationship!

Having Different Opinions On Religion

Just like with college students, religion is another big issue for couples to discuss before getting too serious. Both people involved must be on the same page when it comes to their religious beliefs.

Being Physically Unattractive

This sounds harsh, but it is reality! If you are not physically attracted to your partner this can lead down a very unhappy path. You want someone who makes you happy and excited about life every day that they walk into the room!

Having Different Career Paths

If one person wants to go into law school and the other wants to become a doctor, this could be a problem. It’s difficult to compromise on your future when both people have different goals and aspirations.

Having Different Views About Living Arrangements

For some couples, living together before marriage is the right choice for them! But if you plan on getting married early in life it might not be necessary or appropriate to live with your partner before saying “I do”.

Having Different Views About Money

Money is another huge issue for couples and can lead to a lot of problems down the road if not addressed early on. If you and your partner have different spending habits, this could be a recipe for disaster!

How Do Deal-Breakers Decide Our Dating Choices?

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Well, according to relationship experts, deal-breakers vary from person to person. Some people might be more likely to dump someone because of their differing religious beliefs, while others may not care about that as much.

Deal-breakers are especially important when it comes to our dating choices. They are one of the factors that we consider when looking for a partner. Usually, they are based on things we cannot change about someone. We are more likely to be attracted to people who share our interests and have similar characteristics as us.

But, when it comes to deal-breakers, we are looking for things that we cannot change or may not want to change about a person. This is because they have the potential to annoy us or bother us daily. However, it’s important to remember that deal-breakers can change as we grow and evolve.

NOTE: Typically, the most common deal-breakers are things like: having different career paths and living together before marriage.

What Do Relationship Coaches Think About Deal-Breakers?

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Most relationship coaches will tell their clients that deal breakers are important to identify, but they should not be the only thing that is considered when looking for a partner. Instead, they should look at how they feel in the relationship and if there is growth potential.

If you are having trouble identifying what your deal breakers are, it may be helpful to talk to a relationship coach. They can help you to identify the things that are important to you and why. And, if you are in a relationship, they can help both of you to understand each other better.

Deal breakers play an important role when trying to decide whether or not to date someone. They are based on things that we cannot change about a person and these can often lead to annoyance or frustration. If you have identified some deal breakers for yourself, be sure to share them with your partner so they are aware of what may end the relationship if it continues.


quote conclusion

Deal-breakers play an important role when trying to decide whether or not to date someone. They are based on things that we cannot change about a person and these can often lead to annoyance or frustration. If you have identified some deal-breakers for yourself, be sure to share them with your partner so they are aware of what may end the relationship if it continues.

For more information, please contact MantraCare. Relationships are an essential part of human life. It is the connection between people, and it helps us to form social bonds, understand and empathize with others. If you have any queries regarding Online Relationship Counseling experienced therapists at MantraCare can help: Book a trial therapy session

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