Emotional Abandonment: The Fear of Being Apart from Someone

Emotional Abandonment

Emotional abandonment is the fear of losing a connection with someone you love. You might feel sad when you can’t see your friend. When they leave, or even just thinking about it. It is important to understand what emotional abandonment feels like and how it affects people. This will help you cope better when faced with it. Here are the symptoms and types of abandonment as well as tips for coping.

Understanding Emotional Abandonment

Emotional Abandonment in old age

Abandonment is when someone you know leaves, or threatens to leave. It feels like a part of you has been ripped away and it feels really painful. This type of emotional pain can be so intense that it leads people to do drastic things like self-harm or even suicide. When you feel threatened with abandonment it is natural to cling on even more. This makes the situation worse and your loved ones might back away even further. It can be tough for everyone involved, but there are ways of coping especially if you know what’s happening.

People who have been abandoned by people they care about feeling very alone. They don’t have a support network of friends and family to rely on anymore. Sometimes the person who is leaving makes threats that they will leave, or has already left. Many people will try anything to prevent them from leaving. They might become submissive, or they may stop doing things that interest them.

Types Of Emotional Abandonment

There are two different types of emotional abandonment; overt and covert separation anxiety.

  • Overt abandonment means obvious while covert means hid so it’s important not to confuse these two terms. It is when someone leaves you or threatens to leave. It can be very obvious and it’s usually a sudden thing.
  • Covert abandonment, on the other hand, is more hidden. It’s usually a gradual process where your loved one backs away slowly until they’re completely gone. You might not even realize what’s happening at first.


If you are experiencing emotional abandonment, there may be some signs to look out for. These symptoms can include:

  • Feeling sad or depressed when you can’t see the person
  • Feeling like you’re not good enough
  • Intense fear of being alone
  • Anxiety or panic attacks when separated from the person
  • Clinging to relationships even if they are bad for you
  • Feeling like you’re not worth anything
  • Low self-esteem
  • Difficulty trusting other people


There can be many different causes of emotional abandonment. Some common ones include:

  • A death in the family
  • The breakup of a relationship
  • Parents divorcing
  • Being left by a friend
  • Moving away from home or changing schools
  • Losing contact with someone you love
  • Being bullied at school
  • Feeling abandoned as a child

Emotional Abandonment in Childhood

Emotional Abandonment in Childhood

Emotional abandonment can also occur in childhood if a parent or guardian leaves the child without any warning or explanation. This can leave the child feeling scared, alone, and helpless. They may feel like they did something wrong to cause the person to leave them. Children who experience emotional abandonment may struggle with trust issues later in life. They may also be more likely to develop anxiety or depression. If you are a survivor of emotional abandonment in childhood, there are many resources available to you. You can seek professional help or join a support group for survivors. These groups can offer validation and support as you work through your feelings. Remember that you are not alone and there is hope for healing.

Emotional Abandonment in Marriage

Emotional Abandonment in Childhood

Emotional abandonment in marriage is a serious issue that can have lasting effects. If you are married, your spouse abandoning you without explanation or warning can leave some very serious feelings of fear and insecurity behind. It’s important to realize that it takes time to get over the pain of betrayal when this happens. The best way to recover from emotional abandonment is to go through therapy. That way, you will get better at trusting people again.

You will learn how to do this by facing the reality of what happened in your marriage with the person who abandoned you emotionally. You will also need assistance coping with strong emotions like anger, sadness, loneliness, etc. There are many resources for people who have been abused during their marriage. There is a group for you and there are books that can help you too. Emotional abandonment is when someone leaves you without telling you or warn you. You may feel sad or scared. But there is hope for healing, even if it was your spouse who left you.

Emotional Abandonment in Old Age

Emotional Abandonment in old age

Emotional abandonment in old age is when a family member or caregiver leaves you without warning. When someone is abandoned by a person they love, it can make them feel bad. This is true for older people who are more likely to be alone, too. Again, therapy is the way to work through these negative emotions so that they don’t affect your life negatively anymore. Some people feel like they cannot trust others. They might not want to talk to other people, or they might be afraid of them. Therapy can help because it will make you feel good and it helps with not trusting others. You may feel sad or scared about being abandoned by someone again but there are many resources available to get better at coping with these feelings. Your doctor should know where to direct you for emotional abandonment in old age.

Treatment of Emotional Abandonment

There are many different ways of treating emotional abandonment. Some common treatments include:

  • Counseling or therapy: A therapist will help you understand your feelings and what has caused them. It can also teach coping skills so that you don’t feel abandoned in the future
  • Support groups: Meeting with other people who have been through similar experiences as a form of validation
  • Self-help books or courses: self-help materials can be useful for teaching emotional management and self-awareness
  • Being alone: sometimes it is good to step away from relationships until we’ve healed enough to cope without becoming too dependent on others emotionally. A little bit of time spent by yourself is important for any relationship, even if it’s just an hour every day. This way you learn how to take care of yourself when no one else is around.
  • Medication: If the symptoms of abandonment are severe, medication might be prescribed to help ease the pain. No matter what treatment you decide on, it is important to seek professional help. These treatments can be very effective in helping people cope with emotional abandonment.
  • Support groups:
  • There are often support groups available for people who have experienced emotional abandonment. These groups can be very helpful in validating your feelings and helping you to cope. They can also offer practical advice on how to move forward.
  • Therapy: If you are experiencing emotional abandonment, therapy can be a great way to help. A therapist will help you understand what is happening and why. They will also teach coping skills so that you don’t feel abandoned in the future.
  • Self-care activities like journaling, spending time outdoors, and exercise can also be very helpful.

If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, please reach out for help. There are many resources available to you and don’t feel ashamed or embarrassed to ask for assistance. You deserve to get better and recover from this painful experience. Emotional abandonment can leave a lasting impact on our lives, but we can overcome it with time and support. Remember that you’re not alone in this and some people care about you and want to see you succeed.

Coping With The Situation

The best way to cope with emotional abandonment is through therapy. You can work on your trust issues after you address that fear of loss when your loved ones leave you. Therapy will help change how you behave around others so that they don’t abandon you again either because of what happened before or for unhealthy behavior like clinginess, anger, etc. There are also self-help books available for this type of problem if therapy isn’t an option right now.

Tips for Coping with Emotional Abandonment


There are some things that you can do to help cope with emotional abandonment. These tips include:

  • Seek professional help. This is a great way to deal with the pain of abandonment and learn how to trust other people again.
  • Talk to someone about what you’re going through. It can be really helpful to express your feelings and get support from others.
  • Spend time doing things that make you happy. This can help take your mind off of the person who left you and make you feel better about yourself.
  • Don’t isolate yourself. It can be tempting to stay in your room and avoid people, but this will only make things worse.
  • Stay positive. This is a hard time, but you can get through it. Remember that there are people who care about you and want to help.


According to a study by researchers at the University of New Mexico, when people feel abandoned in their relationships with others they are more likely to think that abandonment is inevitable and give up on themselves. They also found that those who self-reported higher levels of emotional abuse showed signs of depression and anxiety than those who didn’t report as much. If you’re looking for ways to help someone maintain hope during difficult times, we’ve compiled some tips here. You can find other resources on this topic at our blog post about what it takes to be an emotionally healthy person too!

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