Narcissist Silent Treatment: How To Deal With It?

How to Deal With Narcissist Silent Treatment?

When you confront a narcissist about their bad behavior, they may give you the silent treatment. This is a way for them to punish you and make you feel guilty.

What Is Narcissist Silent Treatment?

What Is Narcissist Silent Treatment?

The narcissistic silent treatment is a form of emotional abuse that can be very damaging to your mental health. It involves the narcissist shutting you out and refusing to talk to you. They may give you the cold shoulder or act like they don’t know what you’re talking about. The narcissist’s silent treatment is a way for them to punish you and make you feel guilty.

The silent treatment is one of the many forms of emotional abuse or mind games. It’s a way of controlling someone by withholding emotions. Victims of this form of abuse are often confused because they never know if their partner/friend is upset with them or not. They end up walking on eggshells trying to figure out what they did wrong and why they are being punished for something that didn’t even happen. When you get to the point where your feelings are all over the place – you’re sad one minute and then angry another -, you have to take a step back and get your thoughts together again.

How to Deal With Narcissist Silent Treatment?

If you’re being given the narcissist silent treatment, there are a few things you can do to deal with it:

  • Don’t take it personally – The narcissist is using the silent treatment as a way to manipulate and control you. It’s not about you, it’s about them.
  • Don’t try to reason with them – Arguing is a waste of time. When you’re on the receiving end of the silent treatment, it’s going to be difficult not to respond back and try to defend yourself. You need a clear head if you want to win against a narcissist. They will twist your words and use them against you.
  • Be patient – You may feel like you’re going crazy and that it’s never going to end. Trust me, the silent treatment will end at some point. Although, it may take a few days or even weeks for them to come back and seek forgiveness from you (it’ll all depend on how badly they need or want something from you).
  • Know your boundaries – If this is someone who is close with you then don’t cut off ties with them completely. It’s important that you still communicate with them but do so in an assertive way. Make it clear that their behavior isn’t acceptable and if they continue to disrespect you then there will be consequences.
  • Take a deep breath – Stop going over the situation in your head. Just thinking about it will keep you stressed out and bring more tears into your eyes that you don’t need right now.
  • Be honest with yourself – Why are you feeling this way? What did they say/do that upset you? The more honest you are with yourself, the less confusing it becomes for both of you.
  • Get support – It’s important to get an outside perspective when dealing with the silent treatment. Talk to someone who isn’t emotionally invested in your situation and see what they think.
  • Decide what you will do – Will you confront them and tell them how they made you feel? Will you try to mend the relationship and show them that they can’t treat you like this anymore? Or maybe it’s best if you break off ties with them completely since they refuse to change their behavior? Whatever choice you make, stick to it!
  • Manage your emotions – This is where a journal comes in handy. Taking out your thoughts on paper will help calm your mind and get rid of those negative feelings.
  • Be strong – We all face challenges in life, but it’s how we deal with those challenges that make us stronger as individuals. Don’t let someone else bring you down. Stand up for yourself and show them that their behavior will not work on you anymore!

” It takes two to argue, but only one to end it ” ~Unknown

What To Do If You Are Being Given The Silent Treatment?

What To Do If You Are Being Given The Silent Treatment?

If you’re in a relationship with someone who is giving the silent treatment when they get upset, it’s important to take action and stand up for yourself. Don’t let them push you around or make you feel inferior. If your partner is using the silent treatment, here are some things you can do:

1. Set boundaries – You deserve respect and if they aren’t willing to give it to you then there need to be consequences. Let them know that if they continue to use the silent treatment against you, the relationship will come to an end.

2. Don’t engage – Engaging with a narcissist when they are giving you the silent treatment will only prolong their pity party. It’s best not to respond back with anything at all. Get your ducks in a row before you start arguing with them.

3. Get support – It’s important to get an outside perspective when dealing with the silent treatment. Talk to someone who isn’t emotionally invested in your situation and see what they have to say about it. They may come up with some good advice or validate your feelings which will make you feel less crazy.

Protect Yourself From Narcissists Who Abuse You With Silent Treatment

Protect Yourself From Narcissists Who Abuse You With Silent Treatment

To protect yourself from narcissists who use the silent treatment, you need to become your own advocate. This means that you are responsible for creating boundaries, enforcing consequences, sharing your emotions, and speaking up for yourself. You can’t let others violate you and make you feel small.

Maintaining Distance

You need to decide what you are willing to tolerate when it comes to silent treatment. What is crossing a line for you? When do you finally say enough is enough and I don’t want this relationship/friendship? Write down your boundaries, read them aloud, and make sure that they are being enforced.

Enforcing Consequences

Consequences are important because they teach people how to treat us. If someone keeps stepping on our toes then we need to stand up for ourselves by enforcing consequences otherwise, they won’t know to do that again. Here are some examples of appropriate consequences:

-Breaking off ties if necessary

-Ignoring their calls/texts until they apologize

-Leaving the room/house when they get upset with you

-Blocking them on social media

Sharing Your Emotions

Give the narcissist a taste of their own medicine by ignoring them. If they give you the silent treatment then don’t respond back. Don’t answer their calls or texts, don’t check on them or care for them when they are sick, stop being nice to them if you’ve been doing that, etc. The reason this works is that it takes everything away from them and puts some power back in your hands. They have to know how it feels when someone does this to them.

Speaking Up For Yourself

The only way we learn what we deserve in life is by speaking up for ourselves. We need to let people know when they are crossing our boundaries. Tell them you won’t accept the silent treatment and if they continue to do it, there will be consequences. Narcissists feed off of power. They like feeling like they can control or hurt people. If you make yourself less available to them when they are upset, they won’t get that same rush of power again.

Narcissists who use the silent treatment as a form of abuse will most likely be the most toxic people in your life. They are dangerous and they don’t care about anyone but themselves. Don’t let them get away with hurting you or betraying your trust. Protect yourself by enforcing consequences, holding them accountable for their actions, and letting them know that their behavior isn’t acceptable.

When To Walk Away From A Relationship That Involves Narcissist Silent Treatment?

Narcissistic Relationship

If you’re in a relationship with someone who gives you the silent treatment, you may be wondering if it’s time to walk away. Narcissists use silent treatment as a way to control and manipulate their partners. It can be incredibly frustrating and emotionally draining to deal with this type of behavior, and it’s important to know when it’s time to end the relationship.

There are several signs that can indicate that it’s time to end a relationship with a narcissist who uses the silent treatment:

  • The silent treatment is used as a form of control and manipulation
  • You feel drained or emotionally exhausted after being around the narcissist
  • The narcissist is never wrong and always puts themselves first
  • The relationship is always about the narcissist
  • You’re afraid to speak your mind or argue with the narcissist
  • The narcissist is jealous and possessive
  • The silent treatment has been used multiple times in arguments

If you can say yes to any of these questions, there’s a good chance that it’s time to end the relationship. When dealing with this type of behavior, it’s important not to let yourself become a doormat. The best thing you can do for yourself is to learn how to set boundaries and stick up for yourself when necessary. If you haven’t already, you should also read up on self-esteem, as that will help you feel better about yourself and better equipped to deal with difficult people like your narcissistic partner.

What To Do If Narcissists Use Silent Treatment As A Form Of Abuse?

What To Do If Narcissists Use Silent Treatment As A Form Of Abuse?

Silent treatment is a common form of abuse that narcissists use for their own benefits. If you’re in a relationship with a narcissist and they use the silent treatment as a way to control or manipulate you, there are several things you can do:

Set boundaries and hold the narcissist accountable for their actions. Let them know that their behavior isn’t acceptable and that there will be consequences if it continues.

Make yourself less available to them when they are upset. This will take away their power and make them less likely to use the silent treatment again.

Ignore them. If they give you the silent treatment, don’t respond. Don’t answer their calls or texts, don’t check on them or care for them when they are sick and don’t offer them any kind of support.

Walk away from the relationship. This is a difficult decision to make, but if you’ve tried everything else and nothing has changed, it may be time to end your relationship with the narcissist. You might also want to read up on emotional abuse in relationships, as that will help you understand what you’re going through and why it’s important to take care of yourself in this situation.

Narcissist Silent Treatment Conclusion

The narcissist silent treatment is a form of emotional abuse where one person in the relationship ignores the other with no explanation for an extended period of time (days, weeks, months). The purpose of this is to punish or manipulate their significant other into acting differently. Because this serves as an effective punishment method, it serves as a way for narcissistic abusers to maintain control over you and keep you in your place. It’s important to know that we can’t control the narcissist’s actions and reactions – we can only control our own. If they choose to give us the silent treatment then it’s up to them, not you. By establishing boundaries, enforcing consequences if necessary, sharing emotions with others, and speaking up for yourself; you will take away their power, thus protecting yourself from the narcissist’s silent treatment.

How To Deal With The Silent Treatment Done By A Narcissist

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