All You Need To Know About Family Trauma Therapy

Family Trauma Therapy

Trauma can be a challenging and painful experience that affects not only the individual but also the family. Family trauma therapy is a specialized type of therapy that focuses on helping families heal from traumatic events. In this blog, we will explore what family trauma therapy is, how it works, and the potential benefits it can offer to individuals and families. We will also answer your question “How to find family trauma therapy near me?”. 

What Is Family Trauma Therapy?

What Is Family Trauma Therapy?Family trauma therapy is a type of therapy that focuses on helping families heal from traumatic experiences. It involves identifying and addressing the impact of the trauma on the family system. The therapy aims to improve communication, rebuild trust, and promote a sense of safety and connection within the family. The therapist may use a range of approaches to help families process and heal from the trauma.

How Is Family Trauma Therapy Delivered?

Family trauma therapy typically involves several stages to address the impact of the traumatic experience on the family system. The specific stages may vary depending on the needs of the family and the approach of the therapist. However, here are some common stages:

  • Assessment: The therapist will conduct an initial assessment to gather information about the nature of the trauma. He will also identify its impact on individual family members and the family as a whole. Additionally, he will check the family’s strengths and challenges as well.
  • Psychoeducation: The therapist will provide the family with information about trauma and its effects. This will help them to understand how the trauma has affected their functioning and relationships.
  • Stabilization: The therapist will work with the family to develop coping skills and strategies. This will help them to manage symptoms related to the trauma, such as anxiety or depression.
  • Processing the trauma: The therapist will help the family members to explore and understand their feelings related to the trauma. The family will process the traumatic experience in a safe and supportive environment.
  • Reconnection: The therapist will support the family in rebuilding trust, improving communication, and strengthening their relationships with each other.
  • Integration: The therapist will work with the family to integrate the lessons learned in therapy into their daily lives, helping them to sustain progress and prevent future problems.

Types Of Trauma Therapy For Family

Given below are some types of therapies for families suffering from trauma:

Family Systems Therapy

Family Systems TherapyThis approach focuses on how each member’s behavior affects and is affected by the system as a whole. The therapist will work with the family to identify patterns of interaction that may be contributing to the family’s difficulties and help them develop healthier ways of communicating and relating to each other. It is typically a long-term approach that aims to promote lasting changes in the family’s functioning.

Trauma-Focused CBT

This therapy is an evidence-based approach that combines cognitive-behavioral techniques with specific strategies for addressing trauma symptoms. TF-CBT typically involves teaching coping skills to manage trauma-related symptoms, as well as exploring and processing traumatic memories. The therapist may use a variety of techniques, such as relaxation exercises, cognitive restructuring, and exposure therapy, to help individuals and families manage trauma-related symptoms.

Play Therapy

Play therapy uses play as a means of communication for children who have experienced trauma. Through play, children can express their feelings and explore their experiences in a safe and supportive environment. Play therapy can also involve the family as a whole, helping to facilitate healthy interaction and communication.

EMDR Therapy

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) is a technique that uses eye movements to help individuals process traumatic memories and reduce related symptoms. EMDR is typically used with individuals, but it can also be used with families as a whole. The therapist will work with the family to identify traumatic experiences that may be contributing to their difficulties and guide them through the EMDR process.

Dialectical Behavior Therapy

DBT is a type of therapy that focuses on developing skills to manage difficult emotions and relationships. It may be used with families who have experienced trauma to help them manage the emotional fallout and improve communication. DBT typically involves teaching skills such as mindfulness, emotion regulation, distress tolerance, and interpersonal effectiveness.

Psychodynamic Therapy

Psychodynamic TherapyThis therapy is a type of talk therapy that explores the unconscious thoughts and feelings that may be contributing to a family’s difficulties. The therapist will work with the family to identify and explore underlying conflicts, emotions, and patterns of behavior. Psychodynamic therapy is typically a long-term approach that aims to help families develop insight into their difficulties and make lasting changes.

Benefits Of Family Trauma Therapy

Family trauma therapy can offer several benefits to individuals and families who have experienced traumatic events. Here are some potential benefits of family trauma therapy:

  • Improved Communication: Family trauma therapy can help family members communicate more effectively with each other. By working with a therapist, families can learn to express their emotions and needs in healthy and constructive ways, which can improve relationships and reduce conflict.
  • Reduced Symptoms: Trauma can cause a wide range of emotional and physical symptoms. This might include anxiety, depression, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Therapy can help reduce these symptoms by teaching coping skills and strategies to manage difficult emotions and thoughts.
  • Increased Resilience: Trauma can be incredibly disruptive to a family’s functioning and can make it difficult to cope with life’s challenges. Family trauma therapy can help families develop resilience, which is the ability to bounce back from difficult experiences and adapt to change.
  • Strengthened Family Bonds: Trauma can strain relationships between family members, leading to feelings of isolation and disconnection. Family trauma therapy can help families rebuild their bonds by fostering empathy, trust, and understanding.
  • Healing of Trauma Wounds: It can help individuals and families process and heal from traumatic experiences. Therapy can help individuals come to terms with their experiences and find a path to healing.

Ways To Find Family Trauma Therapy Near Me

Ways To Find Family Trauma Therapy Near MeHere are some ways to find family trauma therapy near you:

  • Search Online: One of the easiest ways to find family trauma therapy near you is to search online. You can search for “family trauma therapy” or “family therapy” in your local area, and you’ll likely find a list of therapists or clinics that specialize in this type of therapy.
  • Ask Your Doctor or Healthcare Provider: If you’re already seeing a healthcare provider for other issues, they may be able to recommend a family therapist or trauma specialist in your area.
  • Contact Your Insurance Company: If you have health insurance, your insurance company may have a list of approved therapists or clinics in your area. You can contact your insurance company to find out if they cover family trauma therapy and to get a list of providers.
  • Ask for Referrals: You can also ask for referrals from friends, family members, or colleagues who have had experience with family trauma therapy. They may be able to recommend a therapist or clinic that they found helpful.
  • Contact Local Mental Health Organizations: There may be local mental health organizations or community centers in your area that offer family trauma therapy. You can contact these organizations to find out what resources are available in your area.


In conclusion, family trauma can have a profound impact on individuals and families, but family trauma therapy can help them heal and recover. By working with a therapist who is trained in trauma treatment, families can learn to communicate more effectively, reduce symptoms, and increase resilience. Family trauma therapy can also help families rebuild their relationships and bonds, leading to a stronger and healthier family unit. If you or someone you know has experienced family trauma, seek help from a qualified therapist or mental health professional.

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