Narcissistic Therapist: How to Identify a Good One

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A narcissistic therapist is a person who has an inflated sense of their importance and a lack of empathy. They may be unfit for work, but some people prefer them to other therapists. Because they are more confident and self-assured than others.

This blog post will cover what is a narcissistic therapist, the traits of a narcissistic therapist, what motivates a narcissist to become a therapist, who are unfit for work, and eventually how to identify a good therapist.

What Is a Narcissistic Therapist?

narcissistic therapist

A narcissist therapist is a person who has an inflated sense of their importance and lacks empathy. They may seem very confident, but that’s just because they don’t care about the feelings or thoughts of others.

Many people prefer them to therapists with other personality disorders because they are more self-assured and convincing than most people. This can make them seem more competent to their clients. However, this inflated sense of self can also lead to narcissists being unfit for work as therapists.

Signs of a Narcissistic Therapist

The following signs can help you determine if your therapist has an inflated sense of self-importance:

  • They speak of themselves in an exaggerating way.
  • Their projected accomplishments are far greater than those you know to be true.
  • Oftentimes, they will try and humiliate or shame you on the first meeting because their ego needs constant stroking.


  • An inflated sense of their importance
  • Lack empathy for others
  • Motivated by power and control
  • May be unfit for work

What Motivates a Narcissist to Become a Therapist?

narcissistic therapists

Many motivations can lead a narcissist to become a therapist. They may have had bad experiences with therapy in the past and be looking to take control of the situation. Or, they may see it as an opportunity to build their empire and feel superior to others.

Some narcissists become therapists because they want to feel powerful and in control. Narcissists may also become therapists because they have deep loneliness. So while their clients are finding self-fulfillment the narcissist is looking for love from his or her client.

Whatever the reason, narcissists should not be therapists because they are motivated by their own needs rather than the needs of their clients.

Are They Unfit for Work?

Some people believe that narcissist therapists are unfit for work because they cannot show empathy or work outside of a power dynamic. However, healthy narcissism is needed to empathize with others and maintain healthy relationships.

However, if they display signs of grandiosity and entitlement, lack empathy for others, or are motivated by power then they may not be fit for work.

The following reasons can make a therapist unfit for work:

  • Display signs of grandiosity and entitlement
  • Lack empathy for others
  • Their motivation is based on power and control instead of helping their clients

NOTE: The most important thing for you when looking for a therapist is to make sure that they are aware of their strengths and weaknesses. More importantly, they should be able to demonstrate empathy towards your needs.

The Difference Between Healthy Narcissism and Unhealthy Narcissism

What motivates a narcissist to become a therapist is the difference between healthy narcissism and unhealthy narcissism. In therapy, the therapist needs to have a healthy sense of narcissism.

A therapist with a healthy narcissism is aware of his strengths and weaknesses and can helpfully use them. He is also able to maintain healthy personal relationships and feel empathy for their clients.

Albeit, unhealthy narcissists become therapists to control and manipulate people. They feel that everyone owes them something and they are entitled to every wish. They also do not regret their actions because they think it is others’ fault for making them act the way they did.

How to Identify a Good (Narcissistic) Therapist

You can identify a good therapist with healthy narcissism if you look out for the following:

  • Acknowledge their strength and weaknesses
  • Have a healthy personal relationship
  • Feel empathy for their clients

It is important to remember that not all narcissist therapists are bad and some people prefer them because they are more confident and self-assured. Their confidence and self-assurance make them stand out from the other lot.

But keep in mind that narcissist therapists are motivated by different things than healthy narcissists. It makes them unfit for work irrespective of their knowledge or strengths. As they are less likely to use it for a noble purpose.

NOTE: If they display signs of grandiosity and entitlement, lack empathy for others, or are motivated by power then they may not be a good fit for you.

Importance Of Self Disclosure In Therapy

The most important thing in identifying a good therapist is self-disclosure. The therapist should be open and honest about their personal history and what led them to become a therapist. As it helps build trust with the client and encourages them to be share about themselves. If a therapist cannot be authentic and transparent then the relationship will not be beneficial for either party.

However, therapists who are narcissists may find it difficult to disclose personal information about themselves. As they may not want to expose their limitations or vulnerabilities out of their compulsive need to mask perfection. Nonetheless, it is still important for them to go above their compulsive need and be open to the comfort of their client.

NOTE: Additionally, if the therapist cannot empathize with your needs or does not have a healthy sense of narcissism, then they are also unfit for work. As it takes one to exude confidence in their skill to earn the trust of their client.


The most important thing for you to do when looking for a therapist is to make sure that they are aware of their strengths and weaknesses as well as admit them. If they display signs of grandiosity and entitlement, lack empathy for others, or are motivated by power then they may not be fit for work. As therapy is a noble profession stemming out of empathy for others and the will to make lives better.

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