Self-Tests | 40 Different Types of Self-Tests

Self-Tests 40 Different Types of Self-Tests

What Are Self-Tests?

What Are Self-Tests?Testing your mental health is a great way to learn more about yourself and the state of your mind. There are hundreds, if not thousands, of ways that you can test yourself. It is for different types of issues such as depression or anxiety. A self-test is generally quick and easy. These self-tests can provide some helpful insight into what might be going on inside your head. It’s important to remember that these tests alone cannot diagnose anything. They should simply point out possible problems so that you can seek professional help from a doctor. Here are several popular forms of tests and how it works in order for you to make an informed decision before trying them out.

Types of Self-Tests

There are many different types of mental health self-tests.

Depression Tests

There are some different depression tests that are typically used in order to determine whether or not someone has depression. Some examples of these tests include the Patient Health Questionnaire- Nine Item (PHQ-09), Beck Depression Inventory, Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale – Short Form, and others.

ADHD Tests

There are some different ADHD self-tests that can be taken if you think you might have ADHD. These usually consist of 25 questions with a yes/no answer format. The following is an example of one such test: “Do your friends complain about your forgetfulness?” If the answer is ‘yes, then it counts as a point towards having this disorder; however, there isn’t any scoring system like other mental health tests where certain numbers mean specific things.

Anxiety Tests

There are many different anxiety tests that you can take. These are to determine whether or not you might have an anxiety disorder. Some examples of these include the Harvard Trauma Questionnaire, DASS-21 (Depression and Anxiety Scales), Goldberg Anxiety Scale, Spielberger State/Trait Anxiety Inventory for Children.

Schizophrenia Tests

These schizophrenia self-assessment scales allow you to test yourself against symptoms that have been diagnosed in someone with this type of mental illness.

Bipolar Disorder Tests

There are a variety of different bipolar disorder tests that you can take to determine whether or not you might have this condition. These include the Mood Disorder Questionnaire, Young Mania Rating Scale, and others.

Personality Trait Test

This is a personality trait questionnaire that measures the five major traits commonly studied by psychologists. Bipolar Disorder Screener Questionnaire (BDI) – The Mood Disorders Center recommends taking their bipolar screener before speaking with your doctor about whether or not there’s reason to be concerned about bipolar disorder symptoms occurring in yourself or a loved one.

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder Tests (OCD)

A scale is used specifically to measure the severity of the obsessive-compulsive disorder. Some examples of OCD Tests are the Yale-Brown Obsessive-Compulsive Scale, Padua Inventory, and others.

Emotional Intelligence Test

This test serves as a self-assessment that allows you to determine how well your emotions are controlled and balanced. Some examples are the Self-Assessment Questionnaire, Test of Emotional Intelligence (EQ-I), and others.

Aptitude Tests

Aptitude tests are typically intelligence tests that have been designed by psychologists especially for work selection purposes, where you can take these before going into an interview or job training program so as to determine the best placement based on your skillset. Some examples of aptitude tests include Raven’s Progressive Matrices, Mill Hill Vocabulary Scale, General Technical Aptitude Test Battery, Armed Services Vocabulary Test-Revised Form S (ASVAB).

Multiple Intelligence Quotient Test

This test is used in order to measure a person’s multiple intelligences level through a series of questions and tasks; afterward, it provides you with a score that corresponds to your level.

Sex- Personality Test

These tests are typically used for dating and finding out more information about a person’s personality or values. They can be taken online. Some examples of sex-personality tests include the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, The Big Five Personality Test, and others.

Anger Test

These are some anger tests that you can take to determine whether or not there’s a reason for concern regarding the level of your anger. Some examples include the State-Trait Anger Expression Inventory (STAXI), The Aggression Questionnaire, and others.

Stress Test

This test measures your stress levels based on a series of questions; it provides you with an overall score so as to let you know how stressed out you might be at this particular time in your life.

Relationship Test

This test is used in order to determine the general compatibility of you and a significant other. Some examples include The Relationship Compatibility Test, Enneagram Tests, Love Styles Questionnaire-Revised (LSQ-R), and others.

Self-Esteem Test

Self-Esteem tests are typically scales that have been designed by psychologists especially to measure someone’s self-esteem levels; they can be taken online. Some examples of these tests include the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale, Narcissistic Personality Inventory (NPI), and others.

Locus of Control Test

This test is used in order to determine if you have an internal locus of control or an external one. Some examples include the Nowicki-Strickland Scale, Levenson’s Locus of Control Scale, and others.

Fertility Test

This test is a series of questions that you can take in order to determine your fertility level; it provides you with an overall score so as to let you know how fertile or infertile you may be.

Happiness Tests

Happiness tests are some of the most common tests that you can take online. They’re used in order to determine how happy or unhappy a person might be within certain circumstances, and they typically provide you with an overall score so as to allow for a better understanding of your happiness levels at this time. Some examples include the Oxford Happiness Inventory (OHI), Subjective Happiness Scale, and others.

Productivity Test

This test is a series of questions that you can take in order to determine your productivity levels. Some examples include the Productivity Environment Inventory (PEI), Personal Productivity Survey-Short Form (PPS), and others.

Memory Tests

These tests are used in order to determine how well your memory might be or if there’s a reason for concern regarding its strength and functionality, as it relates to other factors such as age; they typically provide you with an overall score so as to allow for a better understanding of your memory levels at this time. Some examples include The Complete Questionnaire (CQ), Snodgrass and Vanderwart’s Standardized Visual Mnemonic Stimuli Set, and others.

IQ Test

You can take IQ Self-tests to determine how intelligent or unintelligent a person might be and they typically provide you with an overall score so as to allow for a better understanding of your intelligence levels at this time. Some examples include The Wechsler Scales – Intelligence Test, Raven Progressive Matrices (RPM), Kaufman Adolescent & Adult Intelligence Test-Second Edition (KAIT II), and others.

Jealousy Tests

Jealousy tests are to determine how jealous or non-jealous a person might be and they typically provide you with an overall score so as to allow for a better understanding of your jealousy levels at this time. Some examples include The Multidimensional Jealousy Scale, Reactions to Relationship Infidelity Questionnaire (RRIQ), State-Trait Anger Expression Inventory – Trait Version (STAXI-T)

Attention Tests

Attention tests can measure someone’s attention level within certain circumstances; they generally provide you with an overall score so as to allow for a better understanding of your attention levels at this time. Some examples include the Cambridge Neuropsychological Test Automated Battery (CANTAB) Attention Network Task, Conners Continuous Performance Test II – Adult Version, Multi-Source Interference Task – Standard Version.

Bulimia Test

Bulimia tests help to determine if someone may have bulimia or not, and they typically provide you with an overall score so as to allow for a better understanding of your levels at this time. Some examples include Eating Disorder Inventory-Third Edition (EDI-III), Bulimic Investigatory Test Edinburgh (BITE), Clinical Impairment Assessment Questionnaire – Binge Eating Subscale (CIAQ-BE).

Insomnia Test

Insomnia tests are available to determine if someone might have an insomnia problem or not, and they typically provide you with an overall score so as to allow for a better understanding of your levels at this time. Some examples include the Insomnia Severity Index (ISI), Bergen Insomnia Scale-Revised, Sleep Condition Indicator-Chinese Version.

Alcoholism test

Alcoholism tests are available to determine if someone might have an alcoholism problem or not, and they typically provide you with an overall score so as to allow for a better understanding of your levels at this time. Some examples include the Alcohol Dependence Scale (ADS), the Severity of Alcohol Dependence Questionnaire – Chinese Version, Michigan Alcoholism Screening Test-Geriatric Version (MAST-G).

Shopping Addiction test

Shopping addiction tests help to determine how addicted one is shopping, whether it’s online shopping or offline; these tests generally provide you with an overall score so as to allow for a better understanding of your levels at this time. Some examples include the Compulsive Buying Scale–Chinese Revised Version (CBS-R), Compulsive Buying Scale–Dutch Version, Shopping Addiction Scale.

Narcissism Test

Narcissism tests are used to determine how narcissistic or non-narcissistic a person might be and they typically provide you with an overall score so as to allow for a better understanding of your levels at this time. Some examples include the Hypersensitive Narcissism Scale (HSNS), Revised Cheek & Buss Shyness scale, Inventory of Callous Unemotional Traits – Short Form (ICU), etc.

Focus Test

Focus tests are available to determine how focused a person might be, and they typically provide you with an overall score so as to allow for a better understanding of your levels at this time. Some examples include the Continuous Performance Task (CPT), Conners’ Continuous Performance Test – Adult Version, Tunnel Car Tracking Test – Chinese Standardized Version.

Aggression Tests

Aggression tests measure one’s aggression level within certain circumstances; these generally provide you with an overall score so as to allow for a better understanding of your levels at this time. Some examples include Buss-Perry Aggression Questionnaire – Chinese Revised Edition (BPAQ-R/C), State Hostility Scale, Cook Medley Hostility Scale, etc.

Commitment Test

Commitment tests determine how committed someone is, whether it’s in their relationships or career; these generally provide you with an overall score so as to allow for a better understanding of your levels at this time. Some examples include Single Category Implicit Association Test (SC-IAT), Multi-Source Interference Task – Relationship Version, etc.

Motivation Tests

Motivation self-tests measure one’s motivation level within certain circumstances; they typically provide you with an overall score so as to allow for a better understanding of your levels at this time. Some examples include the Intrinsic Motivation Inventory – Chinese Revised Edition (IMI-R/C), Achievement Motivation Scale –Short Form (AMS-SF).

Self Control Test

Self-control determines how much self-control someone has; they provide you with an overall score so as to allow for a better understanding of your levels at this time. Some examples include the Exercise subscale (CES), Brief Test of Self Control, etc.

Sex-Addiction Tests

Sex-addiction test measure one’s sex addiction and provide you with an overall score so as to allow for a better understanding of your levels at this time. Some examples include the Derogatis Interview for Sexual Functioning, The Hypersexual Behavior Inventory—Short Form (HBI-SF), etc.

Social Anxiety Test

Social anxiety self-tests help to determine how socially anxious someone might be; they generally provide you with an overall score so as to allow for a better understanding of your levels at this time. Some examples include the Liebowitz Social Anxiety Scale – Chinese Version, Brief Fear Of Negative Evaluation – Short form (BFNE).

Autism Tests

Autism tests help to determine how autistic or non-autistic a person might be; they generally provide you with an overall score so as to allow for a better understanding of your levels at this time. Some examples include the Childhood Autism Rating Scale (CARS), Social Communication Questionnaire, etc.

Psychopath Tests

Psychopath tests measure the presence of psychopathic behavior. They provide you with an overall score so as to allow for a better understanding of your levels at this time. Some examples include Hare Psychopathy Checklist-Revised (PCL-R), etc.

Mood Disorder Tests

Mood disorder self-test determines how likely someone is to suffer from mood disorders; they generally provide you with an overall score so as to allow for a better understanding of your levels at this time. Some examples include Beck Depression Inventory, State-Trait Anger Expression Inventory – Chinese Version, etc.

Sociopath Tests

Sociopath tests measure the presence of sociopathic behavior. They provide you with an overall score so as to allow for a better understanding of your levels at this time. Some examples include Hare Psychopathy Checklist-Revised (PCL-R), etc.

Emotional Detachment Tests

Emotional detachment tests measure how detached one might be from their emotions; they typically provide you with an overall score so as to allow for a better understanding of your levels at this time. Some examples include Questionnaire Measure of Cognitive Distancing, etc.


Mental health self-test can be a great resource for anyone looking to understand their own mental state and the potential impact on others. It’s important to take these tests with an open mind. This is because they are not diagnoses in any way but rather guidelines.  These tests may help you determine if you need any professional help.

Remember, these tests cannot diagnose or cure anything. The best thing you can do when taking one of these online questionnaires is to answer honestly and openly. It is so that your results will be most accurate. The self-tests are straightforward and easy to use. If you’re curious about your mental health, this is a great way to get an idea of where that stands in relation to the general population. Mental health awareness has never been more important than it is today. If you haven’t checked out these tests yet – what are you waiting for?

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