The Vulnerable Narcissist: How to Protect Yourself?

The Vulnerable Narcissist: How to Protect Yourself?

Do you know someone who is a vulnerable narcissist? If so, you know how difficult it can be to deal with them. They are often charming and attractive, but they can also be manipulative and demanding. It’s important to protect yourself from these people, especially if you have to deal with them on a regular basis. In this blog post, we will discuss the signs of a vulnerable narcissist and tips for protecting yourself from them.

Who Is A Vulnerable Narcissist?

Who Is A Vulnerable Narcissist?A vulnerable narcissist is someone who has a fragile ego. They are easily offended and constantly need validation from others. They often react angrily or feel threatened when someone challenges them. Vulnerable narcissists are typically introverts. They may come across as shy or withdrawn. But beneath their surface, they feel superior to others and have a strong need for admiration.

A vulnerable narcissist is also described as a covert narcissist. They are not as outgoing or grandiose as the more common type of narcissist. But they share many of the same qualities. Like other narcissists, they have a sense of entitlement and crave attention and approval. They can be manipulative and exploitative. And they often lack empathy for others.

In fact, studies have shown that people who are high in narcissism are more likely to be vulnerable to anxiety and depression. This is because they often live in a state of fear that their true self will be exposed. When this happens, they may feel inadequate or even worthless.

It is important to identify them in order to protect yourself. Otherwise, they can wreak havoc in your life. Also, you should be aware that they will try to take advantage of you. So it is important to be on guard and not take anything they say or do at face value.

How To Recognize A Vulnerable Narcissist?

It is important to know the qualities of a vulnerable narcissist so that you can protect yourself from their manipulation. Here are some key signs to identify a vulnerable narcissist:

Excessively sensitive to criticism and easily offended

This is something that you will notice right away with a vulnerable narcissist. They are quick to take offense and will react strongly to any criticism, whether it is warranted or not. This can be displayed in both verbal and nonverbal ways, such as through sulking or giving the silent treatment. For example, if you said something that they didn’t like or if you forgot to do something they asked you to do.

Needs constant validation and approval

Another key sign of a vulnerable narcissist is their need for constant validation and approval. They will go to great lengths to get others to notice them and give them the attention they crave. This can manifest in both positive and negative ways. For example, a vulnerable narcissist may fish for compliments by constantly talking about themselves or they may try to control others through manipulation or intimidation.

Easily jealous and paranoid

Vulnerable narcissists are also easily jealous and paranoid. They are always on the lookout for any sign that someone is trying to take their place or steal their thunder. This can lead them to engage in controlling and possessive behaviors, such as checking up on you constantly or being overly critical of your choices. Being jealous and paranoid is such a common trait among vulnerable narcissists that it is often referred to as “narcissistic injury.”

Has a fragile ego

This ties in with the need for constant validation and approval. A vulnerable narcissist has a very fragile ego that can be easily bruised or even shattered. This means that they are constantly trying to protect themselves from anything that could potentially hurt their ego. For example, they may avoid any situation where they might fail or be rejected. They may also lash out at others when they feel threatened or insecure.

Self-centered and has difficulty empathizing

It is often believed that a vulnerable narcissist is self-centered and has difficulty empathizing with others. This is because they are so focused on their own needs and feelings that they have trouble understanding or even caring about the needs of others. This can make them seem selfish, insensitive, and even callous at times.

Exhibit controlling or manipulative behavior

Exhibit controlling or manipulative behaviorPeople who are vulnerable narcissists often exhibit controlling or manipulative behavior. This is because they need to feel in control at all times and will do whatever it takes to get what they want. For example, they may try to control others through manipulation or intimidation. They may also be very resistant to change since that would mean losing control.

Engage in self-destructive behaviors

It is believed that vulnerable narcissists often engage in self-destructive behaviors, such as substance abuse or risky behavior. This is because they are trying to numb the pain of their fragile egos. It is also a way for them to feel more in control since they are the ones choosing to engage in these behaviors. More often they are trying to cope with the insecurity and anxiety that comes from having a fragile ego.

So these are some common signs that you should be aware of if you think you might be dealing with a vulnerable narcissist. If you are in a relationship with one, it is important, to be honest with yourself about what you can and cannot handle. Because it can be difficult to deal with someone who has such a fragile ego, it is important to set boundaries and stick to them.

What Causes Vulnerable Narcissism?

What Causes Vulnerable Narcissism?There are many different theories out there about what causes vulnerable narcissism, but the most common explanation is that it’s the result of early childhood trauma. This could be anything from abuse or neglect to simply having parents who were emotionally unavailable. Whatever the cause, it leads to a deep-seated feeling of insecurity and a need for constant validation.

Some of the common causes that lead people to become a vulnerable narcissists are:

To put it simply, if someone has not received the proper love, attention, and validation early on in their life, they may develop narcissistic tendencies as a way to cope. This need for constant validation can manifest itself in many different ways, but some of the most common are:

  • Obsession with appearance
  • Need for excessive admiration
  • Sense of entitlement
  • Lack of empathy

So, the causes can actually be quite varied, but the result is always the same: a deep sense of insecurity and a need for constant validation. Therefore, it is important to be aware of the common causes so that you can better deal with a vulnerable narcissist should you ever encounter one.

How To Deal With A Vulnerable Narcissist?

It is often said that knowledge is power. In the case of the vulnerable narcissist, this couldn’t be more true. The more you understand about this type of personality, the better equipped you will be to deal with them. So, here are a few tips to better deal with a vulnerable narcissist:

Put firm boundaries

This is one of the most important things you can do when dealing with anyone, but it is especially important when dealing with a vulnerable narcissist. You need to be very clear about what you will and will not tolerate from them. If they step over your boundaries, don’t hesitate to walk away or end the relationship. In fact, boundaries are important in all relationships, but they are especially important when dealing with a personality disorder.

Don’t take their bait

Vulnerable narcissists are experts at manipulation and they will often try to use your own vulnerabilities against you. They may try to make you feel guilty or ashamed in order to control you. It is important not to take the bait and to stay in control of the situation. Moreover, it is important not to allow them to control you emotionally.

Recognize their tactics

Recognize their tacticsOne of the most important things you can do is to recognize the tactics that vulnerable narcissists use. This will help you to better deal with them. Once you know what they are up to, you can see through their facade and better protect yourself from their manipulation. For example, they may try to gaslight you or play the victim in order to gain sympathy and control.

Be assertive

It is important to be assertive when dealing with a vulnerable narcissist. This means being confident and firm in your beliefs and opinions. Don’t let them bully you into submission. Stand up for yourself and don’t back down. Moreover, assertiveness is also about setting boundaries. So, be clear about what you will and will not tolerate from them. For example, you might say something like, “I will not tolerate being treated this way. I deserve to be treated with respect.”

Build a support system

One of the most important things you can do is to build a support system. This might include family, friends, or even a therapist. These people can provide you with the emotional support you need to deal with a vulnerable narcissist. In addition, they can help you to see things from a different perspective and to make better decisions. Because a vulnerable narcissist tries to isolate you and control you, it is important to have other people in your life who can support you.

Don’t fall for their charms

Vulnerable narcissists are often very charming and they may try to use this charm to control you. They may try to sweep you off your feet or make you feel special in order to get what they want from you. It is important not to fall for their charms and to see them for who they really are. In addition, it is important to be aware of their other tactics, such as manipulation and control.

And you should not take their abuse. This is perhaps the most important point of all. Vulnerable narcissists are often abusive, both emotionally and physically. If you are in an abusive situation, it is important to get out as soon as possible. No one deserves to be treated this way. There are many resources available to help you if you are in an abusive situation.

Keep yourself cool

Keep your coolVulnerable narcissists are masters at pushing your buttons. They may try to make you angry in order to control you or to get what they want from you. It is important not to take the bait and to keep your cool. This can be difficult, but it is important not to allow them to control you with their words or actions. In addition, it is important not to engage in arguments with them. This will only give them the attention they crave and it will only make the situation worse.

Hence, these are some common things that you can do to protect yourself from a vulnerable narcissist. In addition, you should never tolerate their abuse and you should always keep your cool. If you need help, there are many resources available to assist you. Remember, you are not alone.


To conclude, a vulnerable narcissist is someone who is overly sensitive to criticism and has a fragile ego. They are prone to fits of anger and can be manipulative in order to get what they want. If you find yourself in a relationship with a vulnerable narcissist, it is important to set boundaries and stick to them.

Do not allow yourself to be manipulated or controlled. Speak up for yourself and do not be afraid to assert yourself. If necessary, seek professional help to deal with this type of person. Remember, you are not responsible for their happiness or well-being, only your own. Take care of yourself and stay safe.

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