If you have a neglectful narcissist in your life, you know how frustrating and damaging they can be. They are always putting their own needs first, and they couldn’t care less about the impact their behavior has on others. If you’re struggling to deal with a neglectful narcissist, this blog post is for you. We will discuss the signs of a neglectful narcissist, as well as how to protect yourself from harmful behavior.
- 1 Who Is A Neglectful Narcissist?
- 2 What Are The Warning Signs?
- 2.1 Are always late or cancel plans
- 2.2 Never listen when you’re talking to them
- 2.3 Always expect you to do things for them
- 2.4 Often talk about their accomplishments
- 2.5 Never take responsibility for their own actions
- 2.6 Always try to control
- 2.7 Make promises they never keep
- 2.8 Take advantage of yourself and your time
- 2.9 Never show any appreciation for anything you do
- 2.10 Frequently start arguments or drama
- 2.11 Have to be the center of attention
- 2.12 Never show any empathy or compassion
- 2.13 Make insensitive comments every time
- 2.14 Never take any interest in your life
- 2.15 Only contact you when they need something
- 2.16 Are unhappy and dissatisfied with everything
- 2.17 Make demands but never give anything in return
- 3 What Are The Solutions?
- 4 Conclusion
Who Is A Neglectful Narcissist? 
A neglectful narcissist is someone who is so wrapped up in themselves that they neglect the needs of others. They may not intend to hurt or ignore those around them, but their self-absorption can make it difficult for them to see how their actions are affecting others.
This type of narcissism can be damaging to relationships, as the neglectful narcissist may not realize how their behavior is impacting those closest to them. If you’re in a relationship with a neglectful narcissist, it’s important to understand what motivates their behavior and how you can best deal with it.
What Are The Warning Signs? 
A neglectful narcissist is someone who is extremely self-centered and only concerned with their own needs and wants. They have a complete disregard for other people’s feelings and needs, and they often take advantage of or manipulate others to get what they want. neglectful narcissists are usually very charming and charismatic, which can make them difficult to deal with. If you’re in a relationship with a neglectful narcissist, here are some signs to look out for.
Are always late or cancel plans
Neglectful narcissists are always late or cancel plans at the last minute without any explanation. This can leave their friends and family feeling frustrated, unimportant, and devalued. They may also ignore their loved ones for days or weeks at a time, only to reappear and act as if nothing happened. These behaviors can be extremely hurtful and cause immense emotional pain.
Never listen when you’re talking to them
Neglectful narcissists never listen when you’re talking to them and always think they know better than you. They will constantly interrupt you, talk over you, and ignore what you’re saying. They believe that they are always right and that their opinions are the only ones that matter. This can be extremely frustrating and make it very difficult to have a conversation with them.
Always expect you to do things for them
Neglectful narcissists always expect you to do things for them but never return the favor. For example, neglectful narcissists will often ask their partners to do something for them but then not reciprocate when their partner needs help. This can leave the partner feeling used and unimportant.
Additionally, neglectful narcissists may also neglect their own children and expect others to care for them instead. This type of behavior can be extremely damaging to relationships and families.
Often talk about their accomplishments
Neglectful narcissists are always talking about themselves and their accomplishments, expecting you to be impressed. They will go on and on about their successes, their wealth, their power, and their influence. And if you don’t seem suitably impressed, they will become angry and aggressive.
For instance, neglectful narcissists will often interrupt conversations to make sure that everyone knows about their latest achievements. Or they will monopolize conversations, steering the discussion back to themselves no matter what anyone else says.
Never take responsibility for their own actions
Neglectful narcissists never take responsibility for their own actions and always blame others for their problems. For example, if they neglect to pay a bill on time, they will blame the person who sent the bill for not sending it sooner. If someone criticizes them, they will say that the person is just jealous of them. They never take responsibility for their own actions and always blame others.
Always try to control
They are always trying to be the center of attention and need constant validation from others. A neglectful narcissist will often try to control every conversation and make it all about them. They will also interrupt others frequently and monopolize conversations. Additionally, neglectful narcissists will often talk over others and finish their sentences for them.
For instance, neglectful narcissists will often try to control what their partner wears or how they spend their time. They may also try to dictate who their partner talks to and who they associate with. neglectful narcissists may also try to control the finances in a relationship and decide what is best for their partner without consulting them first.
Make promises they never keep
Neglectful narcissists always make promises they never keep. This is because they are only interested in themselves and their own needs. They don’t care about anyone else, so they don’t care about keeping their promises.
Neglectful narcissists will often say whatever they need to say to get what they want. They might make grandiose promises that they have no intention of keeping. Or, they might make smaller promises that they know they can easily break. Either way, neglectful narcissists don’t care about keeping their word.
Take advantage of yourself and your time
Neglectful narcissists always take advantage of you and your time. They will neglect your needs and feelings while expecting you to be available for their every whim. This type of behavior is often seen in relationships where one person is narcissistic and the other is codependent. The narcissist will use the codependent’s need for approval and validation to control and manipulate them.
For instance, a neglectful narcissist may neglect their partner’s needs for attention and affection while expecting them to be available for sex and other forms of gratification. If the codependent does not comply, the narcissist may threaten to leave or withdraw their love and support.
Never show any appreciation for anything you do
A neglectful narcissist is someone who never shows any appreciation for anything you do for them. It doesn’t matter how big or small the gesture is, they will never acknowledge it or show any gratitude. This can be extremely frustrating and hurtful, especially if you’re constantly putting their needs above your own.
For instance, let’s say you’ve been dating a neglectful narcissist for six months. During that time, you’ve gone out of your way to do things for them, like picking up their dry cleaning, taking care of their pet while they’re out of town, and making sure they always have a clean house. But no matter how much you do for them, they never say thank you or show any appreciation.
Frequently start arguments or drama
Neglectful narcissists always seem to be trying to start arguments or drama with you and other people. They might try to provoke you into an argument by saying things that they know will upset you, or by constantly picking at minor issues until you finally lose your temper. Or, they may try and stir up drama between you and someone else, such as a friend or family member.
For instance, they might try to convince your friend that you said something bad about them when you didn’t. Or, they may tell your family member that you’re not really interested in spending time with them when that’s not true. In short, neglectful narcissists often try to create chaos and conflict in order to feel more important and empowered.
Have to be the center of attention
Neglectful narcissists are always looking for ways to be the center of attention. They may get angry or irritable when they feel like they’re not getting enough attention.
For example, a neglectful narcissist might get upset if their partner is talking to someone else at a party or if they’re not getting enough likes on their social media posts. They may get irritated when people don’t listen to them or when they’re not getting the attention they feel they deserve.
Never show any empathy or compassion
Neglectful narcissists never show any empathy or compassion towards others. This is because they are so wrapped up in themselves that they cannot see the needs of anyone else.
They believe that everyone should revolve around them and their needs, and they will do whatever it takes to make sure that happens. This can include manipulating, gaslighting, and even outright lying to get what they want.
Make insensitive comments every time
Neglectful narcissists always make insensitive and hurtful comments. One example of this is when they neglect to acknowledge their partner’s accomplishments or contributions. This can be incredibly hurtful and demotivating, leading the partner to feel unimportant and unappreciated.
Another way neglectful narcissists might show their insensitivity is through belittling comments or remarks. This can make the victim feel small, worthless, and humiliated.
Never take any interest in your life
Neglectful narcissists never take any interest in your life or what’s going on with you. neglectful narcissists never take any interest in your life or what’s going on with you. They’re always talking about themselves and their own problems. They don’t care about anyone else.
If you try to talk to them about your problems, they’ll either ignore you or brush you off. For example, neglectful narcissists never ask you how your day was. They don’t care about your hobbies or interests. All they care about is themselves and their own needs.
Only contact you when they need something
A neglectful narcissist is someone who only contacts you when they need something from you. For example, they may only call you when they need a favor or want to borrow money. They never take the time to ask how you’re doing or show any interest in your life. This can be extremely hurtful and frustrating, especially if you’ve been trying to build a relationship with this person.
Are unhappy and dissatisfied with everything
Neglectful narcissists are never happy with anything and they always feel like something is missing in their lives. They are always looking for something better and they will never be satisfied with what they have. They want everything to be perfect and they will do whatever it takes to make sure that everything is under their control.
Make demands but never give anything in return
Neglectful narcissists are always making demands but never giving anything in return. They might demand your time, energy, or resources, but they never reciprocate. This can be extremely frustrating, especially if you’re trying to maintain a relationship with them.
One example of this is when neglectful narcissists constantly ask for favors but never return the favor. Or, they might make demands that are impossible to meet without neglecting your own needs. For instance, a neglectful narcissist might expect you to be available 24/7 even though they never give you the same level of attention or support. This imbalance can leave you feeling used, unappreciated, and drained.
What Are The Solutions?
Many people remain confused and can’t seek a proper remedy for so long. Such type of personality takes a toll on their life as huge changes are brought into anyone’s life after a narcissist enters a person’s life. However, there are solutions available and you can manage and overcome gradually of this problem.
Seek Professional Help

If you’re in a relationship with a neglectful narcissist, it’s important to seek help from a therapist or counselor who can help you learn how to deal with narcissistic behavior.
- With the help of a therapist, you can learn how to set boundaries, how to communicate effectively, and how to take care of yourself. You can also learn about narcissistic personality disorder and how to deal with someone who has it. If you’re ready to take back control of your life and your relationship, seek help from a therapist today.
- The therapist will help you understand what is going on, set boundaries, and take care of yourself. You can also learn about narcissistic personality disorder and how to deal with someone who has it. If you’re ready to take back control of your life and your relationship, seek help from a therapist today.
- There are a number of therapies that can be used by therapists to help neglectful narcissists. One approach is cognitive-behavioral therapy, which helps the individual to identify and change negative thoughts and behaviors. Another approach is family or couples therapy, which can help to improve communication and resolve conflict within the relationship. Another therapy is called psychodynamic therapy, which focuses on the individual’s past experiences and how they may be impacting their current behavior. Finally, there is group therapy, which can provide support and allow neglectful narcissists to share their experiences with others.
Whichever approach is used, it is important that the therapist has experience treating neglectful narcissism. If you are seeking help for yourself or someone you know who is neglectful and narcissistic, please reach out to a qualified mental health professional.
Know Well How To Deal With Such A Personality

If you’re in a relationship with a neglectful narcissist, you may feel like you’re always last on their list of priorities. However, here are some useful tips which help you better deal with them:
- Set boundaries. They will likely try to push those boundaries, but it’s important that you stand your ground. If they cross your boundaries, don’t hesitate to call them out on it.
- Don’t give them the satisfaction of getting a reaction out of you. This is what they want – for you to get upset and react emotionally. If you can stay calm and collected, it will take away their power.
- Make them understand that their neglectful behavior is not acceptable and will not be tolerated. If they don’t want to change, then you may have to consider ending the relationship.
- Try to understand their mindset. Neglectful narcissists often have a deep-seated fear of abandonment. This may be why they neglect their partners as they’re afraid of getting too close and then being abandoned. If you can understand this, it may help you to have some empathy for them.
- Love them unconditionally. This doesn’t mean that you have to put up with their neglectful behavior, but it does mean that you should love them despite it. This can be a difficult thing to do, but it’s important to remember that they’re not their neglectful behavior – they’re just someone who is struggling with it.
- Make them visualize what they are doing. Try to get them to visualize the pain and hurt they are causing you. This may help them to see how their neglectful behavior is impacting their life.
If they continue to neglect your needs, then you may need to consider ending the relationship. Just remember that you’re not responsible for their happiness, only your own.
Take Care Of Yourself
Make sure you take care of yourself first and foremost. Neglectful narcissists often suck the life out of their partners, so it’s important that you nurture your own well-being. Instead, focus on taking care of yourself and getting your own needs met.
- Find a support group: There are often groups available to help people deal with narcissistic abuse. This can be a great way to meet other people who understand what you’re going through and can offer support and advice.
- Know your worth: It’s easy to get sucked into thinking that you need a neglectful narcissist in your life, but this is not the case. Remember that you are worthy of love and respect, and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.
- Give yourself time: It takes time to heal from narcissistic abuse. Be patient with yourself and don’t expect to feel better overnight. Give yourself the time and space you need to recover, and eventually, you’ll start to feel like yourself again.
- Make a new path: After you’ve taken the time to heal, it’s up to you to decide what your next steps will be. You may decide to stay in the relationship or leave it, but either way, make sure you’re doing what’s best for you. Narcissistic abuse can be incredibly damaging, but it doesn’t have to define your life. You are strong and capable of moving on to better things.
If you’re in a relationship with a neglectful narcissist, there are some things you can do to try and improve the situation. However, remember that you cannot change or fix a person. The best thing you can do is take care of yourself and set boundaries.
Neglectful narcissists are some of the most difficult people to deal with. They are selfish, unemotional, and often-times seem completely unconcerned with the feelings of others. If you find yourself in a relationship with a neglectful narcissist, it is important to set boundaries and stick to them. Don’t allow yourself to be treated like an object or a doormat because you deserve better than that.
If you’re struggling to deal with a neglectful narcissist in your life, there are many resources available to help you. Seek out professional help if needed, and remember that you are not alone in this situation. With time and patience, it is possible to learn how to deal with a neglectful narcissist and move on with your life.
Professional Guidance is the first step in order to move toward your healing journey. You can try reaching Mantra Care to seek expert help in the comfort of your own home. Our therapists will help you get a solution to manage and overcome your problem. You can book your online therapy and talk directly to your assigned mentor. You may also download our free Android or iOS app.