Narcissistic Husband | Dealing With Narcissistic Husband

Narcissistic Husband | Dealing With Narcissistic Husband

Is your husband narcissistic? A narcissistic personality disorder is a mental disorder where the person has an inflated sense of self-importance and believes they are better than others. It can be difficult to diagnose because it is often hard for narcissists to admit that something might be wrong with them. There are 12 signs you can look out for that may indicate your husband is dealing with this issue.

What Is Narcissistic Husband?

What Is Narcissistic Husband?A narcissistic husband is a person who has an inflated sense of self-importance and is often preoccupied with fantasies about unlimited power, success, brilliance, beauty, or ideal love. He may require excessive admiration and have a sense of entitlement. In addition, he may be emotionally cold and use others to get what he wants.

This post discusses the symptoms of narcissism, its effects on a relationship, and what to do if you think your husband is narcissistic. Narcissism is a common characteristic in many people, but when it is extreme, the negative effects can be devastating. If a spouse suffers from narcissism or narcissistic personality disorder (NPD), some of these issues may apply to your relationship.

Signs of Narcissistic Husband

Signs of Narcissistic Husband

There are many signs of a narcissistic husband. If he displays most or all of these behaviors, there is a good chance that he suffers from narcissism:

Sense of Self-Importance

This sign can be easy to spot. A narcissistic husband may brag about his accomplishments, talents, and possessions. He will expect people to admire him for being so great and special.

You might hear comments such as: “I’m the smartest person I know!”, “I deserve a medal of honor”, or “What would we do without me?” Even if he isn’t talented in some area that he claims expertise in (such as cooking), he is sure that others think highly of his abilities anyway. In fact, most narcissists rate themselves more positively than other people rate them.

Lack of Empathy

This sign also can be quite obvious. A narcissistic husband can’t put himself in someone else’s shoes to understand how they feel, even if he is hurting them (for example, by cheating on his wife). He doesn’t care about their feelings and may not even realize that what he did was harmful or wrong.

A spouse who suffers from narcissism often has difficulty forming deep emotional connections with others because of the way she views relationships. She rarely feels empathy for her husband. Empathy allows people to take another person’s perspective into account when making a decision or doing something hurtful. If a woman lacks empathy toward her partner, it is extremely difficult for him to trust her fully or rely on her for nurturing support during hard times. This lack of caring will likely lead to feelings of distress, anger, or resentment in her husband.

High Aggression

This sign is usually exhibited through verbal or physical aggression. A narcissistic husband may be a bully and use threats, intimidation, and coercion to get what he wants. He may also become verbally abusive if he doesn’t get his way or feels criticized.

A spouse who suffers from narcissism often has a short temper and can react with hostility when she doesn’t feel in control of the situation. If her husband tries to stand up to her or set boundaries, she may lash out at him in anger. This type of behavior is very harmful to a relationship and can leave the husband feeling scared, helpless, and alone.

Manipulative Behavior

Narcissists are experts at manipulating people into doing things they wouldn’t normally do. They know how to get what they want and often use guilt, coercion, or flattery to get it.

A narcissistic husband may try to control his wife by making her feel guilty about not meeting his needs or by playing the victim role. He might also flat-out lie to her in order to get what he wants. For example, if he wants sex and she’s not in the mood, he may tell her that he already had a vasectomy so she doesn’t have anything to worry about. If she doesn’t buy what he’s selling, he may become hostile and even resort to name-calling or physical violence.

Rigid Standards

Narcissists often have high standards for themselves and others. They believe that they are better than everyone else and should only associate with other high-status people. If you don’t meet their unrealistic standards, they will likely devalue and criticize you.

A narcissistic husband may expect his wife to be the perfect partner and mother. She must have a perfect home, flawless skin, and an always cheerful disposition. If she doesn’t meet these expectations, he is likely to give her the silent treatment or make snide comments about her shortcomings.

Inability to Take Responsibility

Narcissists never take responsibility for their own actions. They always blame others for their problems and see themselves as victims in every situation.

When things go wrong in a relationship, a narcissistic husband will usually deny any wrongdoing on his part. He may even blame his wife for the problems in order to make himself look innocent.

Reasons of Narcissistic Husband

Reasons of Narcissistic Husband

There are many reasons for a narcissistic husband. Some of these are:


This could be physical, sexual, or emotional abuse. If a husband is abusive, it’s likely that he has some narcissistic tendencies as well.

Abandonment Issues

If a man was neglected or abandoned by his parents during childhood, he may develop narcissistic traits as an adult in order to cope with the pain of being forsaken.


Some men become narcissists as a way to overcompensate for low self-esteem or feelings of inferiority. They may feel like they need to act like they’re better than everyone else in order to make themselves feel good.

Genetic Factors

There may be some genetic component involved in developing a narcissistic personality disorder. Studies have shown that there is a strong link between narcissism and certain types of emotional abuse in families that result from a genetic component.

Dealing With Narcissistic Husband

Dealing With Narcissistic Husband

There can be many challenges when dealing with a narcissistic husband. These are some methods to deal with a narcissistic husband:

Try To Accept

It can be hard to accept that your husband has a personality disorder. This may feel like you’re being unfair or making excuses for his behavior, but it’s important to understand that narcissism isn’t something he chose; it just happened. He didn’t ask for this type of thinking and doesn’t want these feelings either. The best thing you can do is try to empathize with him and realize how difficult life must be when faced with such negative thoughts on a daily basis.

Try To Find Support

You can also try to find support from friends or family members who understand what you’re going through. It can be helpful to talk to someone who has been in a similar situation and knows how to offer helpful advice.

Set Boundaries

One way to deal with a narcissistic husband is by setting boundaries. This means that you need to start standing up for yourself and letting him know what behavior is and isn’t acceptable. If he crosses a boundary, let him know in a calm but assertive manner that this type of behavior isn’t tolerated.

Seek Professional Help

If things are really bad and you feel like you can’t handle the situation on your own, it may be necessary to seek professional help. A therapist will be able to help you understand your husband’s disorder and give you strategies for dealing with the challenges it presents.


In conclusion, when it comes to this type of personality disorder, there is no magic cure. Your best bet for a successful marriage with a narcissistic husband is to be aware of the symptoms and learn effective communication skills so that you can manage his behavior in order to keep your relationship healthy and happy.

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