Narcissistic Traits: Meaning And How To Manage Them

Narcissistic Traits

Narcissism is a personality disorder that is characterized by an inflated sense of self-importance, a need for excessive admiration, and a lack of empathy for others. Narcissists often have trouble maintaining healthy relationships and can be very harmful to the people around them. If you are wondering how to spot a narcissist, or if you are in a relationship with one, read on! In this blog post, we will discuss the top narcissistic traits and ways to protect yourself from their harmful behavior.

What Is Narcissism?

What Is Narcissism?Narcissism is a personality disorder that is characterized by an inflated sense of self-importance, a need for attention and admiration, and a lack of empathy. Narcissists are often perceived as being arrogant, self-centered, manipulative, and demanding.

While it is true that all of us have some narcissistic qualities, there are those who exhibit these qualities to a pathological level. Pathological narcissism is a serious mental health condition that can have devastating consequences for the narcissist’s family, friends, and coworkers.

Narcissism is also one of the most difficult personality disorders to treat. This is because narcissists are often unwilling to admit that they have a problem and seek help. Also, because they lack empathy, they often have difficulty understanding and responding to the needs of others.

Common Narcissistic Traits

Common Narcissistic Traits

These are some common traits that narcissists display. If you notice any of these in yourself, it’s important to seek help from a mental health professional.

Lack of Empathy

Lack of empathy is one of the most common narcissistic traits. Narcissists are unable to understand or feel the emotions of others. This can make them seem insensitive and uncaring. Also, because they cannot understand how others are feeling, they often have difficulty maintaining close relationships.

Grandiose Sense of Self-Importance

Narcissists have an inflated sense of self-importance. They believe that they are better than others and deserve special treatment. This can make them difficult to work with and be around. There may be also some grandiose thinking like they are destined for greatness. Also, they may take advantage of others to get what they want.

Need for admiration

Narcissists have a constant need for admiration. They need others to tell them how great they are and validate their sense of self-importance. This can make them seem needy and demanding. Also, they may try to belittle or put down those around them in order to feel superior. There may be also a sense of entitlement like they are owed something.

Manipulative behavior

Narcissists often use manipulation to get what they want. They may use flattery or make false promises in order to get others to do what they want. This can make them seem deceitful and untrustworthy. Also, they may take advantage of others by using them for their own gain.

Lack of remorse

Narcissists lack remorse for their actions. This is because they do not believe that they did anything wrong. They may blame others for the consequences of their actions or feel that they are entitled to whatever they want. This can make them seem callous and uncaring. Also, they may have difficulty accepting responsibility for their own actions.

Sense of Entitlement

A sense of entitlement is another common narcissistic trait. Narcissists believe that they are entitled to special treatment and privileges. This can make them seem arrogant and demanding. Also, they may take advantage of others or feel entitled to their admiration. There may be also a sense of entitlement when it comes to resources like they are owed something.

Exploitive Behavior

Exploiting others to meet their own needs. This can be done through manipulation, coercion, or taking advantage of others. This behavior often leaves the victim feeling used and mistreated. Also, narcissists may have a history of using people and then discarding them when they are no longer useful. It can be difficult to have a relationship with someone who is exploitative.

Feeling of Emptiness

Feeling empty is another common narcissistic trait. Narcissists often feel empty and alone, even when they are around others. This can make them seem distant and uninterested in those around them. Also, they may try to fill this emptiness with material possessions or by taking advantage of others.

Reacting to Criticism

Narcissists have a difficult time handling criticism. They may become defensive or even hostile when someone points out their flaws. This can make them seem thin-skinned and sensitive. Also, they may try to deflect the criticism by attacking the other person or making excuses. It’s important to be able to take constructive criticism without getting defensive in order to grow and improve.

Unable to Handle Rejection

Narcissists have a difficult time handling rejection. This is because they see it as a personal attack. They may react with anger or even violence when they are rejected. Also, they may try to sabotage the relationship in order to avoid being rejected again. It’s important to be able to handle rejection in a healthy way in order to maintain healthy relationships.

Sense of Insecurity

Narcissists often have a sense of insecurity. This is because they rely on others for validation and approval. Without this, they feel worthless and unimportant. This can make them seem clingy and needy. Also, they may try to compensate for their insecurity by putting down others or bragging about their accomplishments. It’s important to be able to accept oneself without needing constant approval from others.


Narcissists often feel jealous of others. This is because they feel that someone else has something that they don’t have. They may also feel threatened by someone who is successful or has something that they want. This can make them seem competitive and resentful. Also, they may try to undermine the other person in order to make themselves feel better. It’s important to be able to deal with jealousy in a healthy way in order to maintain healthy relationships.

Need for Control

Narcissists often need to control their environment and those around them. This is because they feel that they need to be in control in order to avoid being hurt or rejected. They may try to control others through manipulation, intimidation, or even violence. Also, they may try to control their own emotions by numbing them with drugs or alcohol. It’s important to be able to deal with the need for control in a healthy way in order not to become manipulative or abusive.

How To Manage Narcissistic Traits?

How To Manage Narcissistic Traits?

Managing narcissistic traits are very important because they can be very destructive.

There are three main ways to manage narcissistic traits:

Identify Triggers

Triggers are the things that cause narcissistic behavior. It is important to identify these triggers so that you can avoid them or be prepared for them. Also, it is important to identify your own triggers so that you can manage them. One can also try to avoid people or situations that trigger narcissistic behavior.

Change Your Thinking

It is important to change the way you think about yourself and others. This means accepting yourself and others for who they are and not trying to change them. It also means not taking things personally and not getting defensive when someone criticizes you. One can also try to see the good in others and focus on their positive qualities.

Build Healthy Relationships

Building healthy relationships is very important for managing narcissistic traits. This means having relationships where there is mutual respect, trust, and communication. It also means having boundaries and being able to assert yourself in a healthy way. One can also try to find a support system of friends or family who will accept you for who you are.

Seek Professional Help

If you think you or someone you know might have narcissistic traits, it’s important to seek professional help. This is because narcissistic traits can be very destructive and cause a lot of harm to oneself and others. There are many resources available to help those with narcissistic traits. With the right help, one can learn how to manage their narcissistic traits and live a happy and healthy life.

Mantra Care is a website that helps to provide information, support, and resources for those struggling with narcissistic traits. If you or someone you know is struggling with narcissistic traits, please visit our website or contact us for help.

Set Limits

Setting up limits is important for people who present narcissistic traits. This includes not letting them take advantage of you, setting boundaries in relationships, and not tolerating bad behavior. It also means being assertive and saying no when needed. One can also try to avoid people or situations that trigger narcissistic behavior. There may be times when it is necessary to end a relationship with someone who has narcissistic traits.


Narcissism is a personality disorder that is characterized by an inflated sense of self-importance, a need for admiration, and a lack of empathy. Narcissists are often manipulative and can be very difficult to deal with. If you think you might be dealing with a narcissist, it’s important to be aware of the signs and to take steps to protect yourself. There are also some things you can do to try to change the narcissist’s behavior. However, it’s important to remember that narcissists are very resistant to change, so don’t get too discouraged if your efforts don’t seem to be working. Spotting the traits is the first step in understanding how to deal with a narcissist.

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